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To: British Government

Ban the importation of animal fur into UK

The UK government has already limited the importation of animal fur into the UK by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3254/91, however certain animal fur can still be imported, some from countries with poor animal welfare rights.
Rather than extend the agreement, the government should ban the import of all fur, including animals killed by trapping or in fur farms, into the UK.

Why is this important?

100 million+ animals are killed for their fur every year and 30 million of those are killed in fur farms where the lives of these animals commonly end by having their necks broken, being gassed or being electrocuted. The gassing is not always effective, and animals are sometimes still alive while being skinned.

The Agreement on International Trapping Standards is aimed at the protection of the practice of trapping of wild animals for their fur with ‘humane’ standards. However, the trapping of wild animals for their fur can never be benign, the standards set in this agreement fall well below humane standards defined by veterinarian experts in the UK.



2021-05-15 02:38:14 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-10-25 08:51:25 +0100

10 signatures reached