• Don't force Horbury St Peters and Clifton to become an academy
    No two schools are alike. But the government doesn't seem to agree. It wants to rush through plans to force every single school in England to become an academy the type of school paid for by taxpayers, but run by businesses, sponsors or trusts. Many teachers and parents are already standing against the plans, saying that they're "a step towards privatisation", ignore local views, and could force some schools to close. One size does not fit all, and local parents and teachers should have a say in the future of our school. ------ If this isn't your local school, click here to sign your local petition, or start one if no-one else has yet: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/start-a-campaign-for-your-school
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Melanie Cossins
  • Don't force Brampton Primary School to become an academy
    No two schools are alike. But the government doesn't seem to agree. It wants to rush through plans to force every single school in England to become an academy the type of school paid for by taxpayers, but run by businesses, sponsors or trusts. Many teachers and parents are already standing against the plans, saying that they're "a step towards privatisation", ignore local views, and could force some schools to close. One size does not fit all, and local parents and teachers should have a say in the future of our school. ------ If this isn't your local school, click here to sign your local petition, or start one if no-one else has yet: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/start-a-campaign-for-your-school
    242 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Hazel Graham
  • Boycott year 6 SATS and call for teachers to strike.
    We want our kids to be kids again and enjoy learning for learning's sake not for Ofsted results or league table figures. Bring back the creativity and the fun - say goodbye to repetition and boredom! Between 9th to 13th May, children in Year 6 in England and Wales sit a whole week's worth of exams. They are lied to and told these will affect their whole life's careers which is simply untrue, Teachers are forced to put children under stress purely for league tables sakes. All year their curriculum has been centred around comprehension and arithmetic in order to pass these tests. Outdoor learning has decreased, childhood anxiety has increased, games have been replaced with grammar, playing with punctuation. Parents all over the country are joining forces on 3rd May for a day of fun learning out of school to show support for a SATs boycott and a return to teacher led assessments which value individuality and creativity in the school setting.
    2,100 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Lucy Spencer
  • Don't force Denton primary school to become an academy.
    No two schools are alike. But the government doesn't seem to agree. It wants to rush through plans to force every single school in England to become an academy the type of school paid for by taxpayers, but run by businesses, sponsors or trusts. Many teachers and parents are already standing against the plans, saying that they're "a step towards privatisation", ignore local views, and could force some schools to close. One size does not fit all, and local parents and teachers should have a say in the future of our school. ------ If this isn't your local school, click here to sign your local petition, or start one if no-one else has yet: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/start-a-campaign-for-your-school
    189 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Khalid Razzaq
  • We Support Teachers to Boycott SATs
    We began as a group of Year 2 parents who had had enough... enough of endless testing, enough of teachers not being trusted to teach, enough of an Ofsted driven, dull, dry curriculum aimed solely at passing National Curriculum Tests (SATs). We want our kids to be kids again and enjoy learning for learning's sake not for Ofsted results or league table figures. Bring back the creativity and the fun - say goodbye to repetition and boredom! In May, children in Year 2 and Year 6 sit a whole week's worth of exams... All year their curriculum has been focussed on passing these tests. Outdoor learning has decreased, childhood anxiety has increased, games have been replaced with grammar, playing with punctuation. Parents all over the country are joining forces to show support for a SATS boycott and a return to teacher led assessments which value individuality and creativity in the school setting. The assessment system in 2016 was described as a 'car crash'. Since then we have seen two Education Select Committees deliver damning verdicts on SATs and their effects and we have heard from numerous surveys of teachers and headteachers that they think that SATs are damaging to children, teachers and schools - both primary and secondary. We have also seen the creation of More Than A Score - a campaign group made up of parents, teachers, early years specialists and mental health professionals - all of whom are saying together that SATs must go! Many parents around the country are now planning their own boycotts of SATs with their children - and many more are speaking out against SATs, joined by increasing numbers of teachers. We would love ALL teachers to join us in this campaign and to openly speak out against SATs and to boycott them. For more info: https://www.morethanascore.org.uk/what-we-do/sats/ https://letthekidsbekids.wordpress.com/year-6-sats/ https://reclaimingschools.org/2018/03/18/protecting-children-from-primary-school-tests/ We want to work together with teachers to change the system.
