• Agency Workers Right to Full Time Employment
    Many agency workers, especially in the haulage industry, are being used by companies as full time staff, but kept on the books as Agency employees, rather than taken on directly. This deprives the Agency worker of the same terms, conditions, and employment rights enjoyed by the directly employed colleagues they work along side. Saving employers enormous sums, and responsibilities. I would wish the offer of direct employment, be made mandatory, after an Agency worker remains with a company for more than three months. Exceeding this period would prove that there is a vacancy, and an employer is just trying to reduce costs, and responsibilities at the Agency workers expense.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Timothy St.John-Hayes
  • Make maternity laws better in the UK
    Right now, one in ten women lose their job when they have a baby here in the UK. This isn't acceptable. Pregnant women and mothers now face more discrimination at work than they did a decade ago according to research from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). Here's what the Women and Equalities Committee recommended should become law: 1.The Government should publish a strong, specific communications plan for the awareness-raising and attitude-changing work it has agreed to undertake 2.Employers should have to do an individual risk assessment when they are informed that a woman who works for them is pregnant, has given birth in the past six months or is breastfeeding. 3.The right to paid time off for antenatal appointments should be extended to temporary and people on zero-hours contracts. All maternity rights should be reviewed to make them more equal regardless of the type of working contract you have. 4.The Government should increase protection from redundancy so that new and expectant mothers can be made redundant only in specified circumstances. (Paragraph 70) 5.The Government should review the three-month time limit for bringing a tribunal claim in maternity and pregnancy discrimination cases and should substantially reduce tribunal fees. 6.The Government should monitor access to free, good-quality, one-to-one advice on pregnancy and maternity discrimination issues and assess whether additional resources are required. Maternity rights should protect every woman in the UK. They should protect us from suffering discrimination in the workplace, due to pregnancy or maternity. They should make sure we aren’t passed over for promotion due to being on maternity leave, or that our employers block us from accruing any holiday whilst we’re off work. Let's make sure they our maternity laws are changed for the better, to protect all women.
    1,071 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Organise.org.uk - The UK's workplace campaigning site Picture
  • Fare pay for the Care Industry.
    Carers should be at least paid the equivalent of an office worker and not the minimum wage. When a decent wage is being paid then the quality of care will rise and staff will be retained. The treatment of those in care will improve ten fold. The care industry is in crisis with under-paid and over-worked tired care staff looking after vulnerable people and it is time that these people are recognised for the jobs that they do .
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hilary May
  • Protect Workers' Rights From Brexit
    Workers' rights in this country have been hard-won, but Brexit now gives the Government the chance to strip workers in Britain of their protections and rights at work. We can't allow that to happen. The Workers' Rights (Maintenance of EU Standards) Bill seeks to ensure that there is a floor of workers' rights below which no contract or employer can sink. This applies to rights such as protecting workers from redundancy if their company changes hands, health and safety rules and measures to protect employee representatives against detrimental treatment for carrying out their role. Please sign to support this bill and write to your MP to ask them to do the same. Draft letter here- http://www.melanieonn.co.uk/10_minute_rule
    1,130 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Melanie Onn MP
  • free concessionary transport for unpaid carers
    Unpaid Carers (carers who do not provide care as a career) are a crucial part of society that saves the government £162 billion a year. Free/concessionary transport for carers would allow carers to live a better quality of life. Carers face many barriers to work and education such as school or college, Travel being one of them. Free travel for carers would help reduce these barriers. Often carers have to decide between the simple and essential things in life such as being able to afford food to eat or accessing vital support services they need to cope with their caring role. Travel should be an essential service rather than another barrier that makes it harder for us to deal with our many responsibilities. This would allow carers to access free transport without the cared for person having to be present in the instance that the cared for has a travel card. However Not every cared for person has the concessionary companion card. If carers are able to access transport at no cost to them this will allow them in turn to provide more/better care for their loved ones. At the end of the day public transport is a service that is a need, we are an essential part of the community so why can't we use it too! For carers to receive this free travel they would need to prove to whomever is in charge that they are in fact a carer so this system can not be abused. A way in which they could do this is by having a letter from their carers centre or health professional such as social work department or if they are in receipt of carers allowance the letter proving this. Carers need assistance in alot of areas such as an increase of money they receive for Carers Allowance due to it clearly not being enough . This issue is being looked at by government and slowly increasing so I believe now transport needs to be looked at . Not everyone can get benefits so let's help people get what they deserve , might not seem important to most but to many it will change their lives. We deserve to be treated as equals...Is free/concessionary transport for carers to much to ask for in return for those who give up their lives to care for others?
