Ban Plastic StrawsPlastic straws, which are thrown away after one use, are non-biodegradable. This means that they pollute our oceans and harm our animals. We need to save our sea life, and stop innocent animals being killed every day due to pollution. I believe that they should be changed from plastic to paper (cardboard) or metal straws, which are so better for the environment.46 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elodie Wild
Plastic reduction in supermarketsThe oceans are already choked with plastic and by 2050 , there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. This could mean starvation to many people and countries that depend on the ocean to survive. This is the sort of environment that breeds conflict and war, thus causing more pollution. I have 5 grandchildren who will be part of this polluted world along with billions of others. We have no need to worry about world war three, as pollution will eradicate the population before , if we don't take action now. If we target supermarkets like Asda, then we can pressurise them into making a difference.78 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicholas Perry
STOP TRAIL HUNTING ON ALL NATIONAL TRUST LANDHunting wild animals was outlawed in England and Wales by the Hunting Act of 2004: National Trust land is no exception. The law does allow what is known as trail 'hunting' to continue. This activity involves people on foot or horseback following a scent along a pre-determined route with hounds or beagles. Foxes are still be killed! This is allowing fox hunting through the back door! There are more humane ways to kill animals than hunting them. On the 21st October 2017, National Trust members voted to keep trail hunting on their land! Sign this petition if you agree that trail hunting should be banned!97 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alison Cross-Jones
The Danger of Sky Lanterns. Ban the LightsfestSky Lanterns are proven hazards to livestock, wildlife, equines, pets and the environment. There should NOT be a festival dedicrated to their use. They are pretty but deadly!15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Gray
Prosecute Finnish golfer for decapetating a goose on Vantaa golf course HelsinkiBecause this is an abhorrent way to treat animals and says a lot about the country.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kay Delphine
End the badger cull nowSome shooters are flouting the law, the badgers are dying in agony, the shooters are not adhering to the guidelines. People feel so strongly that they are walking at night in the countryside to try and protect our badgers and are being physically attacked whilst doing so by The shooters.37 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tiger Mellor
STOP CRUEL ANIMAL DECLAWING TODAY!This is important because animal declawing is CRUEL!! People do not realise the harm (mentally and physically) of this horrific procedure and this has got to change. Animals are suffering and they can’t speak for themselves so I’m trying to make a change and BAN DECLAWING!17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maryam Hussain
Protect all our Ancient Woodlands and Rare Habitats for the People and NationSuch rare habitats exist where they are, and nowhere else in our country and the world: we must set an example that we know how to look after our natural Crown Jewels, and so start to show the rest of the world how to look after our planet. Our Ancient Woodlands amount to only 2% of our total habitat area, and yet are threatened by "white elephant" schemes such as HS2 and the Arundel A27 Bypass. 27 Ancient, historic, and nationally important trees are threatened by the HS2 scheme. As well as protecting rare flora and fauna only found in those locations, as well as habitat conditions only also found in these locations, they also bring a lot of pleasure and health benefits to people who get out to enjoy our valuable natural heritage.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Tuthill
Legally recognise ADUK Dogs as Carers for Direct PaymentsThese are amazing carers who maintain and promote independence for people who have various and complex care and social needs. Our assistance dogs care for us 24/7 who should be legally recognised by the government and save the government millions a year in care charges. The government needs to offer people the right to be able to claim for these costs to be able to keep us independent and motivated and socialised within the community. The average homecare cost is £200 per week the average cost of an ADUK is about £50 per week. Some more progressive councils allow for these amazing carers to be honoured and covered by a direct payment, whilst other councils take the guideline discriptor of carer ( meaning human ) as literal- this should be addressed to show the change since it was written. It will also help with the crisis in the health and social care situation.314 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Christopher Forbes
Ban dogs from the playing field (next to the school) - ChudleighThe green space next to Fore Street Play Park is used by school children throughout the day as well as for recreational use outside of school hours. But the dog mess left on the grass is a constant problem despite it being an area regularly patrolled by the Dog Warden and covered by CCTV. Unfortunately bins and notices fail to make any difference - the people who allow this to happen, do not care. Dog mess carries incredibly toxic bacteria which among other things can cause blindness. To have this space dog free would allow children to play freely without the constant worry of stepping in/falling in dog mess. There are many places dog owners can go to exercise their dogs without using this space. It would not be detrimental to the town, considering the fact that Chudleigh is surrounded by green space, all within a few minutes walk from any where in the town.62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chudleigh Mum
Pizza Express vegan pizza in supermarketsA growing market in vegan products.health,environmental and ethical reasons40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dmitry Xing
Increase vaccinations, decrease the culls.Keeping the farming industry bouyant as well as the badger population.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dayna O'Sheea
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