To: Human rights committee
Clinical waste bins for Catheter users

Dear human rights committee,
As a catheter user like hundreds of thousands of people in the UK, a lot of the public toilets are not very clinical waste friendly, only that of sanitary pads.
Now catheters cannot go in the normal waste bins, and many of the public conveniences, especially in shopping centres do not have a clinical waste bin.
It is already embarrassing enough to be using catheters let alone no where to dispose of them afterwards correctly.
It's about time this changed and to be made mandatory in all public toilets, so that people who do use them feel that their right is being upheld.
As a catheter user like hundreds of thousands of people in the UK, a lot of the public toilets are not very clinical waste friendly, only that of sanitary pads.
Now catheters cannot go in the normal waste bins, and many of the public conveniences, especially in shopping centres do not have a clinical waste bin.
It is already embarrassing enough to be using catheters let alone no where to dispose of them afterwards correctly.
It's about time this changed and to be made mandatory in all public toilets, so that people who do use them feel that their right is being upheld.
Why is this important?
This is very important for people who do use catheters that the correct bins are supplied, and that the waste does not cause any infection control issues.