• Cumberland Infirmary Hospital Parking Charges
    The car parking company (UKPC) expects patients and staff to guess how much time they will need to be in the car park. If people overpay there are no refunds, if they underpay they are given large fines. There is no facility for paying by card if you don't have any cash. A fairer system would be pay as you leave. The current system exploits people when they are at their most vulnerable. It is completely unfit for purpose and should be changed.
    730 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Shaun Silson
  • End Homelessness in the UK
    130,000 people a year in England alone are asking for help regarding homelessness (Shelter, 2017). Homelessness is a matter of social injustice not just personal responsibility, everybody in Britain has a right to accommodation, it is not just a lack of shelter, it involves a deprivation over a number of dimensions, lack of physical and mental comfort, lack of privacy, lack of rootedness in the world and a lack of purpose in life (Somerville, 2013). Even in affordable social housing there is now an uncertainty in security, resulting in an increase in rough sleepers by 102% since 2010. The reason for homelessness is simple, not enough housing,not enough social housing, the ridiculous peak in house prices and the uncertainty of short hold tenancy in private sector housing. This needs to be stopped, we need to stop allowing housing associations and landlords putting vulnerable people out on the streets. Most of us are one wage slip away from being on the streets so help us today to change the lives of thousands of people. Sign today, save tomorrow. Follow us online at - https://sleepsafesleepwarm.wordpress.com/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/SleepsafeSleepwarm Twitter- https://twitter.com/CSleepsafe Refernces Shelter England. (2017). Home. [online] Available at: http://england.shelter.org.uk/ [Accessed 6 May 2017]. Somerville, P. (2013). Understanding Homelessness. Housing, Theory and Society, 30(4), pp.384-415.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by tessa kinsella
  • Change the disabled logo
    It is mortifying to be judged by people when you use disabled spots if your disability is not visible. There are stories of abusive notes being left on people's cars, which is a huge knock to their self confidence, which is often already low. The change of logo would symbolism a inclusive acknowledgment of all disabilities.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Sandland
  • Help Stop The Bed Shortage
    People are and have died due to bed shortages and closures of Accident and Emergency departments within our NHS hospitals, The Government keep promising extra beds and staffing levels, so lets get them to prove it.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gavin Ward Picture
  • One way traffic in Church Street Athlone
    It was tried before and was a glorious failure .
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Ross
  • Government fund all life-saving services.
    Many services such as the RNLI, Air Ambulance, St John's Ambulance, Mountain Rescue England & Wales (MREW) and British Cave Rescue Council (BCRC) rely on public funding. They are registered charities and survive mainly on public donations, despite the fact that they save lives. I strongly feel that any potential service that has the ability to save lives should not have to rely on voluntary donations, and instead should be funded by the government. And this also goes to our existing emergency services who have experienced budget cuts in recent times. For example the Police, Ambulance/NHS, Fire Brigade and Coastguard. Sign this petition if you believe that the government should invest more into our emergency services in order to prevent loss of life.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Curtis Oliver
  • Develop a new digital vote to allow easier and greater voting numbers
    It's important to allow easy acces for UK voters to vote in a way that fits around modern life. It's also important that if we open up this access that we get a clear understanding of the pledges each party are making so that voters can make a truly informed decision that aligns with people's values and principles for the UK should be run.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Brady
  • Change Paramedic Degree Classification
    Paramedics provide a life saving service and currently as they are not classed as exceptional allied health care professionals this means funding is not available, even as a loan, if you have an existing degree. This also means that students who do get loans do not get travel expenses paid or accommodation like other healthcare professionals. The nation is crying out for paramedics and the funding is a huge barrier eliminating opportunities for highly skilled people who simply can't afford the £29000 tuition fees and then the extra travel and accommodation expenses. The finance is stopping people from training to provide life saving services.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angie Nash
  • NHS spending
    To ensure those entitled get quick and necessary attention, whilst eliminating wasteage on salaries, purchases and other handouts
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Brown
  • No to Trump's use of ceremonail gold carriage.
    It affords Trump credibility that is undeserved. Further it will add to the already large,tax payer bill for security for his visit.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beattie Dray
  • No More Diesel Ice-Cream Vans Poisoning Our Children
    Because of their height, a small child, when waiting in line for their summer treat, will often be subjected to several minutes of poisonous gas from a diesel or petrol engine. Ice-cream vans tend to station themselves in parks and near playgrounds, meaning the health and safety of all children in the vicinity is compromised. We wouldn't allow a lorry to park next to a group of children and keep their engine running for hours on end, so why do we accept it from an ice-cream van? Several boroughs already insist on using electric vehicles to sell ice-cream in parks. We are calling for a blanket ban of diesel powered ice-cream vans in all parks and outside our homes. This is better for the whole community, including those selling those delicious 99s.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Wallfisch
  • Refuse the government 1% rise for NHS care and nursing staff
    We are seeing more people who are losing heart and morale about working in a job that most feel should be rewarding. People go into the health industry to make a change, but they are being exploited to the very limit. We are struggling for staff in all areas and less are wanting to train due to being able to earn more in a supermarket than a hospital.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A Nurse Who cares