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To: The UK Government

Ask Government To Give Us A Vote On Issues

Give the People the ability to call for and vote in an eReferendum on any subject that enough people vote for. This can either be, as a minimum, the ability to challenge an unwanted piece of Legislation, or at it's most potent, we can vote regularly, say perhaps monthly, on the Issues of our choosing.

Why is this important?

It is apparent from experience that choosing parties on the basis of stated agendas is not enough to guarantee we achieve anything.
The actions rarely mirror the bold promises once in office.
It can appear Breach Of Contract is is just an abstract concept to our Political Parties who show exceptional finesse in being able to do a complete 180, seamlessly, without too much trouble, and yet keep voters aligned to them somehow. It's like a collective amnesia where we're forcing ourselves to replay history over and over, convincing ourselves we won't get short-changed again, ignoring the in-built weaknesses and Conflicts Of Interest arising from our current Democratic System.



2014-05-01 19:16:45 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-04-28 14:52:20 +0100

10 signatures reached

2014-04-25 14:50:18 +0100

Please go to for an explanation of what eDemocracy entails, and how it can easily be achieved.