Refugees Welcome in West Norfolk & Kings LynnAylan, the toddler who drowned fleeing Syria, was just three years old. His town was under attack by Isis. His five year old brother and his mum also died trying to reach safety. Yet our prime minister said ‘we won't take any more refugees’. He thinks that most of us don't care. But 38 Degrees members do care. We don't want Britain to be the kind of country that turns its back as people drown in their desperation to flee places like Syria. So let's stand up for Britain's long tradition of helping refugees fleeing war. Let's show the Prime Minister that we, the people of the UK, are proud to do our part and provide refuge to people in their hour of need. Please sign and share, or start your own petition for your town or city here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/efforts/refugees-welcome181 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Rosie Woolgar
Lift the legal block on minimum unit pricing for alcohol in ScotlandThe Scottish Parliament passed the bill to introduce MUP in May 2012, with widespread support from political parties, health professionals and charities who deal with the consequences of alcohol misuse. Despite also gaining support from some alcohol drinks producers, the Scottish Whisky Association launched a legal challenge to the bill, delaying its implementation by years, and postponing the proven benefits of MUP on family and social life in Scottish communities. http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/parliamentarybusiness/Bills/43354.aspx32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kenneth Barker
Discrimination of Single PeoplePeople have to face travelling on their own, after they have perhaps lost a loved one and why should they have to pay all this extra money for being on their own. I could see the point if they were given a twin or double room, but not for some of the so called single rooms available. The single supplements for abroad are even more horrendous.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fiona Clark
stopping companies starting new companies when they have become bankruptBecause 7 months ago a company I worked for called Griffin Place Communications used a loophole in the law to set up a Telesales Communication's Company in my deprived neighbourhood , taking full advantage of the Welsh Government's grants that were on offer which totalled £600.000 and then went bankrupt leaving 120 of us without pay and destitute while they and then set up a new Telesales Communication's Company in another Welsh town just up the road from us.138 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Judith Davies Davies
Merthyr Council: Stop Using Debt Recovery FirmsThe use of debt recovery companies by the council clearly victimises the least financially secure people in the town who are struggling to keep up with council tax bills, rent (often due to bedroom tax) and even parking charges. Some of the companies employed by the council use bully tactics, harassment and intimidation to coerce people to pay debts. To make matters worse they add crippling and punitive charges on to debts adding further stress and worry onto those who cannot afford to pay their debt. A recent example of this was a situation where one person owed Merthyr Council £45 but had to pay Excel Debt Recovery £150 on demand and have been told they will again return to collect a further £245. Giving the person further stress, worry and financial hardship. We demand that the council stop using such companies who bully, intimidate and harass people and profit on the misfortune of others. Such use of companies is unethical and goes against the principle of local government looking after and supporting those who require it's services the most.413 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Geraint Williams
Stop HMRC using private collection agenciesPrivate collection agencies are ruthless and add more debt to those who can least afford it.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Cosslett
Stop Turtle Bay tip deductionsFair business practice148 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jon Taylor
Dawlish Warren Cycle Hire CampaignBob Bowen and his cycle shop have tirelessly campaigned for the completion of the cycle path since 1998 when they first started hiring cycles at Dawlish Warren. It is no exaggeration to say that without his efforts there would be no cycle path as is the situation in Teignmouth. It has always been the intention to move back to the Warren and do so once the cycle path was completed. We therefore started discussions to this end. When the toilets came up for tender it was a natural extension to bid for this. The council in their wisdom has decided to award another business the cycle hire premises at the closed toilets at Dawlish Warren. As Dawlish is now one of – if not 'the', most depressed coastal towns in Devon we feel that enough is enough. Many of our local businesses and traders have gone. It is not hard to see what can be done with the support of the local authority – one only has to look to Teignmouth to understand this. We feel the award of this contract to another business from outside our town is irresponsible and does not take into consideration the needs and feelings of our local community. I am puzzled as to how a local authority can take an idea and give it to someone else! We therefore urge Teignbridge and it’s officers to rethink this decision and award the tender of cycle hire at Dawlish Warren to Bob Bowen and Braking Wind Cycles.210 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Robert Bowen
