500 signatures reached
To: George Osborne
Change UK Banking Culture of Product Mis-selling & Greed

Restart the Financial Conduct Authority Investigation into Banking Culture
Why is this important?
We The TAXPAYERS Need to Change UK Banking Culture and STOP Product Mis-selling, Dodgy Loans, LIBOR Rigging and Huge Bonuses.
Jail Crooked ‘Fat Cat’ Bankers Don’t Reward Them!
The Government’s Financial Conduct Authority has dropped a major investigation into bank pay, promotion, bonuses and other incentives. Osborne said he knew nothing about this - so SIGN this petition to ask him to reverse this decision!
USA & Iceland jail crooked Bankers
Vietnam shoots crooked Bankers
The UK rewards crooked and inept Bankers!
UK banks brought our country to it’s knees with a £1.3 TRILLION debt, and we, the taxpayer, bailed them out.
It’s time for a change. We need to make banking accountable, responsible, fair and honest, AND, once more, COMPETITIVE.
Dodgy and irresponsible bank lending and too much bank leverage led to the 2008 financial crash!
How many times does the taxpayer/uk population have to be kicked?
Had the Bankers not brought the country to its knees in 2008 what state would the NHS and other public services be in right now? - Better funded for sure. How deep would the cut's need to be, had it not been for the 10's of billions to keep Banks afloat due to fat cat greed and arrogance.
The Bankers have stolen your money, robbed your pensions, over-stated their profits, manipulated their share prices and raised new capital under false pretences:
Accusations any normal businessman would have been sent to prison for.
From 2001 to 2013 - 100,000 small UK businesses were mis-sold hundreds of billions of dodgy loans by Clydesdale/Yorkshire Bank, RBS, Barclays Lloyds & HSBC related to a rigged/ non-existent Libor rate!
These mis-sold loans loaded with massive hidden charges have destroyed many thousands of these businesses, and continue to do so. Some of the banks have washed their hands by offloading these loans to American vulture funds to break up these businesses.
PPI Mis-selling affected many millions of us, but still the banks get away with it with new scandals continually surfacing.
Banks were being brought to book for PPI, but the Government has now decided to water down/cancel it’s own investigation into banking culture.
Sign this petition which asks George Osborne to restart the Financial Conduct Authority investigation into banking culture.
Jail Crooked ‘Fat Cat’ Bankers Don’t Reward Them!
The Government’s Financial Conduct Authority has dropped a major investigation into bank pay, promotion, bonuses and other incentives. Osborne said he knew nothing about this - so SIGN this petition to ask him to reverse this decision!
USA & Iceland jail crooked Bankers
Vietnam shoots crooked Bankers
The UK rewards crooked and inept Bankers!
UK banks brought our country to it’s knees with a £1.3 TRILLION debt, and we, the taxpayer, bailed them out.
It’s time for a change. We need to make banking accountable, responsible, fair and honest, AND, once more, COMPETITIVE.
Dodgy and irresponsible bank lending and too much bank leverage led to the 2008 financial crash!
How many times does the taxpayer/uk population have to be kicked?
Had the Bankers not brought the country to its knees in 2008 what state would the NHS and other public services be in right now? - Better funded for sure. How deep would the cut's need to be, had it not been for the 10's of billions to keep Banks afloat due to fat cat greed and arrogance.
The Bankers have stolen your money, robbed your pensions, over-stated their profits, manipulated their share prices and raised new capital under false pretences:
Accusations any normal businessman would have been sent to prison for.
From 2001 to 2013 - 100,000 small UK businesses were mis-sold hundreds of billions of dodgy loans by Clydesdale/Yorkshire Bank, RBS, Barclays Lloyds & HSBC related to a rigged/ non-existent Libor rate!
These mis-sold loans loaded with massive hidden charges have destroyed many thousands of these businesses, and continue to do so. Some of the banks have washed their hands by offloading these loans to American vulture funds to break up these businesses.
PPI Mis-selling affected many millions of us, but still the banks get away with it with new scandals continually surfacing.
Banks were being brought to book for PPI, but the Government has now decided to water down/cancel it’s own investigation into banking culture.
Sign this petition which asks George Osborne to restart the Financial Conduct Authority investigation into banking culture.