• Don't force Brighton schools to become academies
    No two schools are alike. But the government doesn't seem to agree. It wants to rush through plans to force every single school in England to become an academy the type of school paid for by taxpayers, but run by businesses, sponsors or trusts. Many teachers and parents are already standing against the plans, saying that they're "a step towards privatisation", ignore local views, and could force some schools to close. One size does not fit all, and local parents and teachers should have a say in the future of our school. ------ If this isn't your local school, click here to sign your local petition, or start one if no-one else has yet: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/start-a-campaign-for-your-school
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Ockwell
  • Don't force Northbury primary school to become an academy
    No two schools are alike. But the government doesn't seem to agree. It wants to rush through plans to force every single school in England to become an academy the type of school paid for by taxpayers, but run by businesses, sponsors or trusts. Many teachers and parents are already standing against the plans, saying that they're "a step towards privatisation", ignore local views, and could force some schools to close. One size does not fit all, and local parents and teachers should have a say in the future of our school. ------ If this isn't your local school, click here to sign your local petition, or start one if no-one else has yet: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/start-a-campaign-for-your-school
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sadia Moaeed
  • Education - Reform the Education System to Stop the Teacher Crisis
    I propose a reformation of the education system, whereby the onus of learning of students is not on the teacher but is back on the students, this is unfair and creates a system where teachers have to do incredible amounts of work, rather than the students. There should be less paperwork involved in teaching and the teacher should be judged on the quality of teaching and lessons as well as the number of consistent or improved grades rather than classes as a whole. Allowing qualified people to teach would be a step forward allowing for greater creativity and well rounded learning rather than gaining a teaching qualification after a number of years after a graduate has already spent many years of study for their first degree. On the job training towards a qualification should also be employed as well as shorter qualification times. A certain amount of discipline should be a key part of the classroom so students can respect their teachers as a whole and the classroom also as a whole can benefit. British education should be comparable to that of an international education, perhaps a return to the older O-Level system would be a welcome return with emphasis on Mathematics, Science and English. We also would welcome breadth and depth in History not just on the World Wars, World History should be taught as well as the British Empire. I have been a private tutor for many years and I have never been as busy as I am at the present. Although good for myself, I want all students to have the great education and understanding that they deserve across the country. Due to pressure from Ofsted reports teachers sometimes have to shift focus on how to teach rather than what they are teaching and many schools are suffering from staff shortages. It is also difficult for me to enter the system despite many years experience since I do not have a PGCE. This could also be said for many well qualified people that have retired from such jobs that would be well suited to teaching, or those that have spent long enough in Education. We want to make the British Education the best in the World again by making it accessible, enjoyable and well rounded and to give our teachers the creativity to teach and let their passions shine through rather than fade over time.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Don Carran
  • Part time hours for Primary Children
    It is unhealthy for young children too be working adult hours. My reasons for this petition as follows. In other European countries like Finland, Norway etc children do not start school until the age of 7 and these countries are higher academic achievers than England. The physiological effects of these long hours that primary children are doing is very dangerous for their short term and long term health. For example, as an adult. We all know what it fells like to wake up early and come home late. Our stress levels increase in the start of the day. If we count how many hours our children are at school sitting behind a desk or on the dirty floor is inhuman. Also they might be forced to play outside in the cold weather and are only allowed in when it is raining heavily. Ofsted should not be grading a primary on their attendance because the very idea that the government are assuming, that missed days at school will have a drastic impact on the child's future is absurd. No one knows what the future holds. As parents I do believe that under the UN convention of children's right, we are the representatives of these humans and we need to get out of the out of date policies that are still in placed. So please help to make a difference to the education our children need. Thank you!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Codner Picture
  • save Little Oaks preschool
    The staff and children at Little Oaks will suffer if this change goes ahead this year
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tasha-magic Darval
  • Stop Bullying In Schools
