• Pay Carers a Minimum of Unemployed Benefits and Define them as Employed
    Carers are classed as unemployed yet they get payed less than current unemployed levels. Carers work 24/7 without recognition, Carers at a minimum, need to receive the same amount of Benefits as the unemployed and refine their roles as employed with all rights. Care payments are also taxable so they should be given the same rights as anyone that is working and the same support regardless of their ability to have another Job along with being a care giver. For many caring for someone that has a disability is a 24/7 Job with no holiday pay and no other way of gaining an income. Being a Carer receiving £61.35 a wk whilst the unemployed receive £72.50. As a Carer on £61.35 wk we have to pay our own eye tests and prescriptions, the unemployed don't!! It costs over £500 wk to look after someone in Care but home Carers receive £61.35 wk. Carers save the economy more than £120billion yr but Carers only receive £61.35 wk. Why don't you allow a Carer some Airtime? Lets also be very clear on the Carers Allowance, its a deduction of Benefits the person Being Cared for would normally receive, so in real terms I'm robbing Peter to pay Paul( no pun intended) Its a mockery of the system and abuse of situation. Thousands are giving up work to look after a loved one. We also have over 800.000 kids who receive nothing for the caring they provide whilst missing out on growing up as a child should, enjoying a childhood. Again this wont get Airtime unless we take our concerns directly to those responsible. This Government must stop paying lip service to Carers, they are a vital to the Economy. The SNP have now committed to this.
    14,273 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Cooke Picture
  • Stop changes to Access to Work
    Access to Work isn't a benefit and doesn't incur a cost to government - in fact it brings money into the treasury, yet Deaf and disabled people are having their support allowance capped or cuts made (meaning they can no longer afford to use qualified interpreters or the support they need). This places jobs at risk and has already resulted in job losses and demotions. People currently in work are potentially being forced out of work and onto benefits, which goes against everything the government is telling us they are trying to achieve. Deaf and disabled people bring a vast amount of skill and talent to our workforce that we can't afford to lose. We want to ensure that full support is provided, and people are enabled to gain, maintain and progress in their chosen careers. Personal choice and control needs to be handed back to the experts on Deaf and disabled access needs in the workplace - the individual Deaf and disabled people who use the scheme We want to ensure Deaf and disabled people are not subjected to a glass ceiling due to lack of support.
    21,194 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Emily Smith
  • Make the Queen Pay the Bedroom Tax
    In times of austerity, the Queen should not be exempt from the cuts that affect people with far less money than she has. We're constantly being told by the government that we are "all in this together", however it seems that in every reform it's always the poorest who are hit the hardest. This year the queen was given a £5 million "pay rise" after a new system of paying the monarchy came into force.Apparently she owns all of OUR country's sea-shore! Meaning that she gets "royalties" for EVERY type of energy -oil,gas,wind,wave, - that crosses HER shoreline.Her annual tax-free government grant has been set at £36.1 million for 2013/14 and will rise accordingly every year. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/queen-handed-pay-rise-5-1806123 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1323228/Queens-38m-year-offshore-windfarm-windfall--owns-seabed.html The queen is estimated to be worth about £17 Billion - much of it made through wars around the world and the arms trade: in other words, she Profits from Human suffering - as all her ancestors have since 1066 A.D. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm6P5sDXs3k Yet at the same time people across this country are struggling to cope as the bedroom tax makes it harder and harder to make ends meet each month. The queen should pay the bedroom tax on her hundreds and hundreds of ornate and unused bedrooms - as a sign that we really are all in this together. Since I first instigated this Petition, we have had to pay 'William and Kate's decoration Expenses at Kensington Palace and also the increased Security Costs for the ever extending royal family Also, queenie has just been granted £76,000,000 for repairs at 'buck hice' (you and I will have to make do with Ikea and Homebase). I had to pay £120 per hour in order to gain MY pilot's Licence. I wonder how much Wills and Harry and Charlie and Stavros (Philips nickname in aristocratic circles) had to pay to get theirs'
    345 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Richard Hardy
  • Letter to the ICC at the Hague Re Mistreatment of Disabled and Sick People