Stop Las Iguanas forcing their staff to "Pay to Work"In this time of austerity, getting a job is tough enough as it is. For a chain like Las Iguanas, forcing their staff to pay to work - and profiting from it - is grossly unfair and entirely unnecessary. We have to stop it. I've eaten at Las Iguanas in Brighton countless times and it's disgusted me to know that money I left to the waiters and waitresses has been taken by the company. Simply put, this ridiculous policy is forcing staff to Pay to Work at Las Iguanas. If enough of us stand up to these disgusting practices, boycott Las Iguanas - and tell our friends to do likewise - they will have to change their ways. We will be handing this petition to Las Iguanas executives along with stories from their staff, so please sign this vital petition today. This is the way it works: Las Iguanas require staff to pay back 3% of their total sales for the night (5.5% in London) - in cash - to the management at the end of each shift. The money is meant to be paid by waiters from their pot of tips but, because it bears no relation to how much a waiter actually takes in tips, it can wipe out his or her entire income from gratuities in a busy night. Here's what one ex-staff member tweeted about the policy yesterday: https://s.bsd.net/38degrees/main/page/-/CBY/iguanas-tweet.jpg If a waiter processes an entirely normal £1,000 in a night then they will be required to pay the managers £30; staff have suggested this occurs even if they received no tips at all. One employee has said: “Over five shifts in a week is a substantial loss of my tips. Sometimes it works out as if I am paying to work, as for a five-hour shift I am paid £32.50 before tax.” The company claim this policy is to fund staff development and reward schemes for all staff, though Las Iguanas can take £34,000 a week from their staff using this little earner. Source: The Guardian, http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/aug/23/restaurant-tipping-policy-forces-waiters-to-pay-to-work, [accessed 24.08.15]89,910 of 100,000 SignaturesCreated by Sam Hughes
Save RNIB ScotlandRNIB Scotland members all of whom are blind or partially sighted have had no say in this decision despite RNIB being "of" rather than "for" blind people and this strikes at the heart of our organisational democracy. Action for Blind People have no knowledge whatsoever of Scotland, have no presence in Scotland and we fear their takeover will put at risk the excellent services that RNIB Scotland already provide. We are also deeply concerned as blind and partially sighted people that our ability to influence decisions in Scotland will be diminished as it totally ignores the reality of devolution and the increasing focus on the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament as the place to find advantage for blind and partially sighted people in Scotland. We were not consulted. We were not asked. We say STOP! NOW!1,144 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Save RNIB Scotland
End the airport "sunscreen scam"Passengers are being misled and left out of pocket while the biggest retailers in the country exploit a loophole to pay even less tax. Every time one of us buys a £6 bottle of sunscreen at Boots we’re asked to show our boarding pass. Now we know that we’re not getting the £1 VAT, but neither does the Treasury. In fact airport retailers are reclaiming VAT we paid and POCKETING the money. Many passengers think they’ve been misled by airport shop staff who told them presenting a boarding card was obligatory – and even required for security purposes. It’s time to end the “sunscreen scam.” As the busiest holiday weekend of the year approaches, the “sunscreen scam” could add up to millions of pounds for retailers like Boots, WH Smith and World Duty Free. But this is not the first time some of these retailers have been accused of dodging tax. In 2013 Boots was accused of using a legal loophole to avoid paying £1.1BILLION in tax. The situation is so bad that even the minister in charge is angry with the shops. David Gauke MP told the Independent: “The VAT relief at airports is intended to reduce prices for travellers, not as a windfall gain for shops.” Join the revolt against the the shameless “sunscreen scam” by signing this petition.2,665 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by The Big Deal
Get British Airways to remove the Daily Mail as a free newspaper on flightsIt is ironic that our National Carrier gives out a paper which is so xenophobic and critical of most things that are not home grown. What must many of the overseas visitors think of some of the anti-european and other headlines that they read when flying into the UK. All British Airways is doing is keeping up the sales levels of a newspaper that could not be objective if it tried to be and one that then has the hypocrisy to question the integrity of the BBC.46,245 of 50,000 SignaturesCreated by Greg Sayer
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