To: Huw Irranca-Davis MS

Bring investment in to the Ogmore Valley!

Photo by Marek Szturc on Unsplash
As a collective Valley community, we have lost so much over the years, from Banks in our Highstreet to Jobs and our Miners Hall. We once had a run-down pool that was very popular with all ages and said to be rebuilt when the new Recreation building was to be built, even that became a shadow of its initial promise and no pool. The schools now have to ferry children to pools outside the Valley and as for the community at large the options are now limited.
Another resource lost was our recycling amenity, which closed a few years ago when it was open it was a sporadic service and people are now forced to use the council collection system, at a cost which in this cost of living crisis most can't afford, or they drive to Bryncethin, which has led to an increase in fly-tipping in the Valley.
The work done by volunteers on clearing debris and opening up overgrown sections of the cycle track is much overlooked and scantily funded by the local council and charity donations, there are few large solid vandal-proof refuse bins provided in the valley let alone the cycle track that gets emptied regularly, those that are provided, tend to be damaged because they are of inferior quality or far too small for purpose.

Why is this important?

The majority of people take pride in our Valley but the average age of those is 50 plus and upwards, now known as Millennials and they stand to be the vast majority of volunteers. We must educate the young that bins are for rubbish, not fires or playthings. Taking pride in your surroundings is a big step in taking pride in yourself and your community. Seeing playfields covered in broken glass, tin cans and plastic bottles and general litter, as well as dog faeces and poo bags dumped anywhere, does not fill people with pride or enthusiasm to venture out and use any community facility available here.
What I call a litter train, that could travel down the entire length of the Valley cycle path, emptying well-built and plentiful solid vandal-proof bins along its length that could, if we still had it, use the recycling depot in the Penllwyngwent Industrial estate, helping to create jobs within the valley and not just rely on the goodwill and help of elderly volunteers to promote pride in our communities for all people and visitors alike to use along the Valley length. This in turn could increase tourism by cyclists and walkers alike from outside the area opening up catering jobs, providing food tea coffee etc along its length, breathing new life into once tired rundown vandalised areas.

How it will be delivered

To Huw via arranging a meeting

Ogmore Valley, UK

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