    I am sure many of you are aware of the measures that the Govt has in place to root out the supposed fraudsters claiming Disability and Sickness Benefits. Samuel Miller has taken the time to make a complaint on behalf of the British People and has provided a long list of links to support this. If a Canadian is going to put the effort into helping us, surely we need to speak up with him. The United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has investigated the United Kingdom Government. Their report, released on 24th of April 2024, shows the committee is appalled by reports of deaths linked to benefit claims that it says have a disturbingly consistent theme. (https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=CRPD%2FC%2FGBR%2FFUIR%2F1&Lang=en) Further, a Freedom of Information Request made by The Big Issue in 2023 showed that in the last 10 years, £350m has been spent trying to uphold decisions made by the DWP regarding Personal Independence Payment and that 68% are then overturned at Tribunal. This suggests a possible £320m waste of money. (https://www.bigissue.com/news/social-justice/disability-benefit-appeals-pip-universal-credit-cost-dwp/ )  In addition, According to an interim Parliamentary Report on Suicides, one suicide is estimated to cost £1.67m. (https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmhealth/300/30005.htm) and according to research carried out by Professor Barr, which was presented to The Commons Work and Pensions Committee “the work capability assessment (WCA) was linked to about 600 suicides in just three years.” (https://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/dwp-ignored-hugely-alarming-research-that-linked-wca-with-600-suicides-mps-are-told/ ). Thus, the 600 suicides over a three year period has cost Britain £1,002,000,000 or £334m per year. Sadly, according to the Interim Report on Suicide Prevention “those who have lost a loved one due to suicide are more likely to commit suicide” and that for every suicide, a “minimum of six people will suffer a severe impact”. That is a potential minimum of 3600 families and friends affected by a suicide who will try and seek help from their GP etc, adding further costs that may not be recognised by The Government. Unfortunately, Professor Barr said it was not possible to examine the impact of universal credit on mental health, and whether it had also led to suicides, because DWP was refusing to release the data needed to carry out that research “when it is within its power to do that and it would be possible to assess those impacts”. Another complainant, Craig Bulman, has said that "The persistent cruelty of the government has driven me to submit the UN report to the International Criminal Court. I contend that these actions may constitute crimes against humanity as defined under Article 7 of the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court Act 2001, Schedule 8, Article 7. It is my sincere hope that the International Criminal Court will consider launching an investigation into the actions of the United Kingdom Government from 2010 to 2024. Such behaviour is wholly unacceptable in a civilised and democratic society. We, as a democracy, pride ourselves on upholding the rule of law—a cornerstone of our values—and it is utterly inconceivable that any agency or government department could justify conduct that inflicts profound harm on vulnerable populations. This is not the standard of governance we expect, nor should it ever be tolerated."   "Since 2010, successive Conservative governments in the UK have orchestrated policies that not only marginalised but systematically dismantled the safety nets for the disabled and vulnerable. This severe and sustained assault has led to unprecedented scrutiny from the United Nations, marking the first time a member state was investigated for potential human rights violations against disabled persons. The UN's damning findings echoed the chilling narratives captured in John Pring’s pivotal book, 'The Department,' which lays bare the harsh realities and sometimes fatal consequences of these policies that have not just failed but actively harmed those most in need of protection, exposing disturbing truth about The Government’s responsibility and the real human costs of austerity." If you would like to make your own complaint to the ICC, and submit evidence, you can do so using this link https://otplink.icc-cpi.int  While you have your health, none of this matters. One simple mishap could expose you to this chaos. Please share this Petition as much as possible.  http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2012/09/23/united-kingdom-government-denounced-for-crimes-against-disabled-people-to-international-criminal-court-in-the-hague/ UNCRPD investigates UK Govt  https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/oct/20/un-inquiry-uk-disability-rights-violations-cprd-welfare-cuts Ian Duncan Smith and Chris Grayling reported to Police over fitness to work tests. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/iain-duncan-smith-police-assessing-possible-investigation-into-dwp-ministers-over-fit-to-work-tests-a7020471.html UN probe into Disabled Human Rights violations http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/homenews/13648683.Revealed__contents_of_dossier_which_sparked_UN_probe_over_disabled__human_rights_violations_/?ref=twtrec Did David Cameron admit multiple murders to Andrew Marr? http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2015/04/20/did-david-cameron-admit-multiple-murders-to-andrew-marr/ Why the U.K. Government Has Failed the Disabled Community http://www.newsweek.com/uk-government-has-failed-disabled-community-461517 The increasing death toll due to the loss of benefits. Telling it as it is https://mzolobajluk.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/the-increasing-death-toll-due-to-the-loss-of-benefits/ The Mirror "Tory Welfare Cuts grossly violated rights of disabled people" says the UNhttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tory-welfare-cuts-gravely-violated-9215742 "Ken Loach's Film is not true to life" comment reposted from original article by fairer society. http://www.afairersociety.uk/2016/11/07/its-a-fact-ken-loachs-film-is-not-true-to-life-it-doesnt-show-how-bad-it-really-is/ UN urged to act after Conservative Government refuses to act http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2016/11/13/un-urged-to-act-after-conservative-government-dismisses-report-on-disability/
    62,075 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Tony Gurney
  • Save the Unicorn Centre from closure
    To fight for the rights of family carers and disabled people who are trying to get the best out of life for themselves and their loved ones enabling their loved ones to gain independence and a valuable break from caring for the family enabling them to have a well deserved break
