To remind us of how lucky we are and our gratitude to them. They are turning up everyday in the face of danger to themselves.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adele Far
  • Remove Matthew Hancock from his position of Secretary of State for Health and Social care.
    Matthew Hancock has not helped to protect the NHS as he is there to do. He has accused the NHS staff of overusing PPE which is atrocious and is now refusing to apologise for this blunder! The NHS staff as well as many other frontline services are not over using PPE, they are not being provided with enough PPE for the demand and even at best it is likely ineffective PPE putting those that are needed most at risk! Our Prime Minister has just got out of hospital and is very thankful to the staff for helping him. He can prove his gratefulness by looking at what the Secretary of State for Health and Social care is saying to those in health and social care regarding PPE and do something about it. We need these people more than ever and they are all being put at risk because of him! Let's do something about this now!
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nadine Pollard
  • Supply Ketogenic Diet Food Boxes via Online Supermarket Stores.
    Unlike the rest of the UK population people with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance can damage their bodies by eating too much carbohydrates. The vast majority of Food Box's that M&S and Morrisons offer contain food's which have a large carbohydrate value, which make them insufficient for the needs of a type 2 diabetic person(s). Online delivery slots are increasingly hard to come by and Food Boxes on offer are insufficient to type 2 diabetics needs. Furthermore the Cornavirus crisis risks damaging the populations health as people choose non-perishable food items that are mainly carbohydrates, over foods which provide good amounts of nutrition, healthy fats and immune system boosting vitamins that the body needs to fight off viral infections. The health survey of 2017 for England states that 28.7% of adults are obese and a further 35.6% are overweight. These high numbers are bound to increase if the UK population doesn't make healthy food choices. Around June 2018 the NHS approved diabetes.co.uk's Low Carb program as a viable treatment method for Type2 diabetes. Since its inception it has helped over 435,000 people loose weight and lower their blood sugar. I ask all Health conscious people, Low Carb and Keto dieters (Vegan or Carnist) too sign this petition so supermarkets can stockpile foods which could change the nations health for the better while we are all in isolation. Healthy people are needed to kick start our economy when this is all over.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brent Cooper
  • Covid 19 Medals for NHS Staff
    It is important to show our front line workers that we the nation are with them. Not just now but moving forward. So please give your support.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kev Jeal
  • We demand full PPE for all staff, regardless of their environment
    Healthcare staff are becoming extremely sick and some are dying because they don't have access to full PPE. Staff are being bullied by the hierarchy and are not being allocated to use PPE to the level whereby the feel safe . This goes against NMC and HCPC codes of conduct
    267 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kay Perry
  • Mandatory Requirements for UK’s Exit Strategies From Lockdown
    Contact Tracing and PPE Garments adoptions in other affected countries suggest that easing off the lockdown measures even slightly without any containment plan with, would accelerate the spread to an unmanageable degree. The possible prize to pay if ignored are more deaths, uncontrollbale spread and overwhelming NHS Several NHS workers have already lost their lives after contracting the disease from patients and that number is likely to soar without Contact Tracing and PPE Garments exit strategy plan. More medics would still loss their lives fighting Covid-19. These are the NHS workers who have died from coronavirus so far: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/0/nhs-died-coronavirus-frontline-workers-victims/
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Johnnel Olabhie
  • Spiritual support for those dying from Covid19
    We hear the sad stories of people whose loved ones died alone in hospital due to the strict policy which prevents visitors, family members or friends to be with the sick person. We also hear that nurses are doing their best to stay with someone who is dying but they also have to respond to other calls for care. We also know, both anecdotally but from research evidence, that very ill people and those dying find comfort from a prayer, or just the presence of someone who can hold their hand and be with them as they take their last breaths. This is a regular compassionate practice in hospices and they, as well as all hospitals have links with spiritual leaders whom they call upon as needed. In the current unprecedented times, we need to harness the spiritual resources we have and organise them in order to be an essential part of all healthcare teams and to be present, in their PPE, at all times. This compassionate approach to so many deaths will provide comfort not only to patients but to their loved ones and the health workers.
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Irena Papadopoulos
  • Write off student loans for medical staff
    Many earn less than £40000 and are facing unbelievably hard conditions at work as well as risking their lives. It’s the least we can do to write off the debt they accrued from studying to care for us.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeanette Hill
  • Bank you Nurses and Doctors!
    To say "Thank You" in a tangible way, for giving so much when we needed them to step-up during the Coronavirus Covid19 pandemic. Completing over two-thousand hours of hand-on, direct clinical practice over three years – is it fair to ask them to accumulate debt? With a starting salary of £24,214, this is a debt the majority of nurses will never pay off. Please sign to petition to get their DEBT WIPED OFF!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Eaton
  • Immediate Provision of appropriate PPE to all healthcare professionals
    We have already lost three precious senior colleagues including a GP, a Transplant Surgeon and an ENT colleague. A Medscape survey last week revealed 72% of doctors did not have access to PPE, 85% of those who had supply, were inappropriate, many had improperly fitting masks, and 72% of hospitals did not have access to Antigen tests. According to the 'Doctors' Association UK, there is increasing disconfort amonst progfessionals and they feel complelled to leave the profession(https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/24/doctors-threaten-to-quit-over-protective-equipment-shortage) A vast majority of GPs, including many of my colleagues are working with a basic plastic apron with no long sleeves and a paper surgical mask working in the front line, and many clinical specialities classed as low risk do not have sufficient or any protection provided as recommended by Public Health, England. Despite Government's reassurance abut supply of PPE, it is still not reaching the front line.(https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-nhs-uk-doctors-gagged-england-a9433171.html) Healthcare professionals with inadequate protection feel like 'Lambs' whisked towards a slaughter house, and there is increasing discomfort in doing their jobs. We request you to ensure adequate and appropriate PPE supply to all healthcare professionals with immediate effect,we can not afford to lose any more NHS staff due to inadequate protection at work.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kishor K Tewary
  • Give waste food to the needy
    Research shows that more than 650 million meals worth of surplus food goes to waste despite being fit for human consumption. In the current situation this is a disgrace. Fareshare is a network providing just under one million meals a week to vulnerable people. The Government funded a trial last year but is not intending to continue it this year when it will be needed more than ever.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Clay
  • Ban gambling adverts during the coronavirus crisis
    These adverts prey on people’s anxieties, especially in this difficult time. This will not contribute to good mental health or help us manage debt.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Herbert