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To: The Greater London Authority (GLA)


We are calling on the GLA -- in collaboration with London boroughs -- to create a new publicly owned energy company. We want a clean, affordable and democratic alternative to big energy companies, run for people not for profit.

By signing this petition, I am:
1. Asking the GLA to adopt Switched On London's proposal, and
2. Pledging to switch to the new energy company proposed, should this be set up.

Why is this important?

While big energy companies make record profits, the fuel bills of ordinary Londoners are out of control. And while other major cities make the transition to clean energy -- tackling air pollution and climate change -- London is lagging behind.

We don’t have to accept profiteering, poverty and pollution. Switched On London is calling for a people-powered alternative. A publicly owned company with social justice, clean energy and democracy at its core...

--> We want an energy company that offers fair, affordable prices, based on a progressive pricing system.
--> We want an energy company that does not cut-off access to those who can’t pay and that does not install unwanted prepayment meters.
--> We want an energy company that re-invests all revenues in measures to address fuel poverty and the cost of living crisis, particularly prioritising ambitious investment in household energy efficiency measures.
--> We want an energy company that treats its workers fairly, meaning paying at least a London Living Wage, good terms and conditions, secure, unionised and non-precarious work.

--> We want ambitious public investment in new renewable energy generating capacity (we are initiating research into an appropriate specific investment target). A significant portion should be invested in renewable capacity in London.
--> The GLA and London local authorities must divest their pension funds from fossil fuels, and re-invest this money to fund the new renewable capacity we need. Other public funding sources for new renewable investment to be explored include municipal bonds and borrowing.
--> We want an energy company that aims to sell 100% renewable energy as soon as feasibly possible.

--> We want a company fully owned by London public bodies (without any private partners) but controlled by people directly.
--> To do this, we want to integrate a range of democratic mechanisms, including:
1. A board of directors made up of: 1/3rd London public officials; 1/3rd energy company employees elected democratically by the whole energy company workforce; 1/3rd ordinary London residents, elected democratically with all London residents and all non-London customers given a vote. Board membership must guarantee at least 50% representation of women.
2. Annual open assemblies in every London borough, where representatives of the company have to answer questions and take input and advice.
3. The creation of an online democratic forum where people can discuss and influence the company’s operations, including through public petitions.
4. An obligation for the board to discuss public petitions, if backed by 1% or more of London’s population.
5. An obligation for an online referendum on a proposal, if backed by 5% of London’s population.
6. 100% transparency in all operations.
7. These democratic measures apply to all London residents, regardless of citizenship/nationality status.



2015-12-30 11:44:23 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-12-09 21:43:57 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-12-08 19:04:18 +0000

10 signatures reached