• Make childcare costs an allowable business expense.
    For many self-employed people, they cannot operate without using a childcare provider. Eg. If you are a self-employed single parent who needs to meet a business client in their offices; why won't the HMRC accept that the childcare expense is wholly and exclusively for business purposes? The current position is an anomaly and indirectly discrimminates against women who disproportionately suffer a detriment under the current rules.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicholas Win
  • Utility Companies to refund credit balances much quicker
    Currently they get away with not doing so and it can take more than 4 weeks to get monies owed from them. I know this as this is my experience. Banks can transfer monies instantly and credit payments quickly so why not utility companies. Here is my experience: When I switched from Scottish Power to Ovo (gas & electricity) I discovered that Scottish Power owed me over £600. I requested they pay this back but was told it would only happen once my final bill was done. I switched on 29th January and gave meter readings on that day to both Scottish Power and Ovo. However, its now March and they are still charging me on my bill (reducing my credit balance) even though they have closed my account (it says so online)! I spoke both with Scottish Power and Ovo and was told that even though I had submitted readings for gas & electricity to both companies, it could take 2 weeks for the network (presumably Transco etc) to confirm the readings. Only then could Scottish Power do my final bill and only then could OVO know for sure what starting readings to use. Scottish Power said once my final bill was confirmed they would then refund my credit balance but it could still take up to 4 weeks! This is a scandal. I made an official complaint to Scottish Power but they said it could 10 working days for someone to get back to me! yet another unacceptable delay. I tried speaking to the regulator but their automated telephone service cuts you off if you say you haven't given the utility company 8 weeks to resolve the situation! Why can't utility companies be made to speed the whole process up like banks have? An example is that when I pay salaries at work via BACS I get a text from my bank (the receiving account) within 10 seconds that the money is in my account! yes, I said 10 seconds, not 10 hours, days or weeks! Its time the companies were brought to account and made to reform. In my opinion the big companies should be split up as well. Scottish Power admits it receives around 75,000 complaints every quarter! Its on their website at https://www.scottishpower.co.uk/support-centre/service-and-standards/complaints/complaintsperformance Please support this campaign
    99 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Dale
  • Rename the UK May Day Bank Bank Holiday 'Tony Benn Day'
    Tony Benn was an (Inter)national treasure and should be celebrated as an important Socialist icon.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Cowperthwaite
  • State funeral for Tony Benn.
    Tony Benn was a true hero of British politics, he truly deserves a state funeral for his services to our country.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kieran Owen
  • None of the Above
    Because it would force every person in public office in the country to REALLY listen to the constituents and REALLY strive to serve. I vote, and always have done since turning 18, because I believe that it is our civic duty and that if one doesn't vote one can't complain. However, more and more one sees politicians full of fine words and no action, who do not listen and who follow their own agendas, and who punish the poor and benefit themselves and the nation's rich. Spoiling a ballot paper is not an option as it is not registered as a protest, and a protest vote for a 'loony' party such as ukip is clearly not sensible, so "None of the above" would send a clear message that we are not happy with the status quo and force change. Thank you.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Young
  • Adopt an English National Anthem
    God Save the Queen is an excellent anthem when a team representing Great Britain is being supported. However, when England is playing against other countries, especially Scotland, Wales and Ireland in the 6 Nations, it should have its own anthem as do each of the other three. I would suggest "Land of Hope and Glory".
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Rossdale
  • Wales Planning Bill to protect the legal status of TOWN and VILLAGE GREENS in Wales
    Because the notion of accessible OPEN SPACE in Wales used for sports, recreation and pastimes for over 20 years, should be protected and enhanced in the Public interest for the citizens in Wales.The guidance and Law should reflect the importance of TOWN and VILLAGE GREENS to the many communities in Wales.
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by nortridge perrott Picture
  • Stop Co-op Group Executive Benefits Package
    Senior executive remuneration in many large companies is out of control and in disrepute. Mutual and co-operative movements have the opportunity to show a different way, one that is much more in tune with the majority of their supporters. If those supporters are alienated, as they will be if this benefits package is not revoked, they will vote with their feet. This will make the demise of the Co-op Group much more likely.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Gunn
  • Keep Cardiff Bowls Greens Open & Fees Down
    For many years seniors in in the City have dutifully paid their local taxes without complaint. Now that they are approaching their twilight years, when they should be able to enjoy some relaxation with some leisure time & an affordable game of bowls, CCC are asking small clubs to stump up £6000 in green fees. As the elected guardians of this City's leisure amenities, they should realise that bowling is a working class past time that is not awash with money or sponsorship. CCC should also realise that many bowlers reside in marginal wards & as the Patriarchs & Matriarchs of families, can really make a difference come election time.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen MacDonald
  • Bring the Energy Utilities Back into Public Ownership
    The so called competition in selling energy isn't working - wholesale price falls have not been passed on. The disgrace of elderly and poor families freezing cold in the winter is shameful in a modern, caring society; whilst these energy bosses take home telephone number salaries!
    197 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Humberstone
  • Reimburse Tribunal Costs Pertaining to ATOS Misdiagnosis
    This is important because the government withdrew legal aid at a time when it contracted out its duties to ATOS to assess whether or not claimants, of sickness benefits, were fit for work. Job Centres and the Department of Works & Pensions have strict guidelines to follow when assessing claimants, however, by contracting out to ATOS they avoided these strict guidelines to reach the government's targets to reduce the number of people on sickness benefits. Thousands of people, who were misdiagnosed by ATOS, won their appeals. No fines have been levied on ATOS, or compensation paid by them, for financial loss or the pain and suffering caused to the individuals, despite the proven negligence at the tribunals.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ray Middleton
  • No VAT on UK Air Ambulance Fuel
    In a life threatening emergency the Air Ambulance Service is your lifeline no matter where you live in the UK. If you live in a rural area it is often your ONLY lifeline because it is too far by road for you to be treated within the golden hour. See also the BBC program "An Hour To Save Your Life" http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03xkwyb
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Jagger