• Save our Libraries Essex (SOLE)
    Essex County Council have announced plans to close 25 libraries and to turn a further 19 over to be run by local communities to save money. My local library, in West Mersea, employs 2 people for 21 hours a week. Not only will they lose their jobs if these closures go ahead, but so will all the staff at the threatened 44 libraries. My library is thriving. It is always busy with people of all ages reading newspapers and periodicals, borrowing books, DVDs and CDs, accessing the internet, researching their family ancestry and speaking to others. Libraries are fantastic assets to the community and need to be saved. No libraries in Essex should be closed or downgraded to being run by volunteers The elderly population of Essex need these libraries. Many do not have computers and some of them may not speak to anyone else in their day. We need local libraries in local communities which can be accessed on foot or bike, by all sections of society. Please think again before implementing these closures.
    11,813 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Bry Mogridge
  • Save Cole Thomson
    Cole Thomson is only 6 years old and has uncontrolled focal epilepsy of which he has now become drug resistant. He has tried 16 different types of medication and had his first brain surgery when he was only 2 years old. To date nothing has been able to stop his seizures. Unfortunately there has been a steady decline in his health since May this year. Coles speech, vision, movement and memory are all continuing to deplete and he has also developed Todd Paralysis, which is extremely distressing for his 9 year old brother Dylan when he takes an attack as well as his parents, grandparents, other family members and especially 6 year old Cole himself. Currently the next step in Scotland is invasive testing, which for Cole would potentially be in the first quarter of 2019. He has a 1 in 100 chance of not surviving the operation, to see if he is a suitable candidate for further exploratory brain surgery. We are looking for your help to enable a step in between which could negate the need for surgery by allowing him legal access to cannabis based medicine. After speaking to Coles mum we became increasingly concerned at the amount of unlicensed, untested products being offered to her on the black market to apparently “help Cole”. Coles parents are unwilling to take the risk with any of these products. This does not take away from the fact that they’ve been offered unlicensed products by numerous different sellers and shows that currently there is a market feeding off of the fears of vulnerable families, who are desperately looking for answers to improve their children’s quality of life or indeed save it. We are looking to support the family by putting a campaign forward to you The Scottish Government to enable Cole to gain legal access to prescription cannabis based medicine. This would be the step before invasive surgery which would give him the opportunity to try a more natural drug which has a very high success rate for children like Cole all over the world. Please support our campaign to Save Cole Thomson by allowing him to get prescription cannabis based medicine.
    14,647 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by monique mcadams
  • Social Care and Dementia
    The lack of provision of social care in the UK is leading to immense distress for all people affected by dementia. According to the Office of National Statistics, people with dementia are dying prematurely as a result of austerity. Carers are not supported and are overwhelmed by the burden of unpaid care. 'Local authorities... which perform vital roles in providing a real social safety net have been gutted by a series of government policies... The Government has remained determinedly in a state of denial' (From the report by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights in the UK)
    264 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Three Nations Dementia Working Group
  • Scrap universal credit
    It's important because people are being forced into universal credit disabled made fit to work and cant work people looseing their homes under universal credit people are committing suicide under universal credit children are going to school with empty stomachs under universal credit people are suffering please I am asking and the people are asking the European court to take action on the un profesor philip Alstons damming report against the conservatives our human rights are being breached and abused please we beg you to scrap universal credit now
    699 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sean Maguire
  • Save the current attractions (including wheelchair accessible equipment) at Brooklands.
    Brooklands was initially designed as a pleasure park, not an educational nature facility. On the door step are many settings more equipped to be such places like widewater, pullbourough brooks, woods mill, southwater, swanbourne lake and of course the downs. What the locality doesn't have is an abundance of accesible, fun places to go and in fact, Brooklands was West sussex's first accesible play park! With a 2 millions pound budget it seems very little thought has gone in to what the area wants to retain from the original park instead favouring a blank slate approach. Children enjoy water play, play parks and indeed trains. A large indoor leisure facility isn't required to make it a rainy day attraction instead a small soft play area as before is enough for children. The new plans sound good but they miss out the very young and the disabled and take away a lot of the fun. We should be aiming to make attractions more accesible, currently there is wheelchair swings, roundabout and the train was accesible there seems no plans to parallel or better this. This review is one which highlights how important the facilities are or at least were and could be again for everyone. https://www.euansguide.com/venues/brooklands-pleasure-park-sompting-5611/reviews/brooklands-pleasure-park-totally-wheelchair-friendly-for-kids-1931
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Allegra Rosalind
  • Protect the human rights of people receiving care and support
    Click here for an easy read version of this petition: https://38dgs.org.uk/petition_easy_read “We are not a problem that needs solving, we are people who have rights and those rights are taken away from us” - self advocate with learning difficulties We all have a right to choose how we live. Living with dementia, learning difficulties or brain injuries doesn’t change this, and shouldn’t mean your feelings and wishes are ignored when it comes to the support you receive. But right now the government is proposing a new law that will make it easier to deprive someone of their liberty if they are judged unable to make decisions for themselves. It could mean people are forced to live in care homes because it’s cheaper and easier for the local council even though it’s not what they want or need. Right now decisions like these are taken with the help of an independent assessment that considers the opinions and wishes of the person and makes sure the care that is provided is what the person needs. The new law will get rid of these independent assessments in the majority of cases, and puts a lot of decision making power in the hand of care home managers, who have an interest in keeping people in their care homes. No one should be deprived of their liberty unless their safety is at risk and all less restrictive options have been explored. But the changes to the law going through parliament right now will make it more likely that people will be deprived of their freedom to make life easier for local councils and care home staff - not because it’s what’s best for them. Branded by experts as “not fit for purpose” the only way to ensure the human rights of disabled people are respected is to change the bill currently going through parliament.
