To: Health secretary Matt Hancock

NHS staff: Extended death in service protection

Legislation to pass death in service cover is needed from the Government for all healthcare workers, to give them peace of mind for their families and loved ones

Why is this important?

Death in service
Support to extend death in service cover is needed from the Government for all healthcare workers, to give them peace of mind for their families and loved ones, should the worst happen.

Now more than ever with the pandemic of covid 19 and the NHS STAFF working tirelessly to treat the patients, we are just as vulnerable as anyone else. PPE does not make us immune.

The dependants of NHS staff receive their full death in service entitlement, irrespective of whether they are an active member of the NHS pension scheme.

To ensure medical students, junior colleagues and lower paid NHS staff’s families receive a fair entitlement, we are also calling for the introduction of a minimum amount payable if an NHS worker dies in service.