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Macdonald
  • Review the basic pay for nurses and other allied health care professionals
    There is more and more nurses shortage all across the UK and especially the NNS. It is mainly due to the fact that LESS number of people are attracted towards the job. And it is due to the fact that the salary for nurses in the NHS is so low that new people are not attracted towards the job. Moreover the existing nurses and trying to take alternative profession simply because of the fact that the stress that they take for the pay they receive is not proportionate. With just over £21000 as a starting salary in the NHS for a newly qualified nurse, it is difficult to attract more people into the progression and due to this low numbers of staff on ward patient care is getting compromised. I would like to promote this campaign as one of the step the improve the plight of our world class NHS.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacob George
  • BBC - Don't sack Chris Packham.
    Chris Packham is a much loved and respected naturalist and presenter, who campaigns for wildlife and conservation. The Countryside Alliance and other organisations are calling for the BBC to sack him, in other words silence him, for speaking out in his campaigns. We think his campaigns for wildlife are justified, as they are based on scientific evidence, and he keeps his campaigning and role at the BBC separate.
    157,584 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Rob Neil Picture
  • 4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Marlow
  • Managers should be in same pension fund as staff
    Currently senior managers and others such as private equity funds may have a conflict of interest with the staff as it may be in their interests to run down the pension fund to pay themselves dividends. Senior managers may also be in schemes unapproved by HMRC which are far, far more expensive for the company to run. People who are paid a lot can afford to make their own pension arrangements or savings, staff cannot. It is manifestly unfair and unacceptable for anyone to have personal financial incentives to run down the staff pension fund. See the Philip Green affair. It is also good management for managers to align their own interests with the staff and company.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Style
  • Make Labour NEC respect Democracy and allow FAIR voting in the Leadership election
    The actions of the NEC are so undemocratic they do not belong in this country. All across society they have excluded members and supports with bitter choices. This cannot be allowed to go on in The Labour Party.
    429 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Mel Trowsdale
  • Fair pay for all
    Just as it is important to know where our consumer goods come from, how they have been produced, the safety of these goods, their quality, the contents of our food, so is the fairness of staff pay. The recent economic crises have been driven by the scandals in the financial services, their remuneration has not been effectively criticised and curbed by the share holders and there is not enough transparency to allow a public debate about the fairness of pay in these service industries and in the general economy. What people earn should be transparent in order to allow public scrutiny over the fairness of pay. The same applies to other industries: supermarkets, multinationals, entertainment industries, like the BBC, sports and charities.The highest earners seem to believe in their entitlement to an ever larger slice of the national earnings, and even convince the public that this is reasonable. A public debate about fair pay is what is needed. Please note that the figures on income distribution published by the UK government exclude information from the financial services. That is why these services should be included in these new legal requirements. In the long run these data can be used to measure the relative fairness of companies, leading to league tables much like league tables for schools and universities, or leading to a Charter mark like Fair Trade or labelling of food items in the supermarket. This could also be rolled out internationally leading to fairer pay in the world.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Kerkvliet
  • Give the National Living Wage to people under 25
    This is a really important to me as I see the National Minimum Wage an unfair practice to everyone Under 25. Workplace Policies bang on about "Equal Opportunities" and "Equal Rights", but where does equal rights and opportunities come into play about how much every single worker gets? It is unfair and wrong of every workplace in Britain to be giving extremely hard, motivated and invaluable employees to be unfair paid all due to the National Minimum Wage boundaries set by the UK Government. Every single employee in Britain should be entitled as my pay as everyone else. It is completely bang out of order pay 16 year old £3.87 per hour for then a 28 year old, holding the same job role AND experience, to be paid £7.20 per hour. This is not "Equal" and this is not by any means right. This, back in 1996 should have been outlined in The Employment Rights Act 1996, to where every employee is within their right to equal pay to anyone of all ages. Personal Story: I once worked at an Attraction Theme Park where in 2013 was getting paid £3.72 per hour (I was 16). After a year and a half of employment there (2014) with a year and a half's experience on my CV, there was 21+ year old getting paid £6.50 per hour when these employees has no experience of anything of any kind and they were getting paid at the time (nearly £2) more than i was earning per hour. I am now 19, driving, got rent to pay, pay for car insurance, pay my monthly phone bill, fuel, car tax, MOT, ect. National Minimum Wage is not enough to pay for all of this. We as a generation need to paid equally as we all have expensive bills to pay out for. Not just the Over 25's. This age segregation of our pay limits is common discrimination to all of us and segregating all of us just because of how old we all are. This is a disgrace to my employment rights and my own equal opportunities and rights of the work place. It is a sham that this sort of practice is getting used today where workers are entitled to equal pay. This is the reason why the National Minimum Wage needs to be complete and indefinitely abolished, then that to be taken over with the National Living Wage.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luke Ellis