Save Chilterns AONBIf this development is allowed to go ahead unchallenged it will declare an open season for developers encroaching on protected land. Part of the development is classified as brown fields as it is on the site of the Molins factory in Haw Lane. This was originally a wartime dispersal factory which was placed here with the promise that when it was demolished it would be returned to farmland- a promise that has conveniently been ignored. The factory was situated so that it was not easily visible from the road and rail links through the valley. The new proposal, however, covers far more than the Molins site. It takes a sweep up almost to the crest of Slough Hill, one of a ridge of hills forming the south side of the Risborough gap. It will be highly visible and despoil what is at present and undeveloped area. The hamlet of Saunderton will become a dormitory village. The most concerning part of this proposal is that this is within the Chilterns AONB. Of all the AONB in the country, the Chilterns, just 30 miles from London, is likely to be under most pressure. Other AONB within the London commuter belt (such as those in Berkshire) will also come under sustained threat. A strong swell of disagreement with these plans would warn other developers and councils from making further outrageous proposals.50 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Philip Griffin
Meat-free Glastonbury FestivalThe huge scale of meat consumption in the west is not sustainable for much longer as the population of our planet continues to grow. It is very inefficient to get second-hand nutrients from livestock as it can take up to 16kg of grain to produce 1kg of meat. In turn this leaves less room for edible plant life to grow because we are overbreeding our livestock and they need to somewhere to graze. In terms of Glastonbury festival it is quite shocking to see how many people habitually gravitate towards the stalls which serve meat for every meal. There seems to be a great disparity between the ethos of the festival and the actions of the organisers when it comes to catering. Lets call on the organisers of the festival to stop serving meat, or at least to drastically reduce it's availability on site, and making it a less desirable option. This will not in any way affect ticket sales of the world's biggest performing arts festival. I'm in no doubt that feeding the population of Glastonbury festival (twice the population of the Isle of Man) with just vegetarian options would send a huge message to make people think twice about eating meat so frequently but also will save many hundreds of tons of CO2 being released into the atmosphere.45 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dane Baker
Protect and Save Robin Hood GardensListed status would help protect the buildings and green spaces of this world famous and highly significant cultural project, the product of one of the most important socialist design eras of post war Britain and Europe. The estate stands as a pinnacle of positive and hopeful architecture and urbanism across the world, and a reminder that from such catastrophic destruction can be wrought optimism in a system such as the welfare state. The buildings, which offer generously-sized flats that could be refurbished, are of outstanding architectural quality and significant historic interest, and public appreciation and understanding of the value of modernist architecture has grown over the past five years, making the case for listing stronger than ever. The UK's 20th Century Society has submitted a paper setting out why they believe Robin Hood Gardens is a building of special architectural interest, worthy of listing. There is now a real chance to save the building for posterity but only if the Minister hears, first hand, the views of the profession on the architectural merits of these exceptional buildings by Alison and Peter Smithson.85 of 100 SignaturesCreated by HUGO TARGET
Stop building on greenfield sites in Crossways DorsetCrossways is a village with a population of 2300 housed within 1000 dwellings. There are currently plans to build 5-700 new homes boardering the south of the village and up to 1000 holiday homes within the Silverlakes development to the west. We are now seeing a number of applications for smaller developments of between 85 to100 additional homes on green land surrounding the village. These combined developments will change the character of the village and surrounding area creating an urban sprawl. If we allow this scale of building to take place we will lose large areas of forest and open land forever.95 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Hill
stop subsidising fossil fuelsThis is massively important. Governments are subsidising these huge fossil powers to tune of billions to get the ever degrading fossil fuels when we can't afford to be. We all know what the consequences are. We need to cut subsidies and subsidise renewable clean energy instead. The reason? Governments subsidise these powerful elites because their reward comes back to them in the form of massive donations to the parties involved. These companies then have a say in policies. Money talks.74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by carl holmes
Demand Divestment at the Tate GalleryFor over 100 years the Tate gallery has displayed contemporary and traditional British, and contemporary international artists. It has become a cultural cornerstone in Britain's art scene and has a responsibility to defend the interests of the people to whom it represents and receives funding from. As we face the greatest moral dilemma of our age, private and public institutions alike must take responsible actions on behalf of billions of people worldwide, present and future generations. The production and consumption of oil, coal and gas is not sustainable and will have devastating effects if left at its current monstrous rate: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2015/apr/10/how-much-fossil-fuel-are-we-using-right-now As shown by The Guardian's 'Keep it in the Ground' campaign, dubbed 'the biggest story in the world' an estimated 1/3 of known oil reserves, 4/5 of coal reserves and 1/2 of gas reserves must be left untouched if we are to remain below an already dangerous 2 degree rise in global temperature. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2015/mar/16/the-biggest-story-in-the-world The time to act is now. We must divest from these archaic, destructive institutions, and we must begin by showing them that they no longer have a place in this world if it is to remain habitable. BP is still demanding that fines that are yet to be issued are cut due to a proposed lack of finances, and must be made to take responsibility for their actions. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12124830 http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/03/us-bp-trial-idUSKBN0L724420150203 Oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico and Azerbaijan are devastating symptoms of a greater, catastrophic disease, condemning the inhabitants of our planet to agricultural and financial collapse, fracturing an already fragile ecosystem on the brink of collapse. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/gallery/2015/apr/18/bp-deepwater-horizon-oil-spill-five-years-on-gallery http://content.time.com/time/video/player/0,32068,83190883001_1987392,00.html It is an industry that you subsidize, an industry at the forefront of corporate lobbying, an industry that supports undemocratic trade 'agreements'. It is time to take a stand. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/04/business/04bptax.html?_r=0 http://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/press/speeches/energy-for-europe-time-to-reflect.html This is just one small step to the greatest of victories. Your comments, suggestions and actions are welcome. Thank you for visiting.78 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joe Marshall
Children Against Global WarmingTo halt the warming of the planet which is getting dangerously near to the 2 degree 'tipping point' unless something is done in the next 5 to 10 years. This is a petition set up by 12 year old 'Laurel' who presents her appeal at cagw-uk.org. Rightly she is concerned about her generations future if we continue to ignore the warning signs of climate change. Laurel is now becoming a leading campaigner and spoke at the recent climate change march in London which can be seen on You Tube. This is a petition not just for children but for anyone who is concerned for their future, and that of the planets,33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Smith
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