Tax off-shore accounts to rebuild Caribbean islandsIt will continue the movement against tax-havens which promote inequality and tax-evasion. It is hypocritical that these islands deprive other countries of tax-revenues and then immediately turn to the same countries to bail them out of a natural disaster. Hopefully if these islands are spending their own money, they will employ locals rather than importing expensive outside "consultants/experts".7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Hulme
Save the Hope & AnchorThis pub has been trading since 1892 and so it has huge historical reference in Pontefract and is shadowed by Pontefract Castle. The pub is loved throughout the community and is beginning to become a hive of music activity drawing bands from far and wide as well as catering for our talented local musicians. It is the home of Pontefract Scooter Club, who regularly host events to raise money for local charities such as The Prince of Wales Hospice and The Yorkshire Air Ambulance. The Hope & Anchor is an integral part of the community and we should be saving these historical institutions not turning them into offices etc907 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Dave Hallaways
Stop Furness Park Closures.The council announced plans at the start of September to close 5 local parks in an attempt to save £13,247. These park closures are at the expense of our whole community. It is difficult enough for children to find safe areas to play without removing the places built for that exact purpose. It is so important that we don't let the council destroy our local play areas, depriving children of the chance to socialise and mingle with others; to let off some steam, to keep fit and active. Please sign this petition to show support for keeping the Furness area's public parks open! (Information sources from Reece Hanson's article in Wednesday the 6th of September's issue of The Evening Mail).861 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Jamie-Leigh Currie
USS must show its workingsThe current valuation of the USS pension scheme is critically important to its members, as the results may well lead to significant benefits cuts or large contribution increases. The assumptions and methods that USS have used in their valuations are causing huge amounts of controversy, and led to the biggest strike in higher education for a generation. The 'Academics for Pensions Justice' campaign, resourced through donations by 2,000 USS members, are demanding that USS provides full disclosure of the data, assumptions and modelling approach underpinning the 2017 valuation. It is imperative that those wanting to scrutinize the workings, including the Joint Expert Panel established in the wake of the strike action, are able to do so. The current lack of transparency is indefensible and should be of huge concern to all USS members, who have every right to see the workings behind any figures USS produces and need to be sure that any claims of unsustainability are put under proper scrutiny.5,691 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Sam Marsh
End The Unfair Pricing of Gendered ProductsWhy should women pay up to 37% more than men to shave, wash and keep themselves smelling fresh? It is 2017 and yet women are still being treated unfairly, earning less and paying more for basic toiletries, whilst men earn more and pay less. What example is Boots giving to the future generations by setting this terrible example in the UK?14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by DaisyandAbbie .com
Make the banks automatically search and pay out ppi customersThe banks are aware of their errors- they have put aside funds to pay back. Why shouldn't they make the first move?13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robin Lipson
Villa RoadVilla Road and Hunters Road are being used as a dumping ground for illegal fly tippers, and as a race track for speeding vehicles. Pavements are impossible to use because of inconsiderate parking. Anti social behaviour has increased since the part sale of the council owned carpark in 2014. This is having a direct impact on local businesses and people living within.63 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mohammed Ali
Re-think and Stop BrexitThe 'will of the people' and tide of public opinion on Brexit is shifting. Brexit is not inevitable. It is time to re-think and reject Brexit. Giving British people a real choice, based on fact, is the only democratic option for the UK Parliament.4,070 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Jeremy Davies
The Buxton Water ScandalI have visited the Town Hall in Buxton, on various occasions, requesting a contact number for whoever is responsible for turning off the Lion's Mouth Spring at the bottom of the slopes. This has been happening regularly and for long periods of time. The Town Hall have been extremely evasive and dismissive and I have visited Buxton Advertiser on three occasions, asking them to look into it, should they be so kind, which they have been and have followed it up. My last visit to the Advertiser was today and I was told that they had received an email explaining what was going on. In short, the email stated that they were trying to work out the best way of reconnecting the supply from the pump house to the lion's mouth. Hmm, that seems to be in contrast with what I was told by multiple members of the office staff involved with renovating the Crescent. They informed me, and were quite adamant about it, that the supply pipe at Nestle was connected directly to the lion's mouth outlet, and they knew this, becasuse the first time that the spring stopped, they thought somebody on site was responsible, but discovered that this was not possible, due to the above and they also informed me that they have no input, nor are they doing any work on the pump house at all, because they contracted a separate company in to do that. I will detail the reasons in more depth, should the need to arise, but for now, it ought to suffice to say that the spring has now been turned off for eight days. I have left a flyer taped to the statue, stating that there will be a meeting there at ten o'clock in the morning, this Sunday, 13th August, to sign a petition and to discuss the issue. On Monday morning of the 14th August, we will be meeting again, to present the petition to the Town Hall. I intend to send other petitions, with more signatures, through online methods and I aim to start a 'Ban Nestle Products' movement in Buxrton and a march to Nestle, to explain our demands, which are "Leave our fresh water spring alone".... erm, that's it, really. All this takes time and energy and I don't want much of yours, but if you support the historical use of Buxton water, from a public spring, for free, just 'like' this post. I will use the likes as support for the petition. It is important, because people depend upon this water as it is healthy water and not detrimental to the health in any way, as tap water is. It is important, because Nestle and Buxton Town Hall seem to be hiding something and being elusive about the matter, so one can't help feeling that some form of underhand practices have been exercised. Thank you, for your time, and if you would like to sign the petition and hopefully meet some rather nice individuals, that would be fantastic.12,243 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Gaz Butcher
