NHDC Council- No to greedy payrisePublic services are being cut back to the bone due to the political choice of austerity, playgrounds and sports facilities are being closed, the NHS is under attack, community groups, the disabled and vulnerable face all sorts of challenges from closures and budget cuts – this decision is an utter disgrace.265 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Mairtin Burke
Leasehold New House BuildsA housing development locally is using this to sell houses on their new development and nowhere in their literature do they mention this underhand practice https://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/oct/29/new-builds-house-buyers-leasehold-property-trap543 of 600 SignaturesCreated by David Chapman
taxing newspaper bossesNational newspapers in the UK set the tone and agenda of the political debate and can influence policies which result in cost to the public purse or cuts to public services. Yet much of the national press is owned by people who avoid the consequences of such policies, either because they are foreign nationals or, by using “non-Dom” status and/or offshore “financial instruments’, to avoid paying the taxes which would give them a stake in the policies their newspapers advocate. In other words they influence policy but do not pay for the consequences - an example of representation without taxation which undermines the concept of public service and accountability."116 of 200 SignaturesCreated by robert bennett
Pay tax credits owed to families of disabled children28000 low income families have been underpaid in tax credits from 2011-2014. HMRC are refusing to pay monies owed. Caring for a disabled child is a full time job and often compels parents to give up work. Money and time are tight and checking the Government is paying what you are owed is one task too many. The denial of these tax credits has already caused great hardship. To receive it now would make an incredible difference to challenged lives.317 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Nick Hodge
Save Our Sea: Protect the Wildlife of Cardigan BayCardigan Bay provides a home for many species of vulnerable marine life, some species such as the Atlantic grey seal are internationally important. From the reefs and sandbanks, small organisms in the benthos, to the largest population of breeding bottlenose dolphins in the UK, the complex biodiversity of this Bay is what makes it special. We feel that opening up this area to commercial scallop dredging would be detrimental to the ecosystem and significantly impact not only Welsh marine biodiversity but the lives of the local people who depend on the Bay for income, livelihood, and enjoyment. Mae Bae Ceredigion yn gartref i nifer o rywogaethau o fywyd morol bregus, rhai ohonynt – megis morlo llwyd yr Iwerydd – o bwys rhyngwladol. O’r riffiau i’r banciau tywod, o organebau bach y benthos i boblogaeth fwyaf y DU o ddolffiniaid trwynbwl sy’n bridio, y fioamrywiaeth gymhleth hon sy’n gwneud Bae Ceredigion mor arbennig. Teimlwn y byddai caniatáu treillio am gregyn bylchog yn yr ardal yn niweidiol i’r ecosystem ac yn cael effaith sylweddol ar fioamrywiaeth forol Cymru ac ar fywydau pobl leol sy’n dibynnu ar y Bae am incwm, bywoliaeth a mwynhâd.239 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Naomi Davis
Stop cuts to Employment Support AllowanceDisabled people face many challenges daily. They face the reduction of support, training, employment opportunities. Daily they face discrimination, and now another reduction in ESA, which will have another negative impact on their daily lives. STOP this attack now!!!16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tony James
Spend the Buckingham Palace refurb money on the homeless, disabled and poor insteadI believe this is entirely wrong and completely disgusting while there are homeless people in this country, disabled people having their means of transport and care taken off them, lone parents like me who are having to beg and go through the torturous DWP system for a small amount of support while off work with health problems, while people are going to food banks for food to feed their children. The royal family already have sumptuous places to live and do not need to spend this money while the government are forcing austerity on us.144 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Rachel Kirkham
Exeter Fire - Rebuild Our HeritageLike me, the people of Exeter and Devon were devastated to watch the recent destruction by fire of the beautiful and historically significant buildings on Cathedral Green - including the Clarence Hotel, the first true hotel in England. The reconstruction of these buildings must follow the same restorative approach taken at Windsor Castle following the fire there some years ago. Sympathetic reconstruction of both internal and external fabric is the only appropriate path to follow; one that will not damage the heritage and aesthetic value of this historically important area. We must not make the same mistakes made after World War 2, when much of Exeter's surviving heritage was destroyed in a fit of modernist madness. This is not just about restoring beauty, this is also about valuing the contribution of heritage to the economic and social life of the city and the wider county. In their recent 'Heritage Counts' report, Historic England explain the link between economy and heritage. I urge you to read the linked document and support this petition: https://content.historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/heritage-and-the-economy/heritage-and-the-economy-2016.pdf/ Photo by By Pymouss - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=449372414,278 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Ian Carr
WASPI. Redress the injustice of pension denial.Hundreds of thousands of women have worked hard, planned and saved toward their pension. Some years back, they were told to wait an extra few years. They bit that bullet, but now, for some, just a few months before finally getting THEIR money back, they are told to wait another 2 or more years. No reasons, no apology, no letter even. It's UNACCEPTABLE.227 of 300 SignaturesCreated by John Dutfield
STOP TiSA. ANOTHER TIPP by the back door!See Wikileaks -Trade in Services Agreement. This is yet another deal that gives soverignty to International business at the expence of the public. Another case where companies can sue governments if they dont get what they want. Hundreds of millions of dollars in fines for countries! The people have a voice! WE WILL BE HEARD!!!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robin Phillips
End the employment agency/umbrella company rip offMillions of workers across the UK, from construction workers to IT professionals, are being hit hard in their pay packets. The Umbrella companies make the workers pay their NI contributions (employers NI) as well their own (employees NI). On top of this double NI deduction the company also charges the worker for the 'privilege' of receiving their own money. They call this their 'margin' and can cost as much as £30 a week to the employee. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.ucatt.org.uk/umbrella-company-con-trick&ved=0ahUKEwicvcjBxvDPAhVsAsAKHdbSDFQQFgg9MAA&usg=AFQjCNF0VVD62uWTQceD9W6OE2JAog9C2g&sig2=UAe8y414tNQmyJAwDvFXHQ410 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Anton Duploy
Equal living wage for all agesThe government wants the young to get working but they do not want, I am not surprised they do not want to work for peanuts while someone who is over 25 will make double the wage of 16. The price of bread is not different for 16 year old person to what it is for 25 year old person, so I do not know why there is big wage gap.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dawid Godawa
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