We stand by our assertion that our hedge was within the legal boundary of our property.
Sadly adherence to laws, guidelines, etc, & consideration for wildlife & the environment went out the window last year. In Feb '20 HCC contractors felled not only our hedge, but also coppiced hazel stools (which we had been assured by E Heron were safe from destruction) and trees – including a healthy ash tree which should have been protected by the Forestry Act 1967. To compound this outrage, despite there being an ongoing pandemic & an ongoing formal complaint (still not settled), contractors returned out of the blue in Sep '20 & ground the stumps, some of which had started to regrow, effectively destroying much of the evidence of their illegal behaviour earlier in the year.
We appreciate the support we have already received. What we hope now is that people reading this update will ask family & friends to also show their concerns by adding their signatures & help to put a stop to such behaviour.
To: Cllr Edward Heron, Hampshire County Council Executive Member for Countryside & Rural Affairs
5 days to save our hedge

Please don't destroy a vital wildlife habitat.
Why is this important?
We have a mature mixed native hedge over 85 metres long that separates our garden from a bridleway.
The hedge consists of hundreds of trees and plants and supports an abundance of wildlife, amongst which are rare, endangered and even protected species such as the hazel dormouse.
Hampshire County Council (HCC) have tried to plot the positions of legal boundaries on the ground using an OS map. This is forbidden by law … https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-government/tools-support/property-boundaries
They say that our hedge is encroaching on a public right of way, when actually the encroachments are leylandii and laurel hedging on the opposite side of the track.
Dozens of people have corroborated this fact, plus we have amassed loads of evidence to show that our hedge is within the historic legal boundary, but HCC reject any evidence that goes against their blinkered opinion and are threatening to bulldoze the lot at the end of this month.
HCC has declared a climate emergency, “committing to put environmental issues at the heart of everything it does” but ripping out a mixed native hedge flies in the face of this pledge.
Dozens of people have already emailed Cllr Edward Heron at [email protected] but he appears unmoved.
If HCC carry out their threats, it is going to have a devastating effect on all the wildlife that the hedge supports – and the environment.
If you share our concerns about the loss of such an important wildlife habitat please sign this petition.
The hedge consists of hundreds of trees and plants and supports an abundance of wildlife, amongst which are rare, endangered and even protected species such as the hazel dormouse.
Hampshire County Council (HCC) have tried to plot the positions of legal boundaries on the ground using an OS map. This is forbidden by law … https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-government/tools-support/property-boundaries
They say that our hedge is encroaching on a public right of way, when actually the encroachments are leylandii and laurel hedging on the opposite side of the track.
Dozens of people have corroborated this fact, plus we have amassed loads of evidence to show that our hedge is within the historic legal boundary, but HCC reject any evidence that goes against their blinkered opinion and are threatening to bulldoze the lot at the end of this month.
HCC has declared a climate emergency, “committing to put environmental issues at the heart of everything it does” but ripping out a mixed native hedge flies in the face of this pledge.
Dozens of people have already emailed Cllr Edward Heron at [email protected] but he appears unmoved.
If HCC carry out their threats, it is going to have a devastating effect on all the wildlife that the hedge supports – and the environment.
If you share our concerns about the loss of such an important wildlife habitat please sign this petition.