No more injury claim adverts on NHS pamphletsI fell off my bike two weeks ago, fracturing my shoulder and giving myself a severe concussion. The NHS treated me amazingly, especially given it was a Friday night in A&E. The bang I received to my head meant I was in no fit state to properly understand everything they told me about my injuries, so the nurses put all the information in my bag to ensure I had everything I needed when I got home to help me deal with my recovery. I woke up the next day and was perplexed when I found a load of literature about injury lawyers and compensation claims in my bag. Currently, adverts for injury lawyers are on the back of information given to patients after treatment. Informative pamphlets are designed to notify patients of their condition and to explain what they need to do and why. These adverts encourage a 'blame' culture, do nothing to assist a patients recovery and propagate the idea that you can put a price on everything. Ironically, the NHS are likely to be one of the main targets of these law firms, thus tax payers' money is spend on litigation and compensation rather than improvements to the health care system. The NHS paid £1.2 billion in legal fees for clinical negligence. I am sure that much of this compensation is justified, however we need an autonomous health service which can operate for the good of the whole society without being blamed and forced to cough up for every worse-than-expected outcome. It is imperative that these adverts are removed from all NHS literature that is distributed to the public.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Angus McNelly
NHS ProfessionalsIt is important to stop further privatisation of the NHS. Read more here: http://news.sky.com/story/1356686/nhs-sale-plan-controversy-risk-for-ministers60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Geoff Clegg
REFORM MEASURES AGAINST DISABLED PEOPLE AND PROVIDE THEM WITH ADQUATE HOUSINGThis is important as the government are targeting disabled people to get them into work and not providing adequate housing to those who need it. They intimidate the vulnerable and sick, bully those who speak out about their actions, and make foolish comments on what is a fair wage for a disabled person who is working. This has to stop! Sign this petition today and hopefully the government might actually listen to our outcry. It is important to realise that in today's society to work and live without benefits it would cost each person an average of £200.00 per week to pay rent, bills & for food when working. As claimants of benefits the average amount a single person gets is £75 per week with that a person has to pay top up council tax & rent which docks roughly £15 off their benefits per week, then they have to pay for food & bills leaving them with £0 money at the end of a week, for a couple this benefit works out at under £145.00 per fortnight. The government expects people on benefits to struggle even though they themselves haven't taken a pay cut and in fact asked for wages to be put up for all mp's a few weeks ago. How is this a fair system when even the working class are struggling to pay bills and government mp's are sitting pretty in their nice houses and estates. They say welfare claimants are a drain on this country but we are not the government need to realise, that the more pressure they insert on the general public the more angry they will get. Time for change is now! Time to change the government, time to change the changes they are making to this once beautiful Britain, it time to say enough is enough and we aren't going to take it anymore. Sign this petition today. Lets make them change.68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Gooch
Political Debates 2015 - All Parties Large and SmallIn a country that is supposed to be democratic with a media that is supposed to be unbiased it is yet again being wholly biased with its 2015 debates. Asking the usual suspects and then inviting Nigel Farage whilst leaving out other parties is undemocratic and unfair on the electorate who want to hear all parties views and policies so they can make a fair and informed decision on who they want to run their country! : SNP who are now the United Kingdoms third largest political party 80,000 + and rising : Greens who are a bigger party than UKIP : SSP To name just three who deserve the right to be heard equally in the media debates or are the media and the parties invited afraid of the impact that will have in the actual polling stations on the day? We as an electorate demand that all parties are heard equally in the debates in 201557 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tina McCaffery
Petition to Stop our Community Cafe being privately leasedOur Community Cafe is an important space. It is a vital part of our community used by the old, the young, families, residents with mental health issues and other vulnerable members of our community. Community support is being achieved in this space and will be quickly lost to us as a community because; A decision has been made to lease out our Community Cafe to a non community organisation from the middle of October. It is unbelievable to see that the Community have been disregarded and not asked to get involved in discussions about this Community resource. Our community is full of wonderful caring people with skills and ideas to build on the work already achieved and we are entitled to be engaged in conversations about the fate of our Community resources and how they are run for the benefit of the Community it serves now and in the future- Engage us86 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Moira Kerrane
Right to LightStreetlights were introduced for our safety, society hasn't got safer, it is a basic necessity in the modern world, to take this away from us, after large cuts to our police force is a very irresponsible act.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tina Brooker
Bring back weekly bin emptysIt's important to our health and hygiene. We need to live in a clean and safe environment not filth and muck.138 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lana Kennedy
Suspend Nick RobinsonBecause the licence payers in Scotland deserve an impartial broadcaster in these times of great change and not to have someone biased reporting on currant events.76 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrew Bickerstaff
Pay disabled Fire Service Veterans-their correct pensions & their backpay.Social justice and the pension law demands that disabled FSVs and their widows hurt in the service of this nation must be paid their correct injury pensions including their back pay to allow them to care for themselves by reducing the burden on local health services. In memoriam of the 345 Firefighters of NYFD on this day of 9/11 who never made it to disablement...27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Burns
More Now Means Less LaterIt is economic and health and well being based logic. If you deal with mental health issues in young people; providing quality support for them at the early stage(s) of their problems, you will not only save millions of pounds in the long run due to less, older adults needing extended support; but you will also create a healthier and more productive adult workforce, thereby increasing the number of persons working, contributing to the UK economy, and paying tax.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles Lawrence-Neumann
A return to affordable council housingFor many reasons. to house Britain's 1,500,000 homeless. to revitalise the building industry and its ancilliary suppliers. to return Britain to being a community in charge of its own destiny. We have the skills we have the labour and there's plenty of money around at very low rates of interest.76 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Malcolm Hart
Stop Referring to Migrants as 'Illegal'It has been almost forty years since the UN recognised that referring to migrants as 'illegal' is dehumanising, discriminatory, and above all, incorrect. Since 1975, the UN has used either 'undocumented' or 'irregular' to refer to migrants that 'do not fulfil the requirements established by the country of destination to enter, stay, or exercise an economic activity'. As Editor-in-Chief of the BBC Tony Hall has the mandate to implement this change and correct inaccurate reporting. The BBC continues to use the term 'illegal' with no justification. A headline as recent as 15 May 2014 reads: 'Illegal migration to EU rises by nearly half'. As a public service broadcaster and influential media organisation the BBC ought to abide by its own clear editorial guidlines that say: 'We...are committed to achieving due accuracy in all our output...Impartiality lies at the core of the BBC's commitment to its audiences'. Unfounded discrimination against migrants is a clear breach of these standards. Human Rights Watch recently observed, 'The term “illegal”...reinforces prejudices about nationals of a particular country or persons of a particular race.' The term incorrectly suggests that migrants are criminals and encourages prejudiced views about those individuals. Cecilia Malmström, European Commisioner for Home Affairs clarified the issue in 2010. She said, 'Let me be clear about my vocabulary...illegal migrants do not exist. People may come to the EU and might be required to use irregular ways...but no human being is illegal'. This petition supports the use of the word 'undocumented' instead of 'irregular' as 'irregular' retains connotations of otherness and deviation from a perceived norm, marking individuals as abnormal and continuing to estrange migrants. For more information see: http://www.hrw.org/news/2014/06/24/dispatches-why-we-should-outlaw-illegal http://picum.org/picum.org/uploads/file_/TerminologyLeaflet_reprint_FINAL.pdf http://www.un.org/esa/population/migration/index.html14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Bevington
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