    This is important because bullying affects thousands of children across the UK and whether it be in, primary, secondary or college it can affect them greatly. When I was in school I was bullied very severely and it led to many future problems that I then had to deal with myself because of the bullies I had. Bullying can lead to a variety of different problems from anxiety to self harm. I myself when through self harm and am still dealing with it now, three years later, I am so far beating the urge, but the feeling is still there and I hate to think that so many other children are going through the same thing that I went through. There is a statistic that shows 1 in 30 children self harm, which works out 1 child per classroom, which to me is an outrage and if stopping bullying or at least doing more to prevent it, can reduce that statistic, I think a lot more children would be happier. Bullying doesn't necessarily mean a child will self harm, but I feel that if you are bullied is does knock your confidence, no matter who you are, it will knock you. If schools started to put in place real policies and procedures for bullying, like a zero tolerance rule and go through with real consequences then bullying will cut down. When i was in school I would often go to my headteacher with the fact that i was being bullied, and nothing was ever done about it. It got to the point where my mum would call in, but still nothing was done. I feel like this probably happens for a lot of other students, and I think school staff should take it a lot more serious than they do and actually do something when a student comes to them about being bullied. Children are often too scared to go and tell someone, children should be able to feel like they can talk to someone if they're being bullied. I would like to start this campaign against schools dealing with bullying. Eventually i would like to be able to go into schools and do talks about bullying, and maybe ask children to fill in a confidential survey about bullying with questions such as: Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied someone? Has there been any consequences for your bullies? Has there been any consequences because you bullied someone? Has there been any consequences on yourself as a person because you've been bullied? What do you feel when you bully someone? Do you get anything out of it? I could then use these surveys to get statistics to use in other talks and to help show the severity of bullying in certain schools. This is an issue very close to my heart as i don't want children to have to feel the same way that I did when I stepped into school and to have to face the same issues that I did. I know the world is never going to be rid of bullying completely, but if i can at least make a small change in some schools across the UK, it would give me a great sense of achievement and i feel like it would benefit a lot of children.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jodie Barry
    This is important because I believe there is not enough investment in either of these services and the people of our country do not need to stand by and let politicians dither over the future of them, when we, as a country can help.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Maguire
  • Sex Education Should Be Taught In All Secondry Schools
    It is important because there are STI's that could kill and if we don't learn about them in school we wont know how to deal with them, also young adults and teens are likely to get pregnant and if they don't learn about the risks or protections it could be dangerous.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Smith
  • Stop children's centres' funding cuts
    Without this funding, two generations are disadvantaged: young parents who want to improve their education and skills, and their children who will also miss out on valuable early years education before age 2.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Staddon
  • Books in the bus stops in London: Bookstops
    Books that you have read, books that seem too old but tell our history, books that you think the next generations should read, why should we keep them isolated from the world? Why not share them with everyone?! In this technological era where everything is moving so fast, where social networks command our daily life, a book can save us and make us comeback to our roots and untangle who we are. This is why this campaign is so important; to have the liberty to read a book that can remind us that there are stories that cannot be forgotten because they represent a part of ourselves.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Miguel Marre
    The scoring of children in their first weeks on entry to their new schools: -Is Damaging for children and inappropriate practice at an important transition time -Will undermine the current methods of assessment and practice used in early years settings -Will not improve the quality of schools -Is not a reliable source of data -Will lead to a further formalisation of learning in the early years and downgrading of play -Transfers funding from school budgets to private companies -Prevents the local education authority from having an active role in overviewing and monitoring assessments in the early years across the county and places this role directly into the hands of the private assessment providers and the DFE. We call on the Borough Council to write to the Secretary of State for Education calling for the removal of Baseline Assessment and the retention of the existing Early Years Foundation Stage Profile in our schools. We also call on the Borough Council to support any school that chooses not to implement the Baseline assessment. Reference: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-35549611
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andy Costa
  • UK Government To Force All Supermarkets To Give Unsold Food To The Needy
    There is far to much food waste when we have people going hungry. All stores should be required to donate unwanted food to charities and to food banks. It should apply to any supermarket with a footprint of 400 square metres or larger. If companies flout the law they are to incur fines. Supermarkets are to sign a donation deal with charities, which will be able to increase the quality and diversity of food that they currently get and distribute. In terms of nutritional balance, they currently have a deficit of meat and a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables. This will hopefully allow food-banks to push a fresh source of nutritional quality food to people and families in need.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Sue Sampson