50,000 signatures reached
To: Rishi Sunak - Prime Minister

Don’t slash your pension promises to fund tax cuts for the wealthy
Why is this important?
It looks like the Government could take from pensioner’s incomes to fund tax cuts while we’re all facing a cost of living crisis. Even if your income doesn’t come from a pension right now, this could be the beginning of slashing people’s protections to make the rich richer.
The Government’s refusal to say they’ll protect people from pension poverty is all over the news, but right now this is just an idea they’re floating to see if they could get away with it. They could change their minds if they realise this could cost them the next election.
We need to act now. If thousands of us sign the petition, it will show the Government that if they want to stay in power, they can’t take from us all to give to the rich.
The Government’s refusal to say they’ll protect people from pension poverty is all over the news, but right now this is just an idea they’re floating to see if they could get away with it. They could change their minds if they realise this could cost them the next election.
We need to act now. If thousands of us sign the petition, it will show the Government that if they want to stay in power, they can’t take from us all to give to the rich.