• Benefits cut
    Because I am a single father and severly disable for over 21 years now and struggling to keep my family happy and give them what the deserve especially after losing there schools due to Grenfell towers fire
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tarek Gotti
    You're messing with peoples lives and this system is wrong and cruel and was invented by someone who couldnt care less. I lost my job because the NHS did not give me my treatment when i needed it, I was awarded DLA indefinately then it was taken away when PIP took over, I'm now in £7,000 worth of dept because i had to buy my mobility car as i cant use public transport. I have an outwork job which pays below the minimum wage but its work, I want to work but i also need help. but i; like millions of others don't seem to matter. This system is not fair and needs to be changed.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sue Allen
  • Thomson Holidays - Select Your Seat Tax
    Although it is just plain right rude to split a family up at the beginning of their family holiday it also causes safety issues for fellow passengers and stress to the parents travelling with children. Thomson Holidays #SelectYourSeat procedure puts profit before a child's welfare!
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joel Combes Picture
  • Stop Landlords Profiting from the £9Bn Housing Benefit Crisis
    Like many of us, I watched the recent airing of a BBC programme "The Week the Landlords Moved In" and felt a combination of sadness (for the tenants) and anger that Private Landlords - not all of them unscrupulous - profit fantastically from the Housing Benefits system. This is, after all, yours and my tax-payers' money that's being handed over, so let's make sure it's being put to better use and delivering value for money for all of us. It cannot be right that our hard-earned taxes are enriching that select few through the housing benefit system. If there are any financial surpluses created through these payments, then surely they should be channelled back into creating more Social Housing for those that need it.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Rozelle Picture
  • Transgender rights
    Change hospital waiting times. More therapy available maybe to avoid surgery. Allow a changes in the law to recognise a third sex as non binary.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cassandra Meadows
  • Use marble instead of granite on all military headstones
    Give or war heros a lasting memorial worthy of the sacrifice they have made
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stuart Gibson
  • Suspension of arms sales to Saudi Arabia
    In Yemen the epidemic of cholera is killing one child every 10 minutes and the death rate will increase. The war with Saudi Arabia prevents the deployment by external charities of medical and food supplies. The ban is intended to demonstrate that the British people hold Saudi Arabia responsible for the worsening situation. Britain shares this responsibility through arms deals and the situation brings discredit on our people on an historic scale. The people must express their horror of this situation.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Mullen
  • state pension age
    Most people now in their 40's have been affected by a state pension age rise from 66 to 67, but now, today, the government wants you to work until you are aged 68. This has been pushed forward years earlier than originally proposed. It was to be implemented in 2044 but will now be implemented between 2037-2039. This will have a direct impact on all UK taxpayers currently aged between 39 and 47 who were born between 06/04/1970 - 05/04/1978 - a total of 6 million people in the UK working population paying taxes and national insurance contributions. People within this bracket have already had their state pension age pushed forward 1 year by this government in it's current tenure which is punishment enough. You should be entitled to retire and enjoy the benefits of retirement at 67 without moving the goalposts. This opportunistic government has not only upped your age before you can claim back for your contributions - now it wants another year from you. I want to see the UK taxpayers protected by applying legislation that only allows one change to retirement age in a persons working age. 1 working career = 1 change not punishment. Please lets get this voted for and debated in Parliament.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Col Handley
  • Stop Gambling sites emailing and messaging people
    It is tempting people who would not normally seek out gambling establishments to start what could lead to an addiction.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angie Macmillan
  • Support the court case demanding the UK keep it's promise to child refugees (DUBS)
    After the government has refused a second vote on the issue in parliament, the charity Help Refugees (represented by Leigh Day solicitors) is taking the Home Office to court over the Government’s failure to make suitable arrangements for relocating and supporting a specific number of child refugees as promised by the scheme currently known as "DUBS" under UK immigration law. For those who haven't heard about DUBS, it was an amendment made to 2016 law which requires the government to make arrangements ‘as soon as possible’ (after 31 May 2016) to relocate and support a ‘specified number’ of unaccompanied refugee children from Europe. This scheme was created as a response to the increasing pressure on the UK to help in what has been deemed the worst refugee crisis since World War Two. In February of this year our Home Office abandoned the continuation of DUBS quietly in Parliament, and local governments and charities across the UK have been trying to fight the decision. Help Refugees has now launched a formal legal challenge against the government as part of a last chance effort to protect what is truly a lifeline for unaccompanied/lone children fleeing war and/or conflict to Europe. Keeping the DUBS scheme is essential because currently there are 28 million children uprooted because of conflict in their own countries but over 1/9th of the world's refugees right now are in Europe and children make up a third of these numbers (and above 45% in the South East of Europe such as Greece and Macedonia), which make legal channels like DUBS essential for these kids to be able to begin a better life and to not be left to be targeted by traffickers and abusers who focus on Europe's camps. As the 6th richest country in the world, the UK is denying it's international commitments by reversing yet another safe legal passage for these children. Our local councils have said the UK can take in 4000 more children - meaning we have the capacity, all that's lacking is the willingness of our government to support our capacity to give. In its stance, the Home Office is targeting without justification children who have absolutely no one else to turn to and whose lives and futures are at significant risk right now. They have lost everything, meanwhile our government stands from a distance and says we have nothing to give. The Charity Help Refugees and those lawyers standing against the Home Office this week, are doing so because they reject this position. They reject that this is the UK we believe in. We ask the UK public to support this court case as the last chance to keep this scheme in law. We ask that you sign and spread the word about this case and that you don't let the lives of so many kids be determined behind closed doors. Let's shame the Home Office for its position, let's stand tall and fight for the right of these children to a better future from conflict.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Jackson
    So many cars speed on this road one day a child is going too get hurt......what does it take too make a road safe?
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Holmes
  • Label 'GM-Fed' animal products for consumption
    We should have the right to know about how our food is produced, so that we can choose to consume it, or not to. Therefore clear labelling is very important. Also it should be a basic Human Right to be able to avoid food, if it can make us ill. It is suspected that at least 27 people died and over 1500 to 2000 people became permanently disabled (and still awaiting a cure), after consuming a genetically engineered food supplement called 'L Tryptophan' some years ago [This can easily be checked by googling 'Tryptophan + GM Deaths'. Also see below in red box]. On a personal level, 'GM-Fed' animal products have been making me ill, since my local food shops have been selling them unlabelled these past approximate 8 years. It is clear to me that playing about with Nature's deep foundations is not a safe thing to do, coming from our still highly undeveloped level of consciousness. Please support this petition.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mike siblock