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To: The UK Government

A fitting commemoration to a truly Great Briton

It would be entirely right and fitting for the UK government to physically recognise Captain Sir Tom Moore by erecting a statue in his Honour once we reach the end of this dark tunnel that is Covid 19.

Why is this important?

Captain l Sir Tom Moore was an inspiration to the four Nations of the UK his mammoth endeavours are fitting to be remembered for all on a plinth in Parliament square or wherever applicable as a beacon for future generations. He embodied everything that is great about our Island story.A truly great Briton who fought against horrendous dictatorships in WW2 and fought for our NHS in these also troubled times.God rest Sir Tom.


2021-02-03 08:23:07 +0000

50 signatures reached

2021-02-02 22:04:07 +0000

25 signatures reached

2021-02-02 21:46:01 +0000

10 signatures reached