• More regulation of the gambling industry
    My son committed suicide due to his gambling addiction and the gambling companies do not seem to care about how much devastation they cause.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Myers
  • Keep the Riverside Tavern
    The Riverside Tavern has been in Strood for as long as I can remember it's a safe haven for the LGBT community, Our night life is dying out here in Medway and this is to date the biggest LGBT venue in Kent. Without the Riverside tavern the LGBT community will be forced to go elsewhere including places that would or could potentiaonally not be safe for them to go!, Our customers feel welcomed and safe here at our venue and therefore the council should keep the riverside tavern as it is and work out a way of building around us instead of moving us on.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Blake Wood
  • Greggs: give food to people to share so it doesn't go in bins
    This is important to help people have fresh food,so it does not fill up landfill rubbish sites and it also helps people of all cultures to be healthy happy and have fresh food to eat at the table.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracey Cyster Picture
  • Banish The Bounty From Boxes Of Celebrations
    In a scene played out across homes across the country inthe first week of January, Martin Coles from Rotherham was anticipating a small glimmer of joy amidst the post-Christmas gloom, when he remembered there was still an unfinished box of Celebrations in the kitchen cupboard. But anticipation turned to despair as he removed the lid to reveal that the half a dozen remaining chocolates all had a familiar blue wrapper. “I was absolutely gutted” he said, “the only chockies left were bleedin’ bastard bollocking Bounties…and I don’t usually swear.” An undercover investigation by The Rotherham Bugle has revealed that the coconut confection is the last in the box in 9 out of 10 packs of Celebrations. Most of the time they’re either foisted off on work colleagues, fed to family pets or dumped with the box. Occasionally they’re eaten at parties by people too drunk to know or care what they’re consuming. The Bounty is the black sheep of the family, the runt of the litter and the one bad apple in the barrel all rolled into one. It has to stop. It's important we do this now, so that the makers Mars can get their act together before next Christmas so that it doesn’t become another festive fiasco on the chocolate front. Let’s work together to banish the Bounty from Celebrations once and for all.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Harrison
  • Stop FIFA expanding the World Cup to 48 teams
    One of the joys of the World Cup is to watch - or try to watch - every game and develop favourites throughout the tournament. 48 teams is counterproductive to that and is just a moneymaking ploy by an organisation which never learns its lesson.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlie Lloyd
  • Employee Share Ownership
    When a company increases its value by growing its business organically it is through the joint efforts of its workforce and shareholders.  Profits reinvested are wages forgone by the workforce as well as dividends forgone by shareholders; moreover customer goodwill is created and sustained by the workforce. But at present only existing shareholders profit from a gain in company value and the contribution of the workforce is unrecognised. A modest annual grant of shares to all employees would redress this injustice.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Cattell
    NPOWER a German company known as RWE Npower have consistently persecuted bullied and destroyed the health and happiness of "millions" of UK customers and their families. This despicable company "overcharged/stole/fraudulently obtained" £70 million stolen from customers bank accounts .had to be returned Prioritizing only the financial needs of the company, Npower's orgy of predation and insatiable greed combined with their utter disregard for their customers, led to their rampant plunder of customers bank accounts. https://www.facebook.com/banNpower/ for full story
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mercedes Valentino
  • Recycle electric toothbrush & heads that get binned every 3 months
    So much plastic polluting the planet with 3 heads per person per year !
    250 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Monica Herreras-Fortuny
  • Stop National Grid From Selling 61% To Foreign Consortium
    Gas and Electricity are fundamental to our daily lives and the economy. Control of distribution should remain within the control of the UK, not with a consortium of foreign interests that includes countries with a poor record of human rights.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Glen Rix
  • Require supermarkets to offer paper sacks at the checkout.
    Despite the huge reduction in the use of plastic carrier bags since the 5p charge was introduced they continue to blight our roads, countryside, landfills, waterways and oceans. The are either not biodegradable or take many years to degrade causing damage to the environment. Paper sacks are recyclable and biodegrade.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darryl Clarke
  • Mondelez International should give back Cadburys to the UK
    They have started changing the aspects of the brand from product range, to location of operations and dynamically undoing history in the making. They need to be stopped as they are destroying a heritage and one of the worlds most renowned brands. This comes of affect with the changes to the following. - Terrys' Chocolate Orange weight - Bourneville chocolate changing - also under the Cadburys brand umbrella - Toblerone changing shape which is causing chocolate lovers to cry into their confectionery. - Recipe for Cadburys' Creme Egg - Operations moved to within Europe - Not paying Taxes - Creating product ranges that use other products of the Mondelez International brand group. - Workers rights and environment not being respected. - Not being Fair Trade All of these changes are to public knowledge as well thanks to Channel 4's secrets of Cadburys on the series 'Dispatches', where it unfolds and sees the true happening of Cadburys. This has led to me boycotting using Cadburys or Mondelez products due to how they are slowly eating away at Cadburys piece by piece.. Do you want Cadburys to be owned and based primarily in the UK? Please sign and share this to help get this movement going!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Clough
  • Make Employee Representation on Company Boards Law
    Dear Theresa May, Please can you help UK industry and their Employees to have greater Success, Collaboration, Flexibility, Security and Speed of Business Decisions by ensuring we have Full Employee Representation in the Boardroom. Success • Throughout Europe the most successful companies have Employee Representation directly engaging with the company by participating in board meetings. • Company success is aided not hindered by Employee Representation. Collaboration • Employee board Representation leads to collaboration and avoids industrial disputes. • It is truly a Win-Win situation. • Collaboration between the board and the employees removes many elements of the current "them and us" attitude of UK companies that often leads to outcomes that neither the company nor employees want. Flexibility • Employee board representatives are very often more creative and flexible with their demands. Knowing the challenges facing a company they will often ask for improved investment or help develop restructuring proposals instead of a pay rise knowing that this will help the company. • Currently unions predominantly campaign for increased salaries as they have no insights to the company pressures and direction. Security • In the light of Brexit it is now more important than ever that Employee board representatives are able to work with management to ensure operations are not moved off-shore without a meaningful set of discussions.. • Flexible Employee Responses can be worked on to enhance job security. Speed of Business Decisions • Employee board representatives participating in board meeting discussions are able to formulate responses ahead of a hard company decisions. This means that consultation occurs before a hard decision is publicly declared and prevents company back tracking and face saving that wastes time and effort.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Hopcraft