Save 3 Bears Nursery LinwoodThe closure of this nursery will mean many parents will have to either cut their hours or give up their jobs. It will also be extremely stressful for the children who will be losing friends and trusted teachers. This nursery is relied on by so many parents across Linwood and is a vital amentiy to the local community. Save the 3 Bears!900 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Ami Reynolds
Save Fakenham Sure StartFakenham Gateway Sure Start children’s centre is an important life line for the local community. It offers support and assistance to families - with out the Sure Start centre we would be lost. The council is currently considering a £5 million cut to the budget for children services, putting the future of Fakenham Sure Start centre at risk. If the centre closed it would leave local families without vital support. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/fears-norfolk-children-s-centres-could-close-as-county-hall-considers-5m-cut-1-5231037365 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Rosie Newstead
Keep Middleton Cheney Library OpenWe have saved our library before when it was under threat and let's do so again as it is central to village life. It is used by everyone from babies to older residents - the oldest of whom is 102. It is currently open 7 days per week and several evenings, when various organisations hold meetings, and events including talks, exhibitions and film shows. In addition to 'traditional' library and information services it offers: 1) Internet access and training 2) Meeting place for old, young and those with a disability to meet others 3) Mother and toddler groups and baby clinic 4) Rhyme Thyme 5) Reading groups and informal meetings during the day 6) Local craft/art exhibitions and sales 7) Various organisations holding meetings/events in the evening are Garden Club, History Society and MCLSG events, talks and films shows. "Libraries are about Freedom. Freedom to read, freedom of ideas, freedom of communication. They are about education (which is not a process that finishes the day we leave school or university), about entertainment, about making safe spaces, and about access to information." -- Neil Gaiman, from The Reading Agency second annual lecture on the future of reading and libraries.661 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Mark Allen
Save The current route of our Number 32/33 Fintry Bus ServiceXplore are proposing two alternative routes to the 32/33 bus which would cut out Forfar Road. Their consultation highlights that the route could also stay as it is. You can see the proposed two route changes at this link http://nxbus.co.uk/files/NXDundee/misc/FintryRouteReview-PublicConsultationDocument.pdf This re-routing would severely restrict people's ability for travel: • make it harder for people with disabilities and older people with mobility problems to catch a bus and get out of the house, potentially leading to loneliness and social isolation • safety concerns of having to work through a scheme to get to/and from the bus • get to and from work • visit friends and relatives • access education and training • access to hospitals, doctors, dentists and other medical services • access to leisure activities including town and countryside locations Fewer buses on the road will mean more traffic congestion and delays which affects all of us.173 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Michael Hughes
Keep Our SUBS* Public! [* Stroud's Subscription Rooms]The Subs should be used by, and become an empowering hub for, ALL socio-economic groups, including vulnerable groups, community groups, the elderly and the young. The Subs can and should become a genuine community resource/space, showcasing a creative and caring community coming together to consolidate and extend what is rightfully ours, and to make available what should be accessible for all. In conversations on our High Street, it is clear how passionately Stroudies feel about this issue. Many are uncomprehending, and some even horrified, that Stroud, of all places, should be contemplating transferring this much-loved community gem into the private sector. With the active support of Stroud Town Council, the Stroud Trust has lodged an alternative bid, which would keep the centre run by, and open to, the whole community. Let's see all interested bidders and parties - including most importantly the District Council, Town Council and Ecotricity - come together with good faith and open mind to find a solution for the Subs' future that can serve and satisfy everyone's needs and aspirations. If enough of us sign this petition, we can show Stroud District Council that the people of Stroud want the centre to be publicly owned by the community, as it has been historically, and to stay open full-time for the people of Stroud and its environs.1,544 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Richard House
Opening hours to suit the community at Artizan Street LibraryFrom Tuesday to Friday, the library closes at 4pm, and it doesn’t open at all at weekends. Many children and students in local schools finish too late to to use the services after school, and residents working 9-5 jobs do not have much opportunity to access the library at all. The current opening hours seem only to serve the needs of the City workers coming into the area during the day, rather than the people living in the local community. This issue has been raised in a recent customer survey, and a consultation into a new spread of opening hours is under way. We, the residents of the City of London, want to make sure that our voices are put front and centre on this issue, rather than the corporations and City workers, which is too often the case.115 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jason Pritchard and Munsur Ali
