Maltese bird hunters during migrationBecause the birds are being driven to extinction in some cases ie Turtle doves. Also he is well known and may be able to have an influence against this obscene act which is allowed by Europe.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patricia Webb
Please don't auction off Team GB Gold-medal-winning horse UthopiaThe dressage horse Uthopia is a massive part of the legacy of the London 2012 Olympics, where he helped Team GB win team gold in the dressage. However, he is due to be auctioned off as part of a bankruptcy asset sale by trustees Keenan Corporate Finance and HNH Group on 27th May 2016. Please don't let this happen. Uthopia deserves to retire in peace with his rider Carl Hester, who has cared for him for the last 11 years. Uthopia's welfare is also at stake, in that he has healthcare needs that are unlikely to be met if he is sold in this manner. For more information: http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/news/uthopia-sold-auction-533879409 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Charlotte Jago
STOP GUMTREE SELLING ALL ANIMALS ON THEIR SITEWe cannot have animals being sold on social network sites alongside second hand furniture, we must know where our animals have come from, any illnesses, who their parents are, and make sure animals aren't bought and sold for sport. There is no history regarding these poor animals, and no checks in place to make sure the people buying them are capable of looking after these animals. Barring these poor animals from Gumtree & all marketplace websites would make it so much harder for people to abuse these sites to sell ill animals, or to gain access to animals to use as bait or for sport.278,272 of 300,000 SignaturesCreated by Christine Gallagher
Tell ALDI and others, to stop selling Slug Pellets.....they Kill More than Slugs!Lets kill slugs......and everything that eats them! The main predators of slugs in the UK are hedgehogs, frogs and wild birds, while microscopic predatory nematodes and carabid beetles can also be important. Last year the Aldi said: "We've looked into this and can now assure you that all of our products meet legal requirements and are in line with the market standards. We value your opinion and will be sure to pass your feedback on to the relevant department as our pesticides policy undergoes review this year. Thanks again - Aldi UK Facebook Team" Well yesterday I took a snap of the same SPECIAL BUY toxic product on sale in their store..........obviously Aldi don't care what they destroy........ Selling a product that contains poison in the form of Metaldehyde contradicts and conflicts with Aldi's Corporate Responsibility Policy. Three specific extracts from their CRP on the environment states: To us, a quality product also needs to be made responsibly, so that what we sell is produced with respect for the environment and workers. It's our job to ensure that what you buy at Aldi has been grown, caught or made with care for the environment and that the workers involved are treated fairly. We are working closely with our suppliers and industry partners to ensure you can trust what you buy at Aldi. We are convinced that long term business success can only be achieved if we additionally assume responsibility for people and the environment. On the instructions of the product, in capital letters it states: SINCE THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS METALDEHYDE WHICH IS A POISON AND CAN KILL IF EATEN. IT MUST BE KEPT AWAY FROM CHILDREN AND PETS. SCATTER PELLETS THINLY. On the product under Environmental Protection, it also states: Do not contaminate water with the product or its container The Pesticide Action Network UK published an article that says: "There is widespread concern that there has been an unacceptable number of poisoning incidents especially involving domestic pets, wild animals and birds." There are many safe alternative to using this type of poisonous product, so PLEASE remove it from your stores Aldi, (and other high street businesses/garden centres, etc, etc) and offer safe, none toxic alternatives.2,740 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by John Brown
Wildlife campaigns get rid of Royal Presidents who huntHunting and conservation are contradictions in terms. If societies need a figurehead they should have someone who shares their views and not a two-faced, cynical, murderous, bloody-thirsty person such as the UK's Prince William.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rudi Affolter
Stop the repeal of animal welfare codesAbandoning codes of practice for farm animal welfare is not in the best interests of the animals or those who will ultimately consume an animal raised in poorer conditions. The RSPCA said it has been voicing concerns for the past three years about the “downgrading” of the guidelines from statutory codes to industry-led guidance and criticised the lack of transparency around the process. The meat industry has had many scandals over the years and weakening regulations can only increase animal suffering and impact those consuming meat reared under poorer quality conditions.138,283 of 200,000 SignaturesCreated by Cas Smith
Call Belvoir Hunt to AccountOn 12th March two hunt monitors, one an ex-police officer, from the League Against Cruel Sports were seriously assaulted and robbed while monitoring Leicestershire’s Belvoir Hunt. They were attacked by a gang of hunt followers, some of whom were on quad bikes and wore masks. There have been arrests but, so far, the Belvoir Hunt has declined to condemn, or even comment, on the attacks. No reputable organisation should remain silent in the face of violent acts committed in its name, much less condone them. It is important that the Belvoir Hunt takes a strong position following the recent attacks and issues a statement as outlined in the petition. For more on the violent assaults see: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/men-arrested-animal-rights-charity-s-monitors/story-28913823-detail/story.html http://www.league.org.uk/news-and-opinion/videos/2016/mar/two-league-staff-brutally-assaulted-and-robbed-by-hunt-supporters Image: © Copyright Simon Mortimer and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence.2,885 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by David Meanwell
Stop the badger cull in: WorcestershireThere has been no scientific evidence to show that killing badgers is an effective way to reduce TB in cattle. Culling badgers is a cruel, expensive and ineffective policy which should be stopped.340 of 400 Signatures
Stop the badger cull in: WiltshireThere has been no scientific evidence to show that killing badgers is an effective way to reduce TB in cattle. Culling badgers is a cruel, expensive and ineffective policy which should be stopped.3,485 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Tanith Pike
Stop the badger cull in: SomersetBadgers are lush! Surely we should protect them not kill them. We humans have jeopardised their natural habitat and wild lives quite enough already! There has been no scientific evidence to show that killing badgers is an effective way to reduce TB in cattle. Culling badgers is a cruel, expensive and ineffective policy which should be stopped. Let's get a campaign going in our area - perhaps we could team up with Secret World Wildlife Rescue in Highbridge? Somerset Wildlife? RSPCA? Let me know if you wanna b badgered with this campaign..... Cheers,Jo2,964 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by jo thomas
Stop the badger cull in: HerefordshireThere has been no scientific evidence to show that killing badgers is an effective way to reduce TB in cattle. Culling badgers is a cruel, expensive and ineffective policy which should be stopped.1,663 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Polly Ernest
Stop the badger cull in: GloucestershireThere has been no scientific evidence to show that killing badgers is an effective way to reduce TB in cattle. Culling badgers is a cruel, expensive and ineffective policy which should be stopped.271 of 300 Signatures
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