Boycott drinks company AB-InbevFairness in society, safeguarding small companies and the jobs they provide.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chas Stewart
Haringey Council to oppose TTIPTTIP will have a major impact on the lives of the people of Haringey. * It represents a dangerous new step in the process of opening public services - including health and social welfare, housing, education and the environment - to unaccountable, private, corporations. * It undermines the ability of local authorities to impose minimum standards of employment, training, quality, environmental protection, energy conservation, or health and safety. * It ‘locks-in’ the current privatization programme and makes it extremely difficult for future local authorities to take back, ‘in house’, contracted out services.610 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Rod Wells
Total ban on Round up and Glyphosate!The ongoing discoveries of links to so many illnesses and diseases; Autism, Gut disruption, allergies, asthma, breast cancer, endocrine disruption and so many more... We can all make our own choices to avoid it, but it's everywhere! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zOlGf_MWsg http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/07/30/glyphosate-toxicity.aspx281 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Malcolm Cook
TTIP-threatens local public services & democracy!Not only will TTIP effect our NHS and democracy nationally, TTIP will have significant implications for local public services. It will open up access to central and local government services to be bought up by big corporations. Measures by Lewisham Council which are designed to promote local employment, foster environmental protection or protect public health could be challenged in the extra-judicial trade tribunals, whose decisions are unchallengeable and made by trade lawyers, not judges. Lewisham is opposed to the TTIP, defending basic public services for solidarity and social redistribution.247 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Martin Allen
Hands Off Hinchingbrooke - Keep Our Hospital Public: No More Private Sector ExperimentsOn Friday 9th January 2015, the disastrous Circle franchising experiment finally came to an end after they walked away from Hinchingbrooke Hospital just before a CQC report announced that their running of the hospital was inadequate and highlighted serious concerns over patient safety, staffing and financial difficulties. Campaigners have called for Circle to be sacked however take no pleasure in being vindicated in every criticism and concern that was raised. This was a disaster waiting to happen and Circle lurched from disaster to disaster from day one. Losing key figures such as Circle Chief Exec Ali Parsa who quit merely 6 months into the 10 year deal with a £400,000 payout followed swiftly by the Chief Exec of the hospital who took 'early retirement' at the age of 50 hinted at serious underlying problems. Staff cuts including nearly 50 nursing posts and axing cleaning staff have contributed to the issues highlighted in the CQC report, along with the closure of an elderly trauma ward in 2013. Circle were held up as a flagship for NHS privatisation however the knight in shining armour never materialised, Now it is up to us to fight to save Hinchingbrooke. Sign the petition and join us in calling for Hinchingbrooke to remain within the NHS and say no to private sector experiments or further franchising deals765 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Steve Sweeney
Reduce energy billsSky news reported, "UK wholesale gas prices have hit a record low, piling more pressure on energy firms to explain why household bills have not been slashed." Wholesale energy prices fell by around 25% in 2014 yet household bills have not seen any significant reduction. People are suffering fuel poverty while the energy companies make even bigger profits.136 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ian Fisher
Keep Open Stafford Railway Station's Ticket OfficeVirgin Trains propose a reduction in staff numbers, replacing people with increased ticket machines. Maintaining existing staff numbers will protect jobs for local people. Ticket machines can not deliver the current level of customer service such as reserving seats for frequent travellers with season tickets or identifying the lowest cost ticket for customers.405 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Jane Kennedy
Boycott 'Which?' to stop TTIPPossible benefits to consumers are the trump card for those supporting TTIP. Despite the organisation's good work in other areas on behalf of UK consumers, 'Which?' is currently giving key support to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The narrow possible consumer benefits of lower prices are minimal compared with the potential broad consumer damage from this so-called 'trade' agreement. The dangers of lowered standards in chemical and food health and safety, the provision for corporations to sue our government for any regulatory changes that hit their future profits, the blocking of any renationalising of public services like the NHS plus expected job losses, are ways that TTIP will profoundly affect consumers beyond a few possible price reductions. 'Which?' is allowing itself to be used to justify this bill of corporate rights. A shift in the position of consumer organisations will potentially kill this deal and 'Which?' is our UK responsibility. We call for a boycott of 'Which?' until it changes its position and ceases to support TTIP.473 of 500 SignaturesCreated by linda kaucher
Gender neutral toiletsWhy are they needed? Gender is more complex than a simple male/female binary. For trans or androgynous people the simple everyday activity of using the toilet may be stressful. If their physical appearance doesn’t fit gender norms they may be challenged when using gendered toilet facilities, which can be very distressing. Obliging someone to use a designated accessible toilet isn’t acceptable, since it is sends the message that they are not a ‘Genuine’ male or female. It is also best to leave accessible toilets available for use by people with disabilities, some of whom may have an unpredictable and urgent need to use the toilet. .67 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alyson Malach
Remove Katie Hopkins from all Social MediaIn the last week Katie Hopkins has on Social Media posted some of the most offensive material relating to the George Square Accident & the Ebola Case in Scotland. She seems to think that this is acceptable social comment rather than offensive racist trolling. Anyone who has any decency would be disgusted with her comments & anyone not in a 'position of power' protected by the establishment would be prosecuted for inciting hatred in the way she does.250 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Robert Sinclair
Corporation Tax IncreaseLarge profitable companies get away with paying less than ordinary people, in parliament you will hear the politicians arguing about the top rate 50 p for personal tax. Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKCvf8E7V1g USA Principles Applie to the UK MPs hardly ever talk about corporation tax mostly because of vested interests in large companies, and old beliefs in capitalist market being able to take care of everything. The figures below tell you the facts vote now: Personal Income Tax Tax rate Taxable income above your Personal Allowance Basic rate 20% £0 to £31,865 Most people start paying basic rate tax on income over £10,000 Higher rate 40% £31,866 to £150,000 Most people start paying higher rate tax on income over £41,865 Additional rate 45% Over £150,000 Vs Corporation Tax 21% April 2014 The government would be able to spend the 50% tax money on public services such as the NHS, Schools, and Legal Aid, Police, Fire Brigade and other public sectors !82 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Viran Patel
Plain packaging for cigarettesHealth and duty of care to younger people responsiveness to democratic processes weakening links between Conservative party donors and policy formation7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rod Pennington
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