• Save our bus services in East Sussex
    Bus services remain of vital importance to many people living in rural areas, people who are no longer able to drive, children going to school, people travelling to work. The maintenance of good public transport networks is important in reducing carbon admissions and relieving congestion on the roads. The County Council's proposals would radically impact on people's lives, eliminating evening services in all but the larger towns and cutting services in some rural areas from daily to twice weekly.
    322 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Lyn Donbroski
  • Public Ownership of Scotland’s Railway
    Public transport is an essential public service. It facilitates the smooth running of our local and national economies, it helps cut the carbon emissions caused by car travel, and it enables everyone to participate in our society – to visit friends and family, to attend appointments, events or go shopping – without need or aspiration to own a car. Improving our public transport is the answer to many of the huge problems our country faces: the climate emergency, persistent poverty and social isolation and toxic air pollution. Yet for more than thirty years, the privatisation of public transport has seen services deteriorate and fares continue to rise above inflation so that it is now unaffordable and impractical for many. Public subsidy has increased, yet the inefficiencies caused by privatisation (profit extraction, admin duplication and increased legal and borrowing costs) mean passengers are also having to pay more. Money which should have be spent on expanding and improving the network has been allowed to leak out. Communities have been left isolated, car ownership has risen and it’s the poorest in our society who have suffered the most. This campaign was first launched in the wake of the Referendum on Independence in September 2014 to demand new powers over the Public Ownership of Scotland’s Railway, as the backbone to a fully-integrated, efficient and affordable public transport system fit for the 21st century. These powers were then granted in the Scotland Act 2016, allowing a public sector operator to take over the ScotRail franchise for the first time since the Railways Act 1993 came into effect in 1994. Meanwhile on 1 April 2015, the Scottish Government awarded the contract to run ScotRail to Abellio, the Dutch state-owned company run by Nederlandse Spoorwegen, which has continued to perform poorly over the last five years. After voting against breaking Abellio’s contract on two occasions (November 2018 and October 2019) on 18 December 2019, the Minister for Transport Michael Matheson MSP, finally announced that he would end Abellio’s contract three years’ early (on 31 March 2022). On 1 April 2020, we re-launched this campaign to demand that a public sector operator is ready to take over running ScotRail by 2022. Working alongside the new publicly-owned or publicly-controlled buses permitted in the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019, a publicly-owned ScotRail will finally give us the opportunity to create the fully-integrated, efficient and affordable public transport system we need to provide a real green alternative to car travel for us all. This petition is supported by: https://www.bringbackbritishrail.org/images/MakeScotRailPublic_supporters.png To add your organisation to this list, please use the 'Contact User' button above.
    6,501 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Ellie Harrison Picture
  • Public Ownership of Scotland’s Energy
    Privatised energy has failed citizens. For evidence please see: www.weownit.org.uk/evidence/energy Meanwhile, the Referendum on Independence has created an inspiring re-engagement in politics across Scotland and some brilliant ideas about what sort of society we should work together to create. Now that all the drama is finally over, it is essential we keep the pressure up and utilise the 'new powers' to make these ideas a reality. New books such as 'Common Weal' (2014) and 'Yes: The Radical Case for Scottish Independence' (2014) both foreground the need for the Democratic Public Ownership of our essential services and infrastructure, in order to move towards a green economy and a more just society. Therefore, this petition has been created alongside another to the Minister for Transport demanding the Public Ownership of Scotland’s Railway. Please sign both and share the links below to help spread the word: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/p/publicrailwayscotland https://you.38degrees.org.uk/p/publicenergyscotland This petition is supported by: http://www.bringbackbritishrail.org/images/pftp_supporters.png To add your organisation to this list, please use the 'Contact User' button above.
    620 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Ellie Harrison Picture
  • Re-instate the School Crossing Patrol in Canford Heath
    This road crossing is very dangerous especially during school drop off and pick up times. It is difficult to cross this very busy road during these times for pedestrians, and it is hard for drivers with two very busy junctions in close proximity and restricted views of both sides of the crossing especially when large vehicles including buses are turning. There are three schools within close proximity, Ad Astra First School, Haymoor Junior School and Magna Academy making this crossing very busy with a large proportion of pupils crossing without an adult. From a pedestrian point of view, the junction has been deemed too dangerous for an individual to stop the traffic, yet it is ok for our children to be left to cross the road alone. People are witnessing children stuck on the island in the middle of the road waiting for cars to stop, which is incredibly dangerous. From a driver’s point of view - without the school crossing patrol - the pupils assume the traffic will stop and wait. There can be a constant stream of pupils attempting to cross the road which is causing traffic jams down Adastral Road. Driver’s do not want to stop due to the high volume of people waiting and it halting their journey. There have been a couple of instances where traffic has gone to pull away and a child has run across the crossing, making it very dangerous.
    721 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Gemma Burney
  • Save Our Number 36 Bus Service
    The proposed cuts to bus services would severely restrict people's ability for travel: • to and from work • visiting friends and relatives • To access education and training • access to hospitals, doctors, dentists and other medical services • access to leisure activities including town and countryside locations Fewer buses will mean more traffic congestion and delays which affects all of us.
