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To: The UK Government.

Build a Memorial On The Grenfell Tower Land When It's Demolished.

I want them not to sell the land to private developers,
and I would like the land to used for a memorial or/and social housing.

Why is this important?

It is important because no person or company should make money out of the death of all the people who died or have been displaced, and any housing that is build should be for the people who once lived in Grenfell.


2017-07-07 15:19:32 +0100

500 signatures reached

2017-07-06 17:55:34 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-07-06 16:28:44 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-07-06 09:28:00 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-06-20 11:59:30 +0100

10 signatures reached