• British Man's Wife Denied a UK Visa
    We are a family of 5 people, 4 of us are British citizens. My wife in Venezuelan. The children are aged 8, 7 and 3 months. I live and work and pay taxes in the UK and my wife is being denied a UK visa for no reason. Our family is being destroyed by this ridiculous decision. My wife and children are currently in Venezuela while I am in the UK setting up a home and working so everything is ready for my family to come here. We have been separated for more than 10 months while waiting for the visa to be issued. We meet all of the visa requirements including my wife passing an English proficiency exam with the British Council in Venezuela and me being in full time employment earning more than the £18,600 wage threshold that is required by the British Government. Regardless of my stability in the UK, mine and our 3 children British nationality and citizenship the immigration department refused the visa and a Judge dismissed the appeal. The dismissal was based on my work situation but this is not a true or valid reason because I am in full time employment and earn more than the minimum wages required. There is no reason to deny my wife the visa yet she is being denied the visa. My children are suffering terribly by this unnecessary separation that has been enforced upon us by the British authorities. Their future is being taken from them by a decision that is wrong and is contradictory to the visa requirements. We meet every one of the requirements and we are still being denied the visa.
    1,248 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Craig Reynolds
  • Governments '96% project' for school attendance
    There is a 48 hour rule on contagious illness for a reason - so that the whole school isnt infected yet this new scheme penalises those parents who abide by the 48 hour rule putting the rest of the school at risk and not allowing our children to fully recover from their illnesses (reducing their immune systems and need for additional medical care in the future!) The 96% project will also put additional pressure on the NHS for everyday illnesses to be confirmed by already over stretched doctors just so the children arent marked as 'absent'. There needs to be a better way of targeting attendance that doesnt put a huge risk to the health of our schools and add pressure to the NHS, not to mention the cost to our schools in implementing this system.
    525 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Abi Gilchrist
  • Make the children Rainbow clubs available to boys.
    It's well known that more and more children are coming out as being transgender. This can happen from an early age. Stopping a child being what they feel they are inside can have terrible consequences for their future. Children need to be allowed to explore who they want to be. The girlguides are stopping boys doing this.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shakira Sandford
  • Routinely Grit Roads Leading to Boldmere Infant & Junior Schools
    700 pupils aged 4 to 11 travel to Boldmere Infant and Junior schools every day. The road loop leading to the schools goes downhill, round 2 sharp bends and uphill. When it snows or is icy, this compacts and it's usually the last area to retain ice, making it very hazardous indeed to drive the roads and walk on the pavements. My children and I have slipped countless times, and watched cars skid, even when driving slowly. Many of the houses on these roads do not have driveways so residents and parents park on the road, leading to traffic problems on the school run. Whilst many children walk to school, ice and snow make an already hazardous area even more treacherous and it's only a matter of time before something awful happens. Please sign this petition and ask Birmingham City Council to remove this needless hazard from the lives of 700 children, their care-givers and local residents.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathryn Hall
  • " Right to Die"
    We do not allow an animal to suffer, how can it be possible to allow human beings to die in agony, or pumped full of drugs so they are unaware of anything or anyone, and become a vegetable causing suffering to family and friends, and loved ones are "Legally"persecuted for assisting a loved oneto end their life, when it should be a legal right to do so.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Coppard
    NPOWER a German company known as RWE Npower have consistently persecuted bullied and destroyed the health and happiness of "millions" of UK customers and their families. This despicable company "overcharged/stole/fraudulently obtained" £70 million stolen from customers bank accounts .had to be returned Prioritizing only the financial needs of the company, Npower's orgy of predation and insatiable greed combined with their utter disregard for their customers, led to their rampant plunder of customers bank accounts. https://www.facebook.com/banNpower/ for full story
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mercedes Valentino
  • Fining the homeless
    With homelessness increasing across the UK and Northampton we should be dealing with the causes and spending money providing shelter, food and helping folks out of this situation. People asking for food and money are usually in need of society's help not punishment. People not in this situation are damn lucky though with societies safety nets being burnt by this government we may be far from being homeless or in need, so please support this petition.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luke Young
  • Support Ealing Council in providing more social housing
    Affordable housing is London's single biggest problem. We must allow London to evolve as it has over hundreds of years and that means change. The use of land to allow people to hark back to a quaint rural idyll does not belong in the 21st Century. We must do what we can to ensure key workers are able to live in London so it remains a great place to live, and we must not be putting key workers in positions where they live in poverty or have to live miserable lives commuting because we care more about vegetables than we do about people.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Pilcher
  • Revenues from new sugar tax should be spent on UK children.
    According to Barnados, there are 3.7 million children living in poverty in the UK. Clearly more needs to be done. It is important to public confidence in the government, that the government is seen to prove that it has the welfare of children at heart and is not just seen as using children's health issues just to raise tax revenues.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Barnett
  • Refuse to approve Footprint 15 STP until councillors have time to receive independant advice
    We already know that the STP suggests over 12% of beds being cut, closure of the General hospital, maternity services and community hospitals. If hospital beds are cut without investment in social care, district nursing, mental health care and General Practice then the pressure on the costs of running these services will result in poorer care for the local community. These changes threaten to create NHS job losses when the service is already understaffed, increase local unemployment, and restricts choice and accessibility for patients. It will also place a greater reliance on family members to care for sick relatives at home. It is important that no further pressures are put on social care and that the community are properly consulted on changes to their National Health Service.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Featonby
  • Jess Lawson - Colourful Bench
    Jess Lawson from Wolfreton school, Willerby went on a school trip and never came home, she was 12 years old at the time. The Kirkella and Westella Parish Council have turned down a request for a colourful bench to be placed on the corner of School Lane opposite St. Andrews School in Kirkella for reasons as stated by Margaret Raymond, "It may make it look like Disney land" I say why not? Jess was colourful and no one should ever wave goodbye to their child and not see them again. The existing bench is broken to add insult to injury. ! Please add your support and let's get the family what they deserve. Thank you.
    3,459 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Rachael T
  • Make bleach bottles black or white. so children are not attracted to them
    Bleach is highly dangerous and babies/toddlers can be attracted to the bright colours. So we are campaigning to make the bottle dull colours such as black or white so babies/toddlers won't be attracted to the As it is highly dangerous. Do it for the children. Our slogan is don't make it bring make it bright.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tyler Fergusson