• Tax Abuse and Austerity
    In the continuing debate relating to public sector pay caps, the rhetoric is being consistently presented that the choice is between responsible restraints or tax rises. What is being quietly ignored is the vast amount of money, counted in many £Billions, that continue to disappear from the UK into secrecy jurisdictions each year. Austerity is an ideologically motivated policy designed to transfer wealth from ordinary people (in this case nurses, teachers, police and fire officers, etc.) to the pockets of the wealthy, and it continues to work just as designed. Ordinary people continue to suffer real-terms pay cuts whilst businesses and wealthy individuals carry on cheating the system.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Graham Driver
  • A more equal wage AND Pay freeze for government
    Beacause The Tories paid over 1.BILLION TO DUP our taxpayers money we will get this back and this is a good way to start by decreasing there way of means to live a normal life ...i checked and this is the average wage for westminster..
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Teresa Harrowing
  • Stop Sainsbury's and Tesco dropping the Fairtrade label!
    Sainsburys and Tesco have both just announced plans to drop the Fairtrade label. Farmers and producers the world over will be hugely adversely affected by this move. It will be a step backward for this global world we live in. The supermarkets are planning to launch their own version of Fairtrade. However this will not be externally regulated by a third party and the strong likelihood is that this will be much less advantageous to the producers. This decision is callous, and entirely financially motivated on the supermarkets part. They have given the producers virtually no notice. They have not told customers about this plan because no doubt they know people will be outraged. We have the power to stop this by showing Sainsburys and Tesco that their customers will boycott them if they do this and it will have huge negative consequences for their brands. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2017/jun/24/fairtrade-crashing-down-sainsburys-tesco-tea-growers-nairobi
    314 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Elanor Caunt
  • Bring an Aldi Store to Barry, South Wales
    Barry is the 5th largest town in Wales (after Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, Wrexham and Merthyr) and could easily support an Aldi store. This would give local people access to the two budget supermarkets and widen the choices available to the people in Barry. Using Facebook as my measure, I believe that there is a significant majority of people in Barry that would welcome the addition of an Aldi store and that the Vale's planning department should respect the wishes of the people in Barry
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Will Hills
  • Set a maximum working temperature during summer
    During the heatwave, everyone is becoming very uncomfortable with the heat. Often finding that they become ill. Currently there is no set maximum working temperature, however i think this should change. Not only do i think this is unsafe for children in schools and nurseries, but adults working in poorly airconditioned workplaces too. It is important because workers and young children are at risk of becoming dehydrated and unfocused. Equally staff are feeling uncomfortable.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Price
  • Help prevent conversion of The Bengal Bear restaurant into flats
    We are a local village restaurant striving to attract customers to experience our freshly prepared food. As we provide soft drinks, customers use local shops for beverages. As a result this has increased village trade! Our vegetables and poultry are sourced by local suppliers to benefit local businesses. Our objective is to support our community, as we contribute towards our village events. We also enjoy accommodating our friends from the local care homes on their days out.
    799 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Afzal Uddin
  • Reinstate the 8 Human Rights workers sacked by e-mail
    In February 2017 after months of negotiations trying to avoid compulsory redundancies triggered by deep budget cuts, EHRC management sent e-mails to 8 workers work addresses informing them they were being made redundant whilst they were taking part in a lawful one day protest strike. The EHRC still has over 47 equivalent vacancies these displaced workers could easily fill, but has so far refused to do so. What is so shocking is this employer also happens to be the UK's UN recognised guardian of our Human Rights! With Brexit uncertainty and challenges to Human Rights law being suggested, we need a strengthened fully resourced EHRC to defend the most vulnerable from discrimination and attack.
    234 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Richard Edwards
  • Condemn Donald Trump for pulling out of Paris climate agreement
    This is an international problem, which met with an international solution - and Britain must join the international condemnation of America's terrible, selfish decision. We do not want to live in a world dominated by bullies. We do not want to live in a Britain too scared to do anything America doesn't want. We demand leadership that makes us proud to be British. If Theresa May cannot condemn America's decision to condemn our planet, will she ever stand up for anything? British people stand up for others, and we stand up for what we believe in. We do not want a Prime Minister who licks the boots of the American president. Theresa May must show strong leadership and sign the international letter condemning Donald Trump and his abandonment of the Paris agreement.
