Petition for the Return to Use of Hartlepool HospitalHartlepool is a city of 100,000 people. Our General Hospital, later called the University Hospital of Hartlepool, covered not just that population, but another 100,000 people in towns and villages to the North of Hartlepool. Since the closure of our Accident Emergency and the moving of many of our services from our state of the art modern hospital to another hospital to the South, some fifteen miles away of Hartlepool, there have been higher than expected annual death rates; to the extent that it has become a matter of concern. it takes a full extra 30 minutes to arrive at A&E from Hartlepool, and it takes more than an hour to arrive at that same overcrowded A&E from other local areas. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/07/14/article-0-141053F5000005DC-371_634x729.jpg The ill and infirm, and anyone who wishes to visit them, have a very long journeys when sick, or to visit. This is intolerable hardship when a hospital still stands which could serve all the needs of the local population. This not only increases the financial hardship in terms of travelling costs, but it increases travelling times and the need to travel for all of the staff too. To add to this all of the data regarding privatisation has shown that patients are not the first priority. Fortunately we have been promised that a fully funded national service is now within our remit and a solid possibility, and this will better serve the population and less profit will go to large business based in other countries. We ask for direct funding to again have the NHS and the Hospital which our society deserves.2,459 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Robert Price
Get Orkambi treatment on NHS for Cystic Fibrosis patientsOrkambi is a drug that is vital in the preservation of the lives of people suffering from cystic fibrosis. It's currently not available to patients on the NHS and deemed "not value for money" by NICE. The aim is to get this drug available to all cystic fibrosis patients and start saving lives.456 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Darren Waite
Maintain UK science fundingThe UK is one of the science power-houses in the world. We attract and produce some of the best scientists and contribute greatly to increasingly important scientific areas including cancer, bacterial resistance, renewable energy and food research as well as a whole host of research areas that span all areas of science, technology and engineering. Leaving the EU has the worrying potential to restrict the amount of funding these research areas get, causing the UK to fall behind in world leading research but also slowing scientific progress. The UK is part of EU funded projects such as Horizon 2020. As a PhD student in cancer research I have seen first hand in the labs the reaction to the UK leaving the EU. Everyone is worried about what this means for science here and whether we'll be able to maintain our excellent work. This petition is to raise awareness in the hope that we can get a deal whereby scientists and funding can move between countries as easily as possible in order for research to progress as it always has done.1,738 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Alina Finch
Make Lewes District pesticide-freeThere is clear evidence that pesticides (such as the herbicide glyphosate) used for pest and weed control across Lewes District are causing declines in biodiversity and are harmful to human health, especially children. Our children need to be able to play safely in the parks of Lewes face down on the ground without fear of exposure to glyphosate and other potentially harmful chemicals. But it is not just children. Everybody who lives, works, plays, visits, or walks their dog anywhere in this beautiful district should have the right to enjoy the area without the fear of coming into contact with unnecessary, toxic chemicals. Glyphosate alone is linked to cancers, infertility, birth defects, and neurological disease. The World Health Organisation has publicly stated that glyphosate ‘probably’ causes cancer. However there are 40 different types of pesticide that can be and are used in and around towns and cities in the UK. Progressive cities such as Paris, Toronto - and recently Brighton - have already voted to end the use of toxic chemicals in all public spaces. If they can do it, so can Lewes District! Effective alternatives for weed control already exist which are not harmful to people, pets, or the environment. Furthermore, the use of non-toxic alternatives will encourage greater local biodiversity - and give us all the pleasure of seeing more bees buzzing, butterflies fluttering, and birds singing! The increase in pesticide use since the 1970s has seen farmland bird populations decline by over 50% and catastrophic declines for insects such as several butterfly and bumblebee species (of up to 70% for some species). The loss of bumblebees and other pollinators has knock-on effects for growing food, as 75% of crops are pollinated by wild insects. So why risk the health of our children, ourselves, and the environment when there is another way? Let us employ non harmful ways of dealing with – or living with- those things that toxic chemicals are used to kill. These products are already available. We can start this process in our local district, and in Lewes. PS - Get informed! Read up on this issue by visiting the Pesticide-Free Towns campaign page on the Pesticide Action Network website.366 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Stone Adams
