• Universal Credit Helpline should be FREE
    People in receipt of benefits are generally, by their very nature of having to claim a benefit, in a vulnerable financial situation. The changes to the benefit system as JCP centres roll out the Universal Benefit programme is causing considerable and maybe severe financial disruption for some of our most vulnerable members of society. These persons SHOULD NOT HAVE TO FINANCE the rollout by having to pay 55p p/min to make a call with a query they have about the changes that are affecting the fabric of their lives. Many people end up on hold - AT 55P PER MINUTE! It is immoral to charge people to use this helpline.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Price
  • Save Tylorstown Swimming Pool
    It’s essential that Tylorstown and the wider community of the Rhondda Fach Keep this pool. We have seen closure after closure a loss of services and amenities. We have very poor transport links so it can be difficult to travel to other pools. The loss of the the pool will be detrimental to the children and residents of Tylorstown- other options must be considered.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anna Jones
  • Stop the speeding
    Cars have been speeding round these streets at break neck speed something needs to be done before someone is killed
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lucy Savage
  • Reinstate a railway station in Forfar
    We are a commuter Town between Dundee and Aberdeen with a growing population, we need better links to the outside world to help the local economy flourish !
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Alan Leslie
  • Paradise Lost - Devastated Islands🌴 in the Sun -
    Everyone wants to go on your big ships around the Carribean because of the beauty of the islands and the SMILES and warmth and love of the People. It’s what the World needs NOW!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Will Stringer
  • Legally recognise ADUK Dogs as Carers for Direct Payments
    These are amazing carers who maintain and promote independence for people who have various and complex care and social needs. Our assistance dogs care for us 24/7 who should be legally recognised by the government and save the government millions a year in care charges. The government needs to offer people the right to be able to claim for these costs to be able to keep us independent and motivated and socialised within the community. The average homecare cost is £200 per week the average cost of an ADUK is about £50 per week. Some more progressive councils allow for these amazing carers to be honoured and covered by a direct payment, whilst other councils take the guideline discriptor of carer ( meaning human ) as literal- this should be addressed to show the change since it was written. It will also help with the crisis in the health and social care situation.
    314 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Forbes
  • Renew Uber Licence
    It's important for the 3.5million Londerners whom rely on Uber as their preferred mode of transport. Not to mention the 40,000 Uber drivers whom rely on this income.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Teeney
  • Introduce bus service from Dundee to Stratheden Hospital
    Hundreds of students (nursing, medical and allied health professions) are placed at this hospital a year from Dundee University, Dundee & Angus College and Abertay University (and the surrounding area) and using public transport can take up to two hours to get there and back even though it is only a 30/40 minute journey. Its not only students who would benefit from this, stratheden has staff, visitors and patients who would find this bus route useful. At present, anyone getting to Stratheden Hospital via public transport has to get a bus from the hospital into the town centre of Cupar (which only runs once an hour so you often have to resort to a taxi) and then wait to get either a train into Dundee or another bus. The hospital itself plays a big role in mental health care within NHS Scotland but is currently facing a staffing shortage and from personal experience I believe this has a lot to do with how unaccessible the hospital and as many of you may know, staffing & student shortages leads to poor care delivery. I urge anyone who works at the hospital, is a student and understands the struggles of travelling to placement, someone who understands how important good staffing levels within the NHS are or just anyone who wants to support the cause to please sign this petition. Thank you.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J H
  • Improve bus times for workers!
    So many people rely on the bus service to get them to and from work. First bus york dont take into consideration the staff that start as early as 7:00am. The number 7 McArthurglen route is one of the busiest park and ride services there is so they would be silly not to put extra busses on. The number 9 and 3 service runs as early as 6:00am and 6:30am so why can't the number 7 route?
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sammi Hardy Picture
  • Put Bollards on Soho Rd
    Broken slabs are dangerous for people to walk on and the council has had to fix them numerous times at a cost to the taxpayer.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Drysdale
  • Introduce faster rail services though Dumfries and kilmarnock
    It is important as the two towns are currently isolated and business is falling and both areas could do with a financial boost and a rail connection to the big cities would help
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Borthwick
  • Put a domestic abuse/violence lead in every workplace in the UK
    Figures in 2011 showed that here in the UK £1.8bn is lost in economic output, since then grants have been cut, refuges have been closed and Domestic Violence has increased. People suffer in silence because they are so ashamed of their situations, those lucky enough to have a job are often too scared to disclose because they fear losing something that is possibly the only constant thing in their lives.
    99 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqui Kershaw