To: Education Secretary

CPR Training in All Schools

To make CPR Training a compulsory core Topic for all involved in supervising / caring for school children.

Why is this important?

I had a Traumatic experience while working as a Staff nurse in the E.D. / A.& E. department of a district general Hospital in southern England. The incident involved a 14 years old School girl, who had a history of epilepsy,a supply teacher who was supervising a group of school children,was unaware of this girls history,and was alerted to the child having collapsed in school playground. The supply teacher had no training in CPR or even basic First-aid, teacher thought the child had fainted [mid-summer] and left the child lying on her back and covered her with school blazer and called for Emergency Ambulance. The paramedics arrived some 12 minutes later and only then was resuscitation measures [CPR] commenced. The child was intubated and received emergency care en route to the Hospital by ambulance staff. Resuscitation protocol was continued in the A.& E. for almost an hour with no return of vital signs, sadly the child was pronounced dead after all Advanced resuscitation measures were exhausted. Some time later I heard a "blood curdling" scream from her Mother upon being informed of her childs demise. One of the saddest aspects of that terrible day was placing the childs school uniform into a hospital property bag to accompany her to Hospital mortuary. I feel strongly that anyone supervising or responsible for school children should have Emergency training at the basic level in C.P.R. Later I was horrified to learn that there was / is NO requirement by local Education depts for these life-saving skills.