    9,442 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by The Big Deal Picture
  • Deliveroo: stop ripping off your staff
    We are delivery riders in Edinburgh and have presented a collective grievance letter to the company citing our concerns and requesting a meeting to address them. Deliveroo get away with avoiding giving their workers basic rights - things like sick pay, and holiday pay - by claiming we’re self-employed, even though the reality of our job expectations meets the criteria for employment. This is unfair not only to the workers, but to every business, council, or organization in the country which follow the rules - including the restaurants we deliver from. Deliveroo should not be allowed to continue undercutting other businesses, staff, and the country this way.
    5,022 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Collins
  • Say NO to CITB deductions for subcontractors.
    It's important because deducting the levy represents ill treatment of the smaller guys within construction: The subbies, one man bands and smaller businesses. It's time to put a stop to this and to take a stand against the illegal and immoral deduction.
    443 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Graham Helm
  • Support our transport industry with protection of minimum standards for mini cab drivers
    Because it helps to stop drivers working excessively long hours to earn a living, helps them to enjoy rights that our society has worked hard to achieve and respects their place in a multi layered urban transport system
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Thornhill
  • Lower the salary threshold from 35K to 28K for non-EU citizens on Tier 2 (work) visa
    People like me were invited to the UK in 2009 to study for a MSc Physiotherapy well before the 35K salary threshold came into existence in 2016. The immigration rule at the time stated we were given 2 years’ visa (PSW) to find a permanent job and if we were able to find a permanent job, we were eligible for indefinite leave to remain if we completed 5 years in our permanent job and our employer still needed us. However, because of this new law, only those people who are earning more than £35,000 on a single contracted salary will be eligible to apply for leave to remain. This law will only discourage people to work for the public-sector organisations such as the NHS where achieving 35K salary within the first 5 years of employment is nearly impossible unless the employee is working in London. People like me who are working 7 days a week and earning well above 35K over the past 2 years with overtime will have to leave their permanent senior physiotherapist NHS job and move to the private sector to fulfil this salary threshold. After the Royal College of Nursing highlighted the impact of this law on the nurses staffing level the Home Office have exempted all nurses from this law however, other important professions such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, many doctors, IT professionals and many engineers are not exempted. We do respect the government’s idea of training UK citizens but they must understand that training them takes time and needs senior staff to train them. Due to our job role, we now provide clinical education to university students and juniors. Also, moving trained people like us from Birmingham to London/private sector will have no impact on immigration however it will only cost money to the NHS to employ more locum staff. The Charted Society of Physiotherapy argues that 500 additional physiotherapists are needed UK-wide each year up to 2020 to meet the demand, with services already facing supply shortages. In the year 2015, Health Education England, a government body, cut the number of physiotherapy training places in England alone by 6.2 per cent, 95 fewer places than the previous year. There were just 1448 NHS-funded training places for the 2016/17 intake. Also due to NHS bursaries cuts and 14% pay cuts to the NHS employees in real terms, less people will be inclined towards health professional courses hence it will be a wise decision to bring the threshold to 28K (average UK salary) so that the Tier 2 visa holders who are already working will be able to continue their work in the UK. We started a petition earlier on this issue #anand35k which gained lot of popularity and 13,346 signatures but due to the general election, our deadline was brought forward by 9 weeks and we had to stop our campaign. I have had various BBC radio, news agencies interview but my most popular one was the BBC Midlands interview which had 338K views in 1 week on their Facebook page. https://youtu.be/w8BYaeKMEEA I personally feel that this law is disrespecting the service we have provided by working 7 days a week, paying our taxes, national insurance, NHS surcharge (only paid by non-EU nationals) and I have never claimed any benefit. I hope we win this time otherwise the NHS and many big companies will be losing experienced trained staff. It will not do justice to the employers who have spent so much money on our training and it will be an injustice to the people who have made their home in the city they are living in.
    309 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Anand Kumar