Mike Penning: deliver a post Brexit hospital for West HertsHemel Hempstead hospital has been downgraded for many years and patients are forced to travel to Watford. Conservative controlled Herts County Council had the chance to object to the decision to downgrade the hospital and refer the decision to the Secretary of State, but they chose not to. Mike Penning MP has made the hospital an electoral issue in every election since 2005 but nothing has changed. He didn't openly campaign for Leave but said that leaving the EU would be better for Britain. Serving Conservative Ministers said that billions could be spent on the NHS if we voted to Leave. These claims were painted on the side of their bus. We want Mike Penning to put his money where his mouth is and stand up for the people of Dacorum and resign if Leave campaign promises on NHS funding are not honoured and we don't get a new hospital for our community.1,341 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Sandy Palmer
Cancer treatment in rural WalesBecause it saves many lives and makes the difficult task of dealing with having cancer a little easier to manage.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Simon Rutherford
Legalise CannabisNow that we are no longer in the EU we as a nation need to secure more jobs, more revenue and most of all keep our health services up to date with the latest research and advanced technologies available. All over the world studies are proving that cannabis is a very effective form of treatment for hundreds if not thousands of illnesses from back pain to cancer. We recently had a petition that got a response based on out dated information and biased opinions, we are calling our government to base their response on their own personal views based on up to date research and information. The legalisation of cannabis has provided millions of dollars to states in the US. Money which is being used to better their health services, educational systems and much more, why are we not joining in the movement? Legalising Cannabis will help us thrive as a nation through production of hemp products, sales of the herb and mainly help the ill and pained people of the UK. Give us our freedom, end the war on cannabis today!159 of 200 SignaturesCreated by harry myers
Stop the closure of four hospitals in South DevonA lot of people work in all those hospitals and many would lose their jobs and the patients could be transferred to those community hospitals that aren't near their homes and families.21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Yvette Yates
Divert £1bn to the NHS from the banksWe have voted to leave the European Union. Right or wrong, there it is. With the news this morning that Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, will make £250 BILLION POUNDS available for the banks to keep the financial markets of the UK stable, we are all complaining that the promise to divert much needed funds into the NHS was just rhetoric. Our Nation Health Service is falling apart. If this money is available to aid stability we should use a small amount of it wisely. The NHS is desperate for a cash injection, the banks are not. This petition is to the British Government, to supply the NHS with much needed cash to stabilise a true British achievement. The banks do not need ALL of the money and with the lies told for the leave campaign, its about time the people who devote their lives to helping others keep their health got a bit of a breather.4,416 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Mark Reardon
The prospective leader of the Conservative party must pledge that £350m a week go to the NHSThe NHS is a dearly loved institution that is been squeezed by cuts, and one which faces an uncertain future in light of the EU referendum result and that 10% of its workforce comes from overseas. In order to protect its status as the best health service in the world, we need to ensure that it is properly funded. A family member is a nurse and their ward faces privatisation. This is not because it underperforms, but because of the revenue it brings to the hospital trust. The trust nonetheless does not have the capital to purchase new equipment, forcing it to consider private investment to meet this shortfall. Going forward, the extra revenue generated from the ward will go into private hands and not be reinvested for the benefits of patients. We can resolve this by ensuring the promises made by the leave campaign are met, overturning years of under investment that threatens patient safety, and which has put doctors at the mercy of hard nosed contractual negotiations by the Secretary of State.3,882 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Michael Simpson
Keep the promise of £350 million for our NHSNigel Farage and Leave campaigners promised to invest in our NHS - but this morning it looks like they're trying to wriggle out of it. They shouldn't be allowed to make promises they can't keep. Our NHS has been cash strapped for years. NHS staff are working so hard and it's crumbling around them. Now we have an opportunity to make the 'Leave' campaigners promise to put the £350 million saved from the EU into the NHS. Today, half the country is rejoicing, half the country is despairing. But the NHS unites us all. We need to hold them to their promise of £350 million a week for our NHS.331,514 of 400,000 SignaturesCreated by Michele Martin
Save HIV services in LewishamThe Terrence Higgins Trust claimed counselling services were threatened by reduced funding in Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark. HIV rates in the three London boroughs are far higher than other parts of the UK. The services provided by the Terrence Higgins Trust, which currently provides specialist advice and counselling services for people living with HIV across the three boroughs are currently funded by Lambeth Council, Lewisham CCG and Southwark CCG but are being reviewed this month. Please continue to fund these vital services to vulnerable people in the borough who suffer with HIV.209 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Norton
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