To: The UK Government
A more relevant Vehicle Road Tax system
Encourage smaller cars on our 'Old English' road structure. There is not enough room on our roads. Cars are becoming huge, a NEW road tax should be based on a Size, Weight, Engine, Fuel, Seats, etc; which penalizes MASSIVE domestic cars and rewards SMALL 2 seater (i.e. 'SMART & 'others').
Why is this important?
Cars today [2014] are essential, this may because local transport is lacking or the many reasons why so many Brit's commute. Many cars have only one occupant. Cars have become Egotistical Status symbols. They are lasting longer and longer and are now so cheap to buy (pre-owned) the UK has a log-jam problem and a serious parking problem. The current Gov's Road Tax system is abused and should be geared to the smaller car whilst penalising i.e. - HUGE 4x4's used totally out of context.