• Apple, are you corrupt to the core?
    The corporate world needs to be told that they profit from us plenty without needing to steal from us. As well as this petition, I suggest everybody goes into an apple shop and talk with the helpful sales staff about their products. Then ask them about the unpaid taxes and inform them you won't be buying anymore until THEIR company does the right thing. Each worker is a shareholder after all, so they have power and they are all profiting from the dodgy dealings.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Calvin Cumiskey
  • Theresa May - Publicise income and tax of international corporations
    The increased public awareness as a result of this amendment would put pressure on international corporations to adhere to country tax regulations, and expose criminal financial action.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Toby Cook
  • Torbay about to Fleece Disabled people - Will your council do the same?
    If Torbay council can get this through, then every council in the land will be punishing the disabled and poor families, for being poor. What is being proposed? They are proposing to make ten changes that are listed below to the current scheme from 1 April 2017: Reducing the maximum level of support to 55% of the council tax charge Restrict the maximum level of support to the equivalent of a band C property charge Savings limit of £3,000 Removal of the family premium Reducing backdating for new claims to one month Basing the reduction on a set minimum income for self-employed earners after one year’s self-employment Reducing the period a person can be absent from Great Britain and still receive a reduction to four weeks Removing the work related activity component for new ESA applicants Limiting the number of dependent children within the calculation to a maximum of two Removing entitlement to Severe Disability Premium where another person is paid Universal Credit (Carers Element) The last one is really poisonous, remove entitlement to Carers!!! Please spread this story, you never know when you may be struggling with sickness. Thank you for your time.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John James
  • £3.9 BILLION owed by the Duke of Westminster for Death Duties
    Get the Duke of Westminster to pay 40% death duties on the £9 Billion he has just inherited from his father ( the late Duke of Westminster) This will be approx £3.6 BILLION at the curent rate of 40% It will show that the law is the law, rich or poor
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neil Mcvey
  • Bring back the climate change department
    By removing the climate change department it is essentially sending a message that says the conservative part don't care about climate change. Theresa May has selected a cabinet that could be detrimental to the environment. The conservatives, in their election promises, promised a greener government. We now have Boris Johnson, a climate change denier, Andrea Leadsom in charge of energy; who had to ask if climate change was real and a team of people just as likely to care little for the environment. Climate change matters to everyone whether left wing or right wing. It is your future, your children's future. Please share the petition hashtag #climatematters More info: https://30daysofwildparenting.wordpress.com/2016/07/16/bring-back-the-climate-change-department/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jul/15/decc-abolition-major-setback-for-uk-climate-change-efforts
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Johnson
  • Defer the debate on Trident
    MOD costings for renewal of Trident are still based on 2007 estimates, and are said to be between £15 and £20 billion. We are now entering a period of at least two years when the value of the pound and our country's credit rating will be at best uncertain, and possibly lead to recession. Whatever happens once we have left the EU, for the next two years there will be less money to spend on the NHS, schools, care for the elderly and disadvantaged, not more, and it makes no sense to committ such a proportion of our dwindling resources to this project. Let us at least wait until we have more idea of what our relations with the EU and the rest of the world will look like, and how our economy is faring, before the debate is held.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Mackinnon
  • 3 Steps to a Democratic Brexit
    Submission of the Article 50 Notice will start an irreversible process that will have profound consequences for decades to come. The electorate must have an opportunity to give their informed consent, so the Prime Minister, Parliament, and the public, can be be confident that this momentous step has the full backing of the British people.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Graham Bennett
  • Bring down pensionable age !
    I'm a nurse and must wait until I'm 66-67 before I can receive my old age pension from the Gov. My nhs contributed personal pension won't cover my monthly bills if I retire at 60 yrs old and I'm sure there are a lot more people out there in the same predicament! Women used to reach retirement age at 60 yrs old so let's re consider this important aspect of being able to enjoy retirement with enough money to do so rather than having the possibility of being too ill in old age beforehand
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janet Cowl
  • Call for a three option referendum in the Brexit leave deal. Accept/decline/stay
    This is important as many voters feel mislead after the referendum. This will give the whole of the UK time to understand what is really on offer at the end of negotiations. Will immigration be reduced, how much money will we really have available after withdrawal. This will ensure Brexit negotiations will focus on what has been promised, and show the voters what is on offer.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gavin Brett
  • Protect British people who have established a life in EU counties
    There are thousands of British people working and living in the EU. As a result of this referendum, they may be forced to leave and return to Britain where they have no home, community or security.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Caverhill
  • London to secede from United Kingdom
    London is one of the world's great cties, full of people from all over the planet, and each one of them enriches the city's great atmosphere. London is a cultural hub, a business hub, a a place with a great history and - as part of a wider global community - a dazzling future. Please let's not allow this phenomenonal city to lose the very things that make it what it is - its open-mindedness, its inclusivity and its forward facing outlook.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Hadley
  • Save woodlands in Brighton And Hove.
    Woodland conservation is important to save our woodland and save animals habitats also it will help our atmosphere get rid of CO2. For this reason, it would be particularly effective to plant more trees in high-pollution areas such as Preston Circus and Lewes Road.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brooke Bashford