38 Degrees Northern Ireland

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Campaigns (4)

  • Protect Northern Ireland From Mining And Fracking
    Mark Durkan, Northern Ireland Environment Minister, has granted Canadian gold mining company Dalradian exploratory mining rights in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Gortin, Northern Ireland. This allowed the company to commence a 20,000 metre underground drilling programme and to extend a 700 metre tunnel to 2,100 metres. We are concerned at the potential consequences for the local community, the environment and the local economy which relies on small-scale agriculture and tourism. If the Minister allows mining operations like Dalradian’s without first fully assessing the environmental impact that sets a precedent for other types of major environmental development. In 2011 the DETI granted a petroleum licence to Australian company Tamboran Resources, which planned to use ‘fracking’ to extract gas from shale rock in County Fermanagh. ‘Fracking’ involves hydraulic fracturing of rock to release gas and is not used in mineral extraction. Tamboran’s plans were recently blocked following protests from environmental campaigners. Below are a list of links about Dalradian and Tamboran’s activities: http://www.northernireland.gov.uk/news-doe-041213-durkan-announces-gold http://ulsterherald.com/2013/12/05/gortins-golden-opportunity-for-job-seekers http://ulsterherald.com/2013/12/05/gortins-golden-opportunity-for-job-seekers/#sthash.S5QeER4x.dpuf http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-foyle-west-28848826 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-25575879 http://rt.com/uk/179784-fracking-proposal-rejected-protest A damming indictment of Dalradians method of doing business from Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland. http://www.foe.co.uk/sites/default/files/downloads/10-concerns-about-dalradian-gold-mine-75430.pdf
    1,278 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ciaran McClean
  • No Arc21- No incinerator in Newtownabbey.
    If this were to go ahead with this proposal it would have massive repercussions on not only a social but a health scale for the people living in the residential areas around the Hightown and Mallusk areas. This will also have massive finacial implications on the tax payer who will be footing the 230 million bill for this project. Bombardier have put forward a tender for this waste which they would recycle into sustainable energy to power Shorts/Bombardier. This has no cost to the tax payer and will go along way towards saving jobs at Bobardier/Shorts who are a major employer here in Northern Ireland.
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria Shannon
  • Fox Hunting and all Blood sports
    Its a cruel way of getting rid of animals when there are more humane ways of dealing with the problem
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sue Armstrong Surgenor
  • NO to GP Charges In Northern Ireland
    The NHS is prided on being free at the point of delivery, in Northern Ireland we deliver our health service under the banner of the NHS and the ethos of free at the point of delivery should never be changed. GP's deal with up to 90% of face to face contact of patients within the NHS, their contribution cannot be measured with a contact fee. As potential patients we have already received directions not to attend A&E's and to first consider vising a GP, GP waiting lists are in the extreme and practices are already struggling to meet the demand placed on them on top of having to cover unfilled doctor posts in Hospitals as well as their own general Practice. Some GP surgeries are beginning to to look like our crowed A&E waiting rooms with patients queuing up for appoints in the mornings due to the limited capacity of GP practices. Growing waiting lists for outpatient and day case procedures are leading to more patients visiting their GP to ensure that their illness has not got worse while waiting for treatment. In a recent poll by doctors in the British Medical Association, BMA, doctors overwhelmingly voted not to introduce a GP charge at its 2014 annual GP conference in York. "Dr Laurence Buckman, a GP from London, added the idea was "unethical, dangerous and disingenuous". Dr Chaand Nagpaul said general practice was becoming "conveyor belt medicine". "Add to this the sheer volume of phone calls, visits, repeat prescriptions, results, reports and hospital correspondence and we have an unmanageable, exhausting and unsustainable workload that puts safety and quality at risk,"
    286 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Hugh McCloy