• Make Nando's in Newbury Halal
    A lot of towns with multiple branches have at least one halal branch but Newbury now has one branch but it is not halal. The closest branches are in Bristol or Oxford which means anyone who can’t drive or travel far is deprived of a cheeky Nando’s. Sign this petition if you think we should all be able to bond and integrate with our mutual love of chicken.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mobasshir Mushtaq
    To enable my daughter to get to School safely.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqui Prince
  • Recycling household electronic waste
    It is extremely important to recycle our waste due to the negative affect it has on our environment and should be looked at as a global problem and not just a local one. A lot of our electronic waste from the UK ends up in different third world countries such as Ghana which is then burned and smelted to extract metals such as copper etc. In the process, heavy metals and toxins are released posing huge health risks for the people involved in such activities. The BBC have already documented on this issue in Ghana where people don't even have basic health protection equipment and are dying from smoke inhalation and toxic metal concentration. We as the community of Blackburn with Darwen will not be involved in allowing any of our waste to cause harm to anyone due to negligence and ineffective waste management!
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hussain Patel
  • Protecting Lincolnshire Jobs and Communities
    To save local jobs and protect local services
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by helen Stokes
  • Lets stop envelopes with plastic windows!
    Plastic is a major polluter of landfill sites and more and more of our plastic is ending up in our oceans. Every year the amounts increase. We need to take steps, even small ones, to protect our world for our children and grandchildren.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julian Stokes
  • Extend the "move on period" for refugees in the UK to avoid destitution.
    A baby boy known as EG starved to death because his family weren't given the support they needed by the government. His mother, an asylum seeker left destitute after not being able to recieve benefits, was rendered unconcious for several days after suffering a rare brain infection; leaving her unable to feed her child. She also died two days after her son. Had EG's family been given the support they needed by the government, this might not have happened. Unfortunately starvation and destitution is the shocking reality for many refugees in the UK. Currently, in the UK the "move on period" is 28 days. This means that refugees who have been granted asylum in the UK get 28 days of housing and/or benefits before they are left to fend for themselves regardless of whether or not they have been able to find their own residency and employment. However most of the time it takes much longer than 28 days for refugees to receive documents from the home office that allow them to live and work in the UK. There have even been reports of refugees waiting  months for their papers despite being forced out of their accommodation before recieving them. This is incredibly unfair and results in many refugees becoming destitute; leaving them vulnerable, isolated and often living in extreme poverty. Please help support this campaign by signing the petition and hopefully we can make a positive change to the lives of the thousands of refugees living in the UK.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Olivia Aveyard
  • Time to stop single-use plastic tampon applicators
    Tampax worked well using cardboard applicators so there's no need for plastic. These things are having a massive impact on our coastlines. In their 2016 beach clean-up, the Marine Conservation Society found twenty tampon applicators and sanitary items per 100m of shoreline! We need Procter and Gamble to take responsibility for the single use plastics they are releasing into the environment and to discontinue the production of plastic applicators.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Blackwell
  • LGBT+ to be added to the curriculum
    It gives help for the LGBT students who do not learn this information or others that just don’t know, LGBT should be catered for not just straight relationships.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amber WS
  • 3 weekly bin collection
    It is very important to the health issues of all people in and around the Oldham borough and the absolute state of most places in Oldham due to this poor collection service
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Whittaker
  • Biodegradable Cling Film
    The UK uses 1.2 BILLION meters (745,000 miles) of plastic clingfilm every year and it goes straight to landfill as it cannot be recycled and not easily reused. This is not an easy product to replace with eco-friendly alternatives in the home or catering industry.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Daykin
  • Save Our Flower Man
    This stall is an important part of Cheltenham's vibrance, character and local colour. It is an integral part of Cheltenham's Promenade and a much-needed contrast to nearby shops. This stall helps to set Cheltenham aside from other towns with similar retail outlets. Support our local small businesses!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Brook
  • Piercing law age restriction uk
    Babies cant talk for themselves, they dont understand whats right from wrong and causing unnecessary harm to a child should be banned. Piercings arent because the baby wants it, its because parents want their babies to look pretty. Its unhygenic and with children touching their ears all the time it causes infection. Why would you cause your child unnecessary pain for something thats aesthetically pleasing to you. Its not necessary. Lawyers have classed piercings as surgical operations as you are having your skin opened up. My daughter had her ears pierced without my consent and had severe infections to the point of the ear being so swollen that it swallowed the backing of the stud and the ear had to be cut to retrieve the backing of the stud. Until kids understand the care and cleaning that a piercing takes, they should not be allowed to be pierced.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gemma Dawson