500 signatures reached
To: Cllr Warren Morgan at Brighton and Hove city council
Do not close our only lifeline. Please keep Tower House day centre open.

Would like them to reconsider the closure of our day centre in Brighton.
Why is this important?
Tower House is not just a day centre for us. This is where we've all grown very close friendships with each other and this will break up our friendship and harm our mental well being.
There are no other services in the area like this for service users with so many complex needs. Some of us don't see any one in the week, so without our centre we would be totally isolated. Some of us are wheelchair bound and are being looked after by our partners or family. So coming to Tower House is a respite for our loved ones and a chance for us to be in a social environment.
Some of us elderly, disabled from birth or disabled due to illness or injury.
Please save our centre as this is a lifeline for us and we have nowhere else to go.
There are no other services in the area like this for service users with so many complex needs. Some of us don't see any one in the week, so without our centre we would be totally isolated. Some of us are wheelchair bound and are being looked after by our partners or family. So coming to Tower House is a respite for our loved ones and a chance for us to be in a social environment.
Some of us elderly, disabled from birth or disabled due to illness or injury.
Please save our centre as this is a lifeline for us and we have nowhere else to go.
How it will be delivered
By email and printed form delivered to cllr Warren Morgan at Brighton and hove city council.