To: All Flower sellers

Bouquet wrappings should be biodegradable

All sellers of bouquets and floral tributes must stop using sellophane, plastic based wrappings, rubber bands or ribbons, and change to using biodegradable wrapping, such a non shiny paper and hemp string. When bouquets are left as tributes, these all go into landfill, as they are mixed with plastic. If all flower sellers or anyone making up a bouquet used biodegradable wrappings, they could be composted and re-used instead of filling up landfill. Also encourage people to just leave flowers at tribute sites, so that it can all be disposed of as compost afterwards. So much kinder to the planet.

Why is this important?

It is so important not to fill landfill sites when the items could be composted so easily if no plastic based items are included. When I see beautiful bouquets of flowers beside the road, as tributes to a loved one, it makes me so sad to know that all of these will be scooped up and thrown into landfill, as the plastic wrappings make it impossible for them to be composted and re-used in a useful manner.
