500 signatures reached
To: David Cameron
Cancel the inquiry into charging to use the NHS

On July 9th 2015 the government minister, Lord Prior, suggested during a Lords debate on the NHS that he would set up an inquiry that would consider forms of charging for NHS services. Through the election campaign and as recently as June, you affirmed your commitment to an NHS free at the point of delivery. In 2011 you said “Let me make this clear - we will not be moving towards an insurance scheme, we will not introduce an American-style private system." With this in mind I ask you to confirm this inquiry does not take place.
Why is this important?
A truly civilised society recognises need and seeks to meet it without punishing the people in need. The NHS Constitution clearly states that the NHS belongs to us all. It doesn’t belong to an insurance company, or any other kind of co-payment organisations. The NHS is affordable without a charging regime that would stop many poor people and those in poor health from accessing essential services.