To: The House of Lords

ammend family immigration law

Reverse the ammendments in the immigration law concerning Family members spouse visa to stay in UK that were implemented when Theresa May was Home Secretary.
Make it the same law for spouse family members as it was in the past, to stop peoples family members being deported. It is only fair that married people can live together, it is our Human right to choose our Family members.

Why is this important?

My wife was deported in 2015 because we did not earn enough money to satisfy the new threshold for income in order with the new government regulations about immigration to the UK, for her to renew her visa. She lived in UK since 2004 and it was not an issue before, but in 2011 The Home secretary amended laws makng it more difficult. I was sick and did not earn enough money. This is barbaric. She lived in UK with me for 11 years and then had to be uprooted and sent to Japan with no money and no place to live and she still has a hard time and wants to come back here and I want my wife back.
The visa application deadlines are really difficult to adhere to. Therefore, the visa application was refused for that reason last time we applied, although I have been earning enough income to satisfy the regulations.
It is important for other people too. This causes a lot of sadness in this country with families living in anxiety and stress, children growing up without their parents and people like me and my wife having to face the rest of our lives getting older and without each other to look after. For example, I recently had a bad accident because I was at home on my own. This would never have happened if my wife was not deported and I am lucky to be alive right now.

How it will be delivered

Deliver in person or by mail to the home secretary.


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