    55,403 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by LetTheKids BeKids Picture
  • Abandon plans to force Academy status on all local schools in England
    These proposals will undermine local democracy and parental rights and choice and will turn local education into an uncontrolled 'free market' of dog-eat-dog competition for school places and will inevitably lead to the rise of more selective schools and the end of comprehensive education for all. As teachers in Academy schools are not required to have Qualified Teacher Status, these proposals will also lead to a further erosion of a qualified graduate teaching profession and a lowering of educational standards and diminution of life chances for our children. This nationalisation of our local schools and the centralisation of powers in the hands of the Secretary of State for Education also undermines generations of social investment in our local schools and, these grounds alone, these plans should also be abandoned.
    207 of 300 Signatures
    Created by John Firth
  • Schools need parent governors - don't silence us
    Parent governors are volunteers who give their time to represent the views of their peers. Parents deserve a say in how their schools are run. Your current plan removes the need for schools to include parents on their governing bodies. This will effectively silence us, preventing parents from having our say in our children's education.
    583 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Dan Jenkins
  • Save Milton Road Public Library in Cambridge from demolition
    Milton Road Public Library is an iconic building in the history of mathematics, celebrated for its connection with Professor Sir Andrew Wiles' proof of Fermat's last theorem. This dignified and much-loved building has served the public as a library since the 1930s, and continues to do so. It was a book that Andrew Wiles found in the library when he was ten years old that inspired his remarkable achievement - Eric Temple Bell’s, 'The Last Problem'. Wiles had been on his way home from school when he stopped to look at the library’s puzzle section. He read that a proof of Fermat’s theorem had eluded mathematicians for 300 years. Thirty years later, Wiles announced his solution. Milton Road Library had done what libraries should do - inform and inspire – with magnificent effect. Worldwide, few buildings are as closely associated with so notable a mathematical event. Yet Cambridgeshire County Council proposes to demolish it – to build a 3-storey block of 10 flats, with a small library/‘community hub’. This would be a huge loss to the heritage of mathematics and to the architectural and civic heritage of Cambridge. Read more here: http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/4248/milton_road_library_site_redevelopment_surveydoc.doc
    628 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Martin Aitken
  • Save Our Schools From Privatisation
    A fair and inclusive education system is our right in a democratic society. Gradually this is being taken away from us with continuing funding cuts in FE, cutting out whole sections of society from the opportunity to an education. Fee paying HE students have a future of debt. And now, schools are being targeted as a source of profit. Everyone at whatever age should be able to gain an education without having to pay a profit making organisation. If schools are turned into academies it will only be a matter of time before all citizens of the UK will have to pay for their education throughout the whole of their lives. There will be no accountability, standards or commitment by these academies to serve the public interest and invest back into society with educated citizens. Tax payers will see all their hard earned taxes benefiting private interests only, and not society as a whole.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Grant
  • Reverse the privatisation of our schools
    The Tories are pushing through legislation to remove all secondary and primary schools from Local Authority control by 2020 by turning them into academies. This is the free market gone mad and it must not be allowed to infect our education system. Schools are places of teaching and learning. They are not businesses and should not be run for profit. There is no evidence that academies are performing better than state schools. In fact Michael Wilshaw, Head of Ofsted has recently highlighted how many of the academy chains are underperforming. Academies do not have to teach the National Curriculum, can pay teachers what they like, can set their own holidays and impose longer days on their students, longer lessons and shorter holidays. in other words there is no parity of regulation. Academy Heads are not required to have been teachers themselves so have scant knowledge of running a school. This will spell the end of national pay scales for teachers and will be a disaster for our young people. This is total privatisation of the primary and secondary sector and cannot be allowed to happen.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandie Choi
  • Please Don't Force All Schools to Become Academies
    Forcing schools to become academies centralises the decision making power, taking it away from local authorities and makes schools cater to the needs of industry. Academies are underperforming compared to schools run by local authorities, and results frequently skew the figures by adding vocational qualifications.. A number of academies are already failing. Greater pressure can be exercised by academies on their teaching staff, forcing them to work weekends and holidays without the right to unionise. Pupils are not safer either, often ignored in 'study centres' or on exclusion if they don't conform. We urge you to reconsider this dangerously undemocratic move.
    1,195 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Smith
  • Save Tremoilet School
    Tremoilet School is a small school with a very big heart, it's part of our small community and we really want to keep it that way. Carmarthenshire Council have decided to try and close our school along with Llanmiloe school and send all children over 5 miles away to another school. If this happens it would be a huge blow to the local community, there would be no more school performances in the local church and the children would no longer be so involved in local affairs. Our small school has turned out some amazing students that have gone on to be extremely successful in different fields like computer software development, teachers, business management and the list goes on. We may be a small school but this does not mean we are willing to let it go,the children are certainly not prepared to lose the school that means so much to them and neither are the parents or Pendine Community.
    482 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Diane Bufton