    392 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michael Hughes
  • Removal of Means-testing of Payment for Carers
    Carers are on call 24/7 and save NHS and Social services considerable sums by undertaking their responsibilities as Designated Carers for those partly or wholly disabled. A Carer, in receipt of a State Pension, receives no payment for their costant vigilance because that Pension is more than a Carer's Allowance. Effectively they are working for NHS and Social Services for nothing. It is grossly unfair and the means-testing must be stopped so that Carers' heroic and selfless contribution to society can be properly recognised and remunerated.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terence Joyes
  • Save Liverpool Libraries
    My name is Elysce. I am 11 years old and live in Liverpool. My favourite thing to do in the world is read, and hope one day to become an author and that people will read the stories I have written. I have read hundreds of books and love finding new ones in my library. I think it would be an awful thing to take away the books from people. If I do become an author when I am older, people should be able to visit the libraries and read my stories. I love visiting the libraries in Liverpool, and my mum was happy that I spent lots of time in the summer holidays visiting them. I also went to a 2 week camp called "book it" my mum has told me that the council paid a lot of money for me to go, and that they are partners with the company who organised it, so what I don't understand is, why encourage children to read, and spend a lot of money getting them interested in it, and all of a sudden take it away!! Please please please support and help my to stop the libraries from closing in Liverpool. I couldn't imagine how boring life would be if we had no books. Someone once said: "In the library one often finds, people close their mouths and open their minds" I really think that this is true. Thank you
    3,442 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Elysce Hastie
  • Moratorium on A&E closures and hospital reorganisations
    - Local people, across the country, are demonstrating that they are opposed to reorganisation plans - In many place there was totally inadequate consultation about plans for A&E closures and wider hospital reorganisations - Urgent Care Centres are an untried alternative to local A&Es - A&E services are under severe strain at present - further reducing these as we come into winter means lives will be put at risk - Reorganisations are driving an increasing privatisation of our NHS together with the Health and Social Care Act and growing threats from TTIP The petition is the initiative of Save Our Hospitals: Hammersmith and Charing Cross.
    3,202 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Merril Hammer
  • Protect Domestic Violence Survivors' Right to Housing
    Recently, one local authority, Barnet Council, has consulted on requiring survivors of domestic violence to register as homeless before rehousing them. This will have the effect of removing their priority status on the housing waiting list, dropping from Band 1 down to Band 2 or 3. If these proposals are implemented, they will set a dangerous precedent for our society as well as the way we treat those who have survived domestic violence - who are often forced to choose between their safety and their own home. We should be looking to change the narrative about domestic violence - and that means recognising and taking steps to protect survivors' right to housing.
    667 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Reema Patel
    Children’s social and mental health services are failing to protect vulnerable children in the UK. It’s not just Rotherham though. The NSPCC estimates that for every child on a child protection plan, there are another eight who are being abused or neglected. 500 Children’s Centres have closed since 2010 and 73% of Social Workers say they can’t do their jobs properly. Two thirds of local authorities have cut their budgets for child and adolescent mental health and 88% of Social Workers say that budget cuts have left children at increased risk of abuse. Huge numbers of unfilled social worker posts (3800 in England alone) are leading to untold misery for tens of thousands of children. This is leaving children at risk and the workers who have to try and protect them, demoralised and struggling to cope. “Enough is Enough”, a recent report from the Centre for Social Justice, describes the current child protection and mental health system as “abhorrent” and that suffering children face “grotesque injustice.” Now an Independent Children’s Task Force, made up of child protection experts, has been formed by Kids Company’s SEE THE CHILD. CHANGE THE SYSTEM campaign. The task force will completely redesign child and adolescent social care and mental health services. We hope this petition will persuade all the political parties to support the Task Force's new delivery model - and to commit to piloting it in two Local Authorities so it can be put to the test. It’s true that children can’t vote and vulnerable children are completely invisible. It shouldn't be like this and with your help we need to stand up for them and show politicians that we care. No child or young person should be left to suffer alone. This is the nation’s best hope of ensuring that all abused children can get the help they need, when they need it. Please sign and share this petition now. Find out more at: www.seethechild.org Watch the film at: http://youtu.be/3rwkrp9Akps The campaign and Independent Children's Task Force are supported by the following organisations; The NSPCC, Action For Children, Barnardo’s, The Children’s Society, National Children’s Bureau, The Royal College of Nursing, The Royal College of General Practitioners, The Royal College of Psychiatrists, The Health and Care Professions Council, The Royal Society for Public Health, The British Association of Social Workers, The National Association of Head Teachers, UNISON, The National Union of Students, The National Union of Teachers and the National Association of Social Workers in Education. References: NSPCC. (2014). ‘How safe are our children?’ Young Minds, 2014, Cuts to CAMHS services Children and Young People Now, LGA warn of cuts, 2014 Children & Young People Now, Social Work posts unfilled, 2014 Community Care Survey of Social Workers. 2013
    970 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Failing BBC Panorama
    The BBC, apart from Chanel 4, is a Public Services Broadcasting Company, widely regarded as independent and trustworthy across the world. Unless it is prepared to use that trust, and the expectation of the license payer to examine seriously important issues like this, it will have betrayed it's Charter.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Quick
  • investigation into the media bias surrounding the scottish referendum
    this is extremely important this is Scotland's future we are talking about . its our oppertunity to start a fresh . the BBC is a definitive no supporter and this is clearly showing by the coverage and and lack of support for yes Scotland . theirs more publicity for better together the more they peddle the media and it has to.stop theirs less than 3 weeks before we vote
    1,347 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by scott glanville