• Start screening for cervical cancer at 18
    Young women under 25 are dying and leaving their families behind
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Laverack
  • Cancel the inquiry into charging to use the NHS
    A truly civilised society recognises need and seeks to meet it without punishing the people in need. The NHS Constitution clearly states that the NHS belongs to us all. It doesn’t belong to an insurance company, or any other kind of co-payment organisations. The NHS is affordable without a charging regime that would stop many poor people and those in poor health from accessing essential services.
    701 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Carl Walker
  • Care From Home Agencies
    My Mum suffers from Dementia and the Care From Home Agency employ some young inexperienced carers. I would like legislation to stop Care Agencies from employing inexperienced carers.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Juhasz
  • Make Child Protection services accountable
    Families are being let down very badly in court because of the aggressive tactics employed by some in child protection in order to achieve a particular outcome. The wronged parent is left in a hopeless position to defend themselves, since there is no record, and making accusations of false or misleading reports leads to the victim being open to charges of paranoia or dishonesty, further weakening their position in court.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Flora Griffin
  • All Calder Valley Councils to offer resources, support and shelter for refugees
    There are millions of families fleeing terror and destruction across the globe and grass roots communities must reach out and offer them asylum even if the Government won't.
    444 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Lita Hallyburton Picture
  • Merthyr Council: Stop Using Debt Recovery Firms
    The use of debt recovery companies by the council clearly victimises the least financially secure people in the town who are struggling to keep up with council tax bills, rent (often due to bedroom tax) and even parking charges. Some of the companies employed by the council use bully tactics, harassment and intimidation to coerce people to pay debts. To make matters worse they add crippling and punitive charges on to debts adding further stress and worry onto those who cannot afford to pay their debt. A recent example of this was a situation where one person owed Merthyr Council £45 but had to pay Excel Debt Recovery £150 on demand and have been told they will again return to collect a further £245. Giving the person further stress, worry and financial hardship. We demand that the council stop using such companies who bully, intimidate and harass people and profit on the misfortune of others. Such use of companies is unethical and goes against the principle of local government looking after and supporting those who require it's services the most.
    413 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Geraint Williams
  • Keep UWS in Hamilton
    The Scottish Government and Scottish Funding Council can act to safeguard the future of UWS in Hamilton. Without this investment UWS has confirmed it may have to consider other options, including relocating away from South Lanarkshire. UWS, its students and local partners deserve clarity and certainty.
    2,071 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Monica Lennon
  • Stop HMRC using private collection agencies
    Private collection agencies are ruthless and add more debt to those who can least afford it.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Cosslett
  • Help Kev find a new home
    My disabled Brother has been waiting for well over a year to be re homed in a suitable property. He has multiple disabilities and has to have oxygen almost all the time. He has not been out of his small flat for over a year (except for emergencies) and despite being unable to walk more than a few feet before being exhausted, he remains housed in a third floor flat which is dirty and dangerous. My brother was born with multiple health problems and was not expected to live much beyond his forties. He is now 54, and his health is increasingly worse. The whole family is worried about his safety and he has few, if any visitors. One of his regular visitors, and oldest friends from schooldays, recently died from Cancer. So he is now even more isolated. He has had to have his bed moved in to his front room as it's too difficult for him to get to the bedroom. He cannot reach the bathroom in the night so has to urinate in bottles which he keeps by his bed. He has undergone many serious operations throughout his life and suffered more than most, from being bullied during our school days right through the emotional problems that his poor health has brought with it. Our Mum has had Parkinson's for over 25 years and has recently had to go in to a nursing home. She now has related dementia but nonetheless is constantly asking after my Brother and is always worried about his well being. Despite repeated conversations with Bexley housing service and their acknowledgement that my Brother should be treated as a priority on the grounds of his ill health, he is in the system with everyone else and has had no luck in his search for a property. He doesn't want much, just a ground floor flat, with disabled access so that, perhaps with the aid of a mobility scooter, he could once again be able to get out once in a while. Please sign my petition, I have already tried contacting his M.P. but this achieved nothing. Thanks to all who sign. Kind regards, Mark Walker
    307 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Mark Walker
  • Dawlish Warren Cycle Hire Campaign
    Bob Bowen and his cycle shop have tirelessly campaigned for the completion of the cycle path since 1998 when they first started hiring cycles at Dawlish Warren. It is no exaggeration to say that without his efforts there would be no cycle path as is the situation in Teignmouth. It has always been the intention to move back to the Warren and do so once the cycle path was completed. We therefore started discussions to this end. When the toilets came up for tender it was a natural extension to bid for this. The council in their wisdom has decided to award another business the cycle hire premises at the closed toilets at Dawlish Warren. As Dawlish is now one of – if not 'the', most depressed coastal towns in Devon we feel that enough is enough. Many of our local businesses and traders have gone. It is not hard to see what can be done with the support of the local authority – one only has to look to Teignmouth to understand this. We feel the award of this contract to another business from outside our town is irresponsible and does not take into consideration the needs and feelings of our local community. I am puzzled as to how a local authority can take an idea and give it to someone else! We therefore urge Teignbridge and it’s officers to rethink this decision and award the tender of cycle hire at Dawlish Warren to Bob Bowen and Braking Wind Cycles.
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Robert Bowen
  • BBC: Please continue to use the Met Office
    Please protect protect the UK public's long term investment in both great serving British institutions and sustain the collaborative, innovative partnership into the future. The Met Office is a trusted and respected world-wide leader in forecasting accuracy. The BBC is making a huge mistake in ending the current contract. It has provided the data used for BBC forecasts since the corporation's first radio weather bulletin on 14 November 1922. The BBC said it had to use licence payers/tax payers money efficiently, so had to use the 'market'. But do we want to continue with the experts in the field, albeit at a higher cost, or do we want to cut corners and give the contract to a foreign company just because they can come in with a cheaper tender? This decision is being made for short term gain rather than long term public infrastructure benefit.
    287 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Colin Teasdale
  • End the two-tier workforce at National Museums of Scotland
    In 2011 the management of National Museums Scotland broke an existing ACAS agreement and arbitrarily and unilaterally imposed a two-tier wage structure upon its lowest-paid workers (principally Cleaners, Visitor Services Assistants, Housemen, Security) without consultation or negotiation with the recognised Trade Unions. Staff employed since 1st January 2011 are on reduced terms and conditions without a weekend working allowance which is paid to compensate for having to work anti-social hours. Many of this lowest paid group only get one full weekend off once every seven weeks, which has a detrimental impact on family and social life. The consequence is that low-paid workers on the same shifts, doing the same work, are being paid up to £3,000 less than their colleagues. These workers make the National Museums Scotland the top rate attraction it is, and it is only fair that they get paid properly for their hard work. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation states that those earning under £17,100 a year are being paid a Poverty Wage, and many of our members earn well below that. Senior Scottish Politicians, in opposition against Westminster, have recently been calling for recognition of weekend working payments for those who give up valuable family and social time. These payments make up a large part of low-paid workers’ take home pay. PCS totally agree with safeguarding weekend working rights, and believe that if it is good enough for other workers, then National Museums Scotland staff deserve this too. Both Museum management and the Scottish Government need to embrace the principle of recompensing weekend work and accept PCS proposals to settle this long- running dispute. We do not believe that low-paid culture workers deserve to suffer at the hands of austerity, especially when heritage and culture contribute so much to the Scottish economy. The Museum’s own figures show that it contributes £65million to the economy. PCS Members at the National Museums of Scotland have been taking part in discontinuous strike action for over 2 years. Despite repeated requests to come to a negotiated settlement with management, this has not happened.
    2,786 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Clara Paillard