    512 of 600 Signatures
    Created by ken mcclymont
  • Carers should still receive allowance when they reach pension age
    Millions of people are unpaid carers,or getting a small pittance if they do receive carers allowance.these caregivers are saving the government millions.if the disabled person had to go into a home for care it would cost thousands .help the caregivers as they are doing a phenomenal job and if they are of state pension age don’t get any financial help.it’s an extremely hard and stressful job,surely a small allowance isn’t much to ask .please help.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helena Clarke
  • Unenforceable Advisory disabled bays
    Do you you have Advisory Disabled Bays where you live? Do you have problems finding a space because Non Blue Badge Holders use them? The one place disabled residents need to park, is at home. So why are advisory disabled bays not enforceable? Every day, genuine disabled residents can't park at home because there are inconsiderate residents, who aren't disabled, who park in them. This has such a devastating impact on those who are genuinely disabled. If they aren't enforceable, what is the point of them? All disabled bays should be enforceable, especially, if they are residential because otherwise, a disabled resident can't get home, as I have experienced. I know there are thousands of disabled people, throughout the country who suffer with this problem & the only way we can change the archaic laws is if we stand together to make changes.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liz Wright
  • Pay residents in residential homes the £400 payment as well as cost of living payments
    To whom this may concern I am writing this because I feel that people in residential homes are being treated unfairly and should be paid the £400 payment as well as cost of living payments. It is important to help people in residential homes because some cannot speak for themselves so we must do what we can to help them.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Gill
  • Make trains free for disabled people
    To make such that people with disabilities have equal opportunities to focial mobility as others in society have. When on less income it reduces the opportunities to increase social mobility, so to have free public transport on trains, like buses will help.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Chaundy
  • Help a wheelchair user retain the decking outside his council flat
    Jack Milnes is a disabled wheelchair user. Four years ago he had verbal permission from his housing officer at East Riding of Yorkshire Council to retain his decking just outside his door of his ground floor council flat. Three days after making a complaint about outstanding adaption to his flat that have been waiting for nearly three years, he has now been ordered to remove the decking and been given 21 day to complete it. Within the estate there are several properties that have similar facilities outside and, as far as he is aware, none of these have been ordered to remove them. This is a very important area for Jack to be able to greet and socialise with his neighbours and enjoy some needed fresh air. Please sign this petition and encourage your friends to help Jack.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Milnes
  • Put tactile tiles on ALL railway platforms - stop fatalities
    A coroner’s hearing blamed lack of tactile tiles for a blind man’s death. Although these sound like harrowing, rare incidents, falls from platforms due to a lack of tactile paving happen all too often according to the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB). It says studies have shown that blind or partially sighted people make up 15% of all those who fall from platforms, despite representing only 3.3% of the UK's population, although no specific numbers were provided. It said it was "aware of several similar occurrences" where the lack of tactile paving may have contributed to people with sight loss falling onto railway tracks. Currently, 40% of mainline railway stations in England, Scotland and Wales do not have tactile paving - that amounts to about 1,000 stations. The rail network in Northern Ireland has tactile paving on all its platform edges, according to the RNIB. Cleveland's death happened in the same London region as Artur's fall. "I'm angry that's it's still happening eight years after me," Artur says. "I'm angry because no one did anything.". Since 1998 the government has said the implementation of tactile paving should be "considered" in new developments and improvement schemes at stations. Guidance it reiterated in 2021 but currently, it is not a legal requirement to incorporate it. Artur says: "It is incomprehensible to me that almost a quarter of a century wasn't long enough to install tactile paving. "It only shows that the rail industry doesn't care enough about the health and safety of disabled passengers." This has been advocated for over 25 years! What is stopping this measure except lack of commitment?
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Johnty Ebenezer
  • More Support & Understanding For Fibromyalgia Sufferers
    Because Fibromyalgia doesn't just affect the afflicted but it causes interruptions and problems for all family members. It can be Hereditary but not always. Sometimes it becomes apparent through injury or illness especially prolonged illness like infections for example. But it causes the sufferer to be unable to do day to day tasks without chronic, immobility stiffness aches, swollen joints tenderness etc it causes IBS & Chronic Fatigue meaning planned events may not always be possible to attend. Hence Dating or just going out with Family & Friends isn't always possible, not to mention days lost at School College, Work etc. The Depression & Pains, & Tiredness & Flare ups, not to mention the associated medical conditions also can become very debilitating.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fay-Amie Aspen