Speed Calming Measures in Harpsden Road, Wilson Avenue and Watermans RoadThe residents need peace of mind and relaxation at night so speed calming measures need to be put in place to stop our cars being damaged or written off, animals being killed and prevent the injury or death of a child as a result of people constantly excessively speeding, motorbikes doing wheelie's and mainly driving like lunatics. Our roads are used as a quick cut through, with vehicles usually driving faster than the 30 mph speed limit on a regular basis, in an attempt to beat the traffic on the busy Reading Road and then used as race tracks at night. The result of this behaviour is lots of damage to vehicles and losses of beloved animals. My daughter's car that she didn't know she had was written of by a speeding driver who fled the scene leaving no details early hours of 1st October 2017, as reported in the Henley Standard. Numerous cars have been side swiped or had wing mirrors damaged by speeding vehicles and we sit and listen to the screeching of brakes and await the bang of the collision on a regular basis in the evenings. I personally have witnessed a couple of cyclists being knocked off their bike's and motorcyclists doing wheelie's or tricks up the road, animals being hit and killed while the driver carries on their way without stopping. This needs to stop!!! It was bad enough when the road was covered in potholes but since it has been resurfaced it has become 10 times worse at least. It is only a matter of time before it becomes a pedestrian that is badly/critically injured.160 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Helen Pitcher
Save Our BeachThere has been public access to this popular local bathing spot for generations. Now the council want to sell the former youth hostel and surrounding land, including the beach and grassy areas, for private development. We feel that this area is an important community asset much loved by locals and visitors alike, and that public access to the riverside area must be preserved in perpetuity for future generations.1,214 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Richard Watson
Ban the Sale of Fireworks to the PublicFireworks are a blight on all peoples lives as well as our animal kingdom. They are too loud and cause great destruction killing or maiming animals and humans. Also the loud decibels of the fireworks has a detrimental affect on those that have served us and have PTSD with being in war-zones as it reminds them of bombs etc going off. There are also idiots setting them off causing mayhem and cruelty to animals and other humans hence another reason to stop the sale of PUBLIC FIREWORKS!!229 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Robertson
Save Farnborough Road children's centreSefton Council are planning on closing Farnborough Road children’s centre along with others in the area. The children's centres will be merged into a smaller number of family centres, but this will mean huge cuts to the services children’s centres provide. It is so important to families with young children to have somewhere local to go to. For the parents and children to make friends and have someone to speak to if they need to. The local children's centre provides amazing classes for learning and experiences for babies to pre school children. They are easily accessible and should be kept that way.481 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Davies
Stop the closure of Desborough LibraryThe library is an important part of the community providing a gathering place for people of all ages. Providing activities for children of all ages and space for other groups. Removal of the library will also make it difficult for many people to gain access to books in the community of Desborough. It is also a vital access point to the council for many people with restricted mobility due to the help desk671 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jen Phillips
KEEP ACCESS TO BRADWELL SEAWALL OPENYOU USE IT - DON'T LOSE IT The accessibility to the estuary seawall via the path which runs alongside Bradwell power station is under threat. Although the area has, in the past, been maintained by the power station, the footpath has no official designation. To ensure it remains open and accessible, Essex County Council is being requested to officially designate the path as a Public Right of Way. There is a petition form in the village shop – which aims to demonstrate to Essex County Council that the path is sufficiently used to justify becoming a Public Right or Way. So if you would hate to lose this access, please sign the petition which asks how long you have been using the footpath. Additionally, you can comment on this post and/or share it with others in the Dengie who also enjoy the benefits of getting to the estuary via this path.374 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Hanna Mal'ouf
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