Bathampton Toll - Another Tax on people, simply trying to get to work!I am extremely disappointed to see that The General Estates Company (http://www.general-estates.co.uk) who own and operate the Bathampton Toll Bridge feels there is justification in increasing the charges from 70p to 80p each way – a 12.5% increase, way above the current rate of inflation at 2.6% and certainly higher than the increase many have received in salary over the last 4 years, since last it increased. Firstly, I have requested from several sources what possible justification there could be for increasing this cost? The Bathampton Mill bridge has for a long time been more expensive, per distance travelled than The Seven Bridge, The Clifton Suspension Bridge and even The Dartford Crossing bridge on the M25. During this time of austerity and nationwide uncertainty, when the cost of living in has never been higher in recent history, how can anyone justify this unfair price hike? The toll bridge takes £1000's of every day from people just trying to get to work, taking their kids to school, operate their business... basically just trying to get on with their busy lives. It is an unjust Tax on honest, local people, when the alternative routes through Bath, Bradford or Limpley Stoke are by no means acceptable alternatives. Yet again we are penalised for simply trying to get to work!! I am sure that many local people chose to cycle or walk when it is viable, but since public transport does not offer an alternative option, the toll bridge is often the only route, unless you have time to drive into Bath or Bradford instead. I have had enough!!! As well as starting this petition, calling on a halt to this increase, I will also pursue a complete stop at best, a reduction at least to the charges to residence of the 3 boughs of Bathford, Batheaston and Bathampton. I will also be making formal complaints to MP's as well as Bath, Bathampton and Batheaston Councils to stop this unjustifiable increase and yet another increased tax on local people. Please support this cause and stop this frustrating and expensive toll.198 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Chiles
Funding for New Ferry gas explosionJake Berry MP (Tory minister for the so-called Northern "Powerhouse") has advised cash strapped Wirral Council to use its own resources and reserves to help victims of the huge explosion that tore through the centre of New Ferry, Wirral earlier this year. 33 people were injured 2 seriously, many businesses were destroyed, a further dozen shops and services put out of action and 30 families displaced from their homes. With so much of the town centre destroyed, shoppers have stopped going to New Ferry and the surviving businesses are suffering from loss of trade and facing financial ruin. Insurance companies have been very slow to act and indeed reluctant to pay out (with nobody having yet been found guilty of causing the explosion), leaving residents and businesses without sufficient financial support with which to rebuild their lives. Many people are not only suffering financially, but also emotionally with depression and the equivalent of post-traumatic stress disorder. The government has shockingly refused to call the explosion a NATIONAL INCIDENT, what on earth does constitute a "national incident" then ? Despite pleas for funding assistance from local MPs, businesses and residents, the government has turned its back on this devastated community, citing rules and regulations for not offering any disaster relief funding to help those affected. New Ferry, Wirral - a deprived community in a Labour controlled authority - is being treated entirely differently to other communities in the UK that have faced similar, and seemingly less significant, disasters. Jake Berry's refusal of assistance is an absolute disgrace and makes a mockery of the title Northern Powerhouse. New Ferry should be treated the same as other communities that have recently suffered (as should every community in the country should a similar disaster befall them), and the rebuilding of its centre should be funded by the British government A.S.A.P If you agree that New Ferry (and every other community in the country affected by such an economically damaging disaster) should be treated fairly and given government support, please, please sign this petition, thank you2,123 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Pulford
More money for transport in the NorthWe call upon the transport secretary to: 1) Pledge his immediate backing for the Northern Powerhouse Rail programme including a new state-of-the-art 30-minute rail link between Manchester and Leeds – a ‘Crossrail North’; 2) Make an immediate commitment to at least £59 billion ‘catch-up cash’ over the coming decade to support the transport priorities being developed by Transport for the North; 3) Give Transport for the North the same powers as those enjoyed by Transport for London so that it can also raise private finance towards its own transport priorities. The government has announced its backing for the £31bn Crossrail 2 rail scheme in London just days after it has cancelled plans to electrify key rail routes, and rowed back on its long-standing commitment to electrify the trans-pennine link between Manchester and Leeds. Crossrail 2 was NOT in the Conservative Party Manifesto - whereas Northern Powerhouse Rail was! New analysis by IPPR North shows that over the past decade public spending on transport in London has been more than double that in the North – the North would have received £59bn more in investment over the last decade if it had received the same per person for transport as London. This is set to get worse, with planned public and public/private expenditure set at nearly £2000 per head, compared with £400 per head in the North BEFORE Crossrail 2 is taken into account. This is not just a matter of fairness. This is not special pleading. Transport investment needn’t be either/or. But lack of government spending on Northern transport is holding the whole economy back. Northern prosperity is national prosperity.88,361 of 100,000 SignaturesCreated by Ed Cox
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