50 signatures reached
To: Priti Patel, Home Secretary
Compensate Windrush victims of injustice without delay
Within six months compensate those - at least 850 people - whom the Home Office has admitted were wrongfully detained and who have applied under the Windrush Compensation scheme. The report following the independent review of the Windrush scandal refers to the 'ignorancer and thoughtlessness of the Home Office leading to " devastating outcomes which were foreseeable and avoidable."
Why is this important?
The misery caused to individuals and their families has been devastating. The BBC film 'Sitting in Limbo' documents just one case but 1275 people have applied to the Windrush Compensation scheme. Fourteen months later, only 60 have received any compensation. If Priti Patel is 'truly sorry' can she commit to dealing with all these claims within six months?. The claimants have had their lives torn up; they have lost their jobs and access to healthcare and benefits to which they were entitled. it is time the government did more than apologise. They should show urgency in putting right what has gone so shamefully wrong. 83 people wrongfully deported are still awaiting the right to return to the UK. 13 have died while waiting.