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To: The Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party.

An alliance on the left

1) Negotiate and agree a cross party manfesto pledge to implement proportional representation after the next election.

2) Agree to run a single candidate between you in each conservative held constituency at the next election, either on a quid pro quo basis or as a joint ticket.

Why is this important?

With the conservatives now given free reign to make boundary changes, and with the left split between at least three parties, it will be even more difficult to defeat them at the next election. Between the three parties, it is clear that there is more support for a left of centre government, but the electoral system prevents this from being expressed. The three parties need to come together (at least temporarily) to defeat the conservatives and to lay the foundations for fair elections in the future.
By standing a single or combined candidate, and by encouraging cross party support on the ground from activists, seats that no single party can win will instead fall to at least one of the parties of the left.
Ask yourselves which is more important? To each stand candidates that are highly likely to lose, or to cooperate to throw out the conservatives.



2015-05-31 11:24:07 +0100

10 signatures reached