    193,390 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance
  • Rapid Accessibility for Deaf People on all National Railway trains
    We had this experience of not being informed of our London-bound train being reversed to Swansea. The captions on the screen in the carriage we were in still had the train bound for Paddington until the train started moving but in the opposite direction when it changed to Swansea - the next stop was Swindon. It was too late for us to get on another London-bound train for the football match at Wembley. This is not the first time. GWR, for example, installed new high-technology trains with captions in all carriages but have not implemented information of any last minute changes that may happen from time to time.
    722 of 800 Signatures
    Created by David Jackson
  • Despicable parking fines
    I know several individuals have had problems with their disabled blue badge parking, they have been having parking tickets come through in the post to them and they do not know why. There is no signs on any of the carparks I have parked in to say that it has changed but the tickets have been coming through to them state that it is a different company that has took over all of the carparks and they are now making disabled people pay! (The fine is between £60 - £100) The company that has changed the parking they are now called NCP and they have not told blue badge users about that change of parking restrictions or even on NCP‘s website it doesn’t even state that they have updated their records for blue badge holders .When you would normally get a parking ticket the ticket is placed on the windscreen of the vehicle in this case they are sending the tickets through the post. One of the people I know has had a parking ticket and it took three weeks to get through the post to them so they didn’t even know they had a ticket, they are sure they have more tickets on the way as they use this car park weekly . We spoke to council near where we live and they had told us that the process had only been in for about two months which is definitely not true. This is an absolutely outrageous thing to do to disabled vulnerable people, they should stop and think what they are doing to us and rethink a new strategy. We pay for our blue badges so what is the point in us paying for parking as well as paying for a blue badge. Its just another way of getting more money out of us vulnerable people. We have already contacted a certain MP and he said he is going to work on this case as much as he can also the media are involved, once they had written a story I will attach. The news paper article link is below https://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/disabled-and-elderly-drivers-hit-with-thousands-worth-of-fines-at-northampton-car-park-unaware-there-were-new-charges-1-8664286
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Corey Haseley Picture
  • Help stop our children's mental health crisis
    Mental Illness has more impact on children and young people than any other illness, according to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) burden of disease measure. Thanks to the Royals and others, the stigma of mental illness is diminishing but our investigation has found that it continues in the important area of mental health research. The best evidence suggests current research funding in the UK and Scotland is biased against mental illness. Please bring mental health research funding into line with its high cost to society and its burden of disease on us and our children. Miricyl SCIO We want to Create more Mental Illness Research in Children and Young Lives. Please join our campaign. Charity number SC047522
    737 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Alex Conway
  • Kick out Capita from Barnet Council now
    The recent successfully prosecuted fraud case where a Capita employee stole over £2million from Barnet Council underlines the urgent need for the Council to take back control of all of the former Council services from Capita. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-45641513 Barnet Council commissioned Grant Thornton (GT) to undertake a major review to identify how such a large scale fraud had been able to take place. This project, called Project Rose, was given a budget of “up to” £500,000 and has been on-going ever since. The review found: • Lack of budgetary controls • Not carrying out basic bank detail checks • Inexperienced managers responsible for large amounts of money • Lack of written financial procedures and checklists Barnet Council agreed to pay Capita £252.54 million But, Barnet Council have already paid Capita £352.41 million with FIVE more years to go! Barnet Council is in financial crisis with a budget overspend of £10.3 million this financial year and a funding gap of £66.8 million over the next three years. Frontline services such as street cleansing, waste and recycling, Libraries, social care are all facing more and more cuts that are already affecting Barnet residents. Capita Plc are in their own financial crisis. Their Share Price has dropped from £13 a share to under £1.50 a share in the space of the last two years. On 11 December 2018, Barnet Council Policy and Resources Committee will decide on whether to end both contracts. We are campaigning that they VOTE to end both contracts and begin the urgent process of taking back control of those services. End Details of the Grant Thornton Review on Capita https://www.barnet.gov.uk/citizen-home/council-and-democracy/finance-and-funding/Financial-controls.html Is this the end of Capita in Barnet - Grant Thornton's report is a devastating critique of Capita's dismal performance http://reasonablenewbarnet.blogspot.com/2018/09/is-this-end-of-capita-in-barnet-grant.html Project Rose: the devastating report Barnet Tories didn't want you to read http://wwwbrokenbarnet.blogspot.com/2018/09/project-rose-devastating-report-barnet.html Damning report slams Capita and financial management at Barnet Council http://barneteye.blogspot.com/2018/09/damning-report-slams-capita-and.html
    1,591 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Barnet UNISON Picture
  • Stop the sale of St Anthony's Leonard Cheshire home, Wolverhampton.
    Leonard Cheshire have put 17 care homes for severely disabled people up for sale, including St Anthony's Wolverhampton.. The homes were all started by Leonard Cheshire years’ ago and are run with the values he promoted - “Homes for Life” in safe and secure surroundings within a not-for-profit organisation. It is wrong to sell them. People trust the name Leonard Cheshire and support the residential homes which were set up in his name. Many of the homes occupy land donated to the charity. They are not in financial trouble. They have always said they are leaders in this type of care - severely disabled adults. Why are Leonard Cheshire now selling the very reason they came into being in the first place? They say the homes are in the wrong places - this is not true. All of these homes are in beautiful surroundings near cities and those residents that live in them love their home and don't want any change to take place. We all fear that a new service provider will make changes that will affect the health and well being of these vulnerable people. Please sign to prevent any such distress!
    1,363 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Julie Hamling
  • Save Sandy sports facilities
    There are no other leisure facilities in the local area.
    713 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Gregory Royle