500 signatures reached
To: The public
Bring Joey Home ❤️

Sign this petition to bring my dog home who the police have seized purely for his looks. He's not dangerous or of any harm he's just a pup but been deemed a type
Why is this important?
This is joey, our 13 month old pup and he has now been seized after dog wardens picked him up classing him as a stray after he slipped his collar, the police are trying to intimidate us by telling us Joey will suffer 6 months in their kennels and other nasty things they said to which I got all on record. We will not sign him over and we will fight until we get him back. This is a support page for Myself Martina & Joey. Currently waiting to open a case with a professional Solicitors that deal with this.
Never thought this would ever happen as he’s such a kind loving puppy, my little sisters are as devastated as us.
This is happening too often and many dogs are being destroyed purely because of their looks and being deemed a dangerous dog. It's absolutely wrong in so many ways. We need to stand up for our dogs and beat this BLS
#SayNoToBls #ItsNotTheBreed #BringHomeJoeyBear
Never thought this would ever happen as he’s such a kind loving puppy, my little sisters are as devastated as us.
This is happening too often and many dogs are being destroyed purely because of their looks and being deemed a dangerous dog. It's absolutely wrong in so many ways. We need to stand up for our dogs and beat this BLS
#SayNoToBls #ItsNotTheBreed #BringHomeJoeyBear
How it will be delivered
Email/stage in conference