100 signatures reached
To: Glasgow City Council
Do not close Glasgow People's Palace and Winter Gardens indefinitely!

Commit to making the urgent repairs needed in an agreed time frame to ensure this valuable resource remains available to the people of Glasgow.
Publish a plan of works that is open and transparent.
Also to investigate why this building was allowed to degrade into such a state of disrepair.
Publish a plan of works that is open and transparent.
Also to investigate why this building was allowed to degrade into such a state of disrepair.
Why is this important?
This is a iconic historic landmark, and is home to a collection dedicated to documenting the social history of Glasgow. When it was opened in 1898, Lord Rosebery described it as "A palace of pleasure and imagination around which the people may place their affections and which may give them a home on which their memory may rest" - and he declared the building "open to the people for ever and ever!"
This building is a hive of activity and local people hold it in their hearts and they are passionate and proud of its success. It's physical building is a significant but also the events and activities it hosts contribute to the health and well being of local people and also contribute to the Glasgow's vibrant and historic culture.
This building is a hive of activity and local people hold it in their hearts and they are passionate and proud of its success. It's physical building is a significant but also the events and activities it hosts contribute to the health and well being of local people and also contribute to the Glasgow's vibrant and historic culture.