10 signatures reached
To: Salford Council
Domestic fly tipping

To clean up all the rubbish that's at the front and back of the properties in the Seedley area and, make sure all the domestic fly tippers are issued with a fixed penalty/fine notice. Keeping our area clean and tidy will make people proud of their surroundings, this inturn would result in less domestic fly tipping. Salford council should care about the streets of Salford and make the changes to make people pay for domestic fly tipping.
Why is this important?
The area has a litter problem just like every other area in the uk. Let's bring back the pride communities once had and stop the social decay we have on our streets. The current state of the area makes it a very undesirable place to live. We have the Quays on our doorstep and need to make some serious changes in order to not remain